Chapter 398 Siege and Defense
As Wang Hao predicted, on the fifth day after the humans retreated to the major cities, the barbarian army approached the city.

Countless barbarians emerged from the depths of the wilderness. They gathered at the foot of Fengqi City. Looking from the city wall, they were densely packed and densely packed.

Fat Mouse found Xinxin's mother and daughter and sent them to Fengqi City.

In the battle five days ago, more than half of the generals died. Fat Rat, Mantis, and Pan Shi were all promoted to Commander-in-Chief due to their military merits, and each led a team of thousands to guard the east wall of Fengqi City.

Looking at the enemies below who couldn't see the border, Fat Rat grinned wryly and said, "Damn it, after staying in the Qilin Army for so long, I don't even know that there are so many barbarians in the Wilderness!"

Pan Shi looked serious, "Five years ago, we had 6 people, and the barbarians had 1 people, but now, we only have 2 people in Fengqi City, and there are [-] barbarians besieging the city!"

Mantis interjected: "There is no way. The Fengqi Domain is more than just one city. Since we can't take over all the residents of the city, we can only divide our troops to protect it!"

"Fortunately, we didn't fight from the plains this time. There are city walls. We just need to hold on!"

Fat Rat curled his lips, "But the barbarians have surrounded all four directions, east, west, north, south, and if they lose again this time, they won't even be able to escape!"

Pan Shi didn't take it seriously, "As the boss said, the advantages of our humans lie in martial arts, strong walls, and formations. It was a huge mistake to fight against the barbarians on the plain before!"

"Speaking of the boss, I don't know how long he will stay in seclusion. If he is not here, I feel a little uneasy!"

Mantis laughed and said, "This is not like our Big Brother Rock!"

Fat Rat shook his wrist, and called out the Horcrux, "No matter what, these barbarians can't disturb the boss's cultivation. If they want to enter the city, they have to ask first. The Horcrux in our hands, Answer or not!"

"That's right! Don't say 20 barbarians, even if 30 or [-] come, if you want to break the city, you have to let them go home!"

The leader of the Qilin Army stood at the south gate of Fengqi City with a calm expression. After experiencing a disastrous defeat, his state of mind became even calmer.

The barbarian army is 800 meters away from the city wall. This distance can effectively weaken the power of bows and arrows.

The barbarians kept silent, as if they were waiting for something.

"Why don't these barbarians attack the city?" A human archer let go of his longbow, and wiped the sweat from his palms on his trouser legs vigorously. "Are you trying to scare us by surrounding them like this without fighting?"

The soldiers beside him also cursed, "Whatever it is! As long as they dare to advance 200 meters, I will shoot their heads through!"

After five days of training, the accuracy of the archers has improved a lot. Talented fighters can even shoot a fallen leaf 600 meters away.

The human craftsmen have not been idle for the past five days. They put seal symbols capable of piercing armor on the arrowheads of the feather arrows they drove out a few days ago.

The Feather Arrow blessed with seal symbols is more powerful and has a higher aim. More importantly, it can make the entire Feather Arrow pierce the barbarian's body, and even penetrate into the barbarian's bone!
There is even a refiner who even changed the style of the arrow and added three blood slots. Once injured by this kind of arrow, the wound will not heal and the blood will flow continuously. Even a strong body like a barbarian can't bear it.

There are even more vicious craftsmen who call alchemists in the army to quench the most poisonous poison into the arrows. Once this poison is fused with the blood, it will immediately emit strong corrosive toxicity like corpse water. Corrode the flesh and blood!
The battle between humans and the barbarians has formed an inextricable hatred. No matter how vicious the method is, it is not an exaggeration to use it on the enemy.

Oil barrels full of fuel oil were carried up the city wall. This is not an ordinary oil barrel. There are dense seal characters engraved on the wall of the barrel. Once it breaks, it will call out the burning flames of the three suns. Its power is stronger than ordinary oil barrels. The flame is a hundred times stronger!
Huge rolling stones were also sent to the city wall. The rolling stones are not ordinary stones, but made of a kind of ore called Qianjin Stone. How much should a big jack stone weigh?
In addition to oil barrels and rolling stones, there were also ballistas sent to the city wall. Ballistas were divided into two types, one was a hundred ballista and the other was a siege crossbow.

The Hundred Ballista is a box similar to a group of hidden weapons. There are a hundred holes in the front. Once the mechanism is triggered, a hundred crossbow arrows engraved with seal characters will be shot out in just three breaths.

Moreover, these hundred crossbow carts can only be used once. The refiners have collected a lot of yuan rings in the hands of soldiers. Although the capacity of ordinary soldiers' yuan rings is not large, it is more than enough to hold a thousand crossbow bolts.

The masters of Yuan Jie are the crossbowmen who operate the Hundred Ballista. After the Hundred Ballista fires once, they will control Yuan Jie, take out another hundred arrows, and the Ballista will automatically load them.

