Chapter 466 Cockroach Guard
Only those who are above the Earth Martial Realm can survive without eating, just by absorbing the vitality of the world.

But it takes a lot of time to cultivate to the Earth Martial Realm. Even if the Zerg has a special promotion method, it is absolutely impossible to complete it in a day or two.

Before that, one must eat and drink, and all of these are not possessed by the treasure house of God.

Even weak worms can ignore the seal left by the human supreme and come in and out of the worm nest, but apart from the yellow sand, there is not even a trace of green in the secret realm, so there is nothing to eat, and it is enough to support such a huge worm. Nest survival?
These are all mysteries, but Wang Hao has an intuition that this mystery is related to the biggest secret of the treasure house of God!

"Boss, if this artifact is really occupied by the female worm, how can you get this artifact?"

A confident smile appeared on Wang Hao's face, "As long as I can touch the core of the treasure house of God, I can take it as my own!"

Wang Hao's words sounded very arrogant. Even the Supreme cannot forcibly deprive the artifact bound to the soul. How can he do it?
However, Jia Houwei trusted Wang Hao 100%, although he had doubts in his heart, he didn't say much.

Wang Hao's confidence stems from the reward he received in the epic mission - the treasure scroll.

No matter what kind of treasure it is, in front of this scroll, it will obediently belong to Wang Hao.

For this reward, Wang Hao was a little unconcerned before, thinking that although the scroll of changing hands of the treasure is precious, it is not worthy of the difficulty of the epic task, but now it seems that his own vision is too narrow.

Being able to take an artifact as his own is something that no one can imagine except him.

After the two stepped into the worm's nest, they walked straight along the wormhole. The two carefully avoided the worms and headed for the depths of the worm's nest.

But they soon ran into trouble, the way to the worm's nest was too complicated!
The wormholes in the worm nest are densely packed, and there will be a branch within ten steps. Many branches are dead ends, like a maze.

Thinking about finding a way out, the easiest way is for Wang Hao to open the golden pupil and sort out all the wormholes.

But the consequence of doing this is that the bugs that feel the fluctuation of Yuanli force come rushing madly, tearing the two of them into pieces!
"Fatty, do you still remember when we were in the Red Flame Domain?"

Jia Houwei nodded. At the beginning when the army of the Three Realms besieged the Ice and Snow Realm, in order to relieve the pressure on Zhao Wudi, Wang Hao and Jia Houwei went to the Scarlet Flame Realm to hunt down the Tianwu experts in the Scarlet Flame Realm.

In the realm of red flames, Wang Hao was trapped in the underground labyrinth of King Sand, and it was Jia Houwei who rescued him by relying on his intuition and the law of luck.

"Boss, I understand what you mean."

Yuanli cannot be used, but morality can be displayed. The law of luck is a kind of law of heaven and earth, and insects will not notice it.

He closed his eyes, morality spread all over his body, and when he opened his eyes again, bright colors bloomed in his eyes.

"Go this way!"

Looking at Jia Houwei, who was striding forward with shooting stars, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth. Others need strong discrimination and calculation ability to walk through the maze, but for those who are lucky, they can walk with their eyes closed. to the end.

The speed of the two of them increased significantly. After turning seventy or eighty crossings in a row, Jia Houwei suddenly stopped.

"Fatty, why don't you leave?"

The expression on Jia Houwei's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Boss, we seem to have been discovered!"

"Have you been discovered?" Wang Hao's face tightened, he was able to discover the two people who were separated