The internal mechanism of the ballista is exquisite, and it is very quick to load. Several ballistas are fired alternately, forming a scene of non-stop shooting, which is quite spectacular.

Each ballista can shoot ten to twenty times, which can be called the number one weapon for defending the city!

As the name suggests, the siege crossbow was originally used for siege. The crossbow on the engineering vehicle is three meters long and five meters wide, and the string is a two and a half meter long crossbow spear.

Needless to say, the head of the crossbow gun is naturally engraved with the best and strongest armor-piercing seal talisman, but the reason why the crossbow gun can be crowned with the name of "siege" is not only due to the armor-piercing seal talisman .

In the gun body of the crossbow gun, there is a Lihuo spar hidden, Lihuo spar is extremely unstable, as long as there is a violent collision, it will explode violently.

Moreover, the power of the explosion was astonishing. A spar the size of a pinky finger could explode more powerfully than twenty oil barrels detonated at the same time.

The siege crossbow was originally a sharp weapon for blowing up the city gates and walls. If it was used against ordinary barbarians, it would be overkill, but it was just right for those elephant soldiers!

In the battle five days ago, humans have already seen the power of the elephant soldiers. The skin of the giant elephant is as hard as a rock, and the ordinary armor-piercing seal talisman cannot penetrate it at all!
If these behemoths cannot be stopped, once they are allowed to approach the city gate, each giant elephant will be a living battering ram.

Time passed bit by bit, the sky gradually darkened, and the face of the human warrior was full of tension.

From the commander to the most ordinary warrior, it is now clear what the barbarians are waiting for.

They are waiting for dark!
Once night falls, the viewing distance on the city wall will definitely decrease a lot. Even if the soldiers are all warriors with realms and their eyes are easier to use than ordinary people, they can see at most 300 meters away from the city wall.

With impaired vision, both archers and crossbow carts became blind and could only shoot indiscriminately.

"Damn it! When did these savages become so smart!"

The commander of the Qilin army was furious. If the bow and crossbow didn't work, then the battle would be impossible.

He immediately called the seal talisman master in the army, and asked eagerly: "The barbarian thieves are going to fight at night, our archers and crossbowmen must not become blind, can we think of a way to prevent it from getting dark?"

Master Zhuan Fu is an old man, his expression is calm, and he has the demeanor of a master.

"Returning to Commander, there is a way. Just build a luminous formation above Fengqi City, and it will make the surrounding ten miles as bright as day. It's just that it takes time to build a new formation!"

The commander's face looked better. It's better to have a way than nothing.

"How much time do you need?"

"An hour!"

"In half an hour, the sky will be completely dark. We will try our best to hold on for half an hour! The lives of all the soldiers and the people in the city are in your hands!"

The old man nodded vigorously, "I will definitely live up to the commander's entrustment!"

It was getting darker and darker, and when the last ray of sunlight disappeared, the drums of war representing the barbarian attack sounded.

Pan Shi looked up at the sky from the city wall. Today, there are no stars in thousands of miles, and the moon does not know where it is hidden. He sighed deeply.

"It seems that even God doesn't want to help us!"

The beating of the war drums became more and more urgent, and the rumbling sound continued. Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled slightly, and the sound of thousands of people stepping on the ground could be heard endlessly.

"Archer, take the arrow!"

With an order from the south city wall, a thousand archers stringed their arrows at the same time, and then stretched the bowstring into a full moon.

Beads of sweat remained on the archer's forehead, not because he was tired, but because he was too nervous.

They opened their eyes wide, but their eyes were extremely dark, and they couldn't see the target. Could it be that they really had to rely on their feelings to shoot indiscriminately?
Naturally, the commander of the Qilin Army would not issue such absurd orders. Feathers and arrows are limited, and they must not be used indiscriminately until the arrival of reinforcements.

He summoned the strong man, then summoned more than ten primordial stones, and activated them with primordial force.

After the primordial stone was activated, it emitted a glistening white light, and was thrown out by the commander.

These primordial stones, like shooting stars, pierced the night sky, bringing a flash of light to the archers.

The rest of the powerhouses immediately imitated the leader's appearance and did the same thing.

The powerhouses are full of strength, the primordial stone can be thrown for thousands of meters, and there are even strong men who can control the sword, inject ideas into the primordial stone, and when it passes over the barbarian army, it bursts loudly, bursting out with even more dazzling light.

With the bright light, even if there was only a moment of light, the archers could find the target, and before giving orders, they let go of the fingers that hooked the bowstring.

The bowstring that was pulled into the full moon tensed instantly, and the huge force pushed the feathered arrow and shot it into the sky.

When the feather arrow flew a distance of more than [-] meters, it reached the highest point, and then the arrow pointed downward and fell to the ground.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The sound of feathered arrows piercing the air was endless, even temporarily covering the sound of the barbarian war drums.


The moment a feathered arrow touched the barbarian's body, the seal symbol on the arrow suddenly lit up, making the arrow extremely sharp!
Feather arrow pierces the heart!Killed the first barbarian in this defense battle.

(End of this chapter)

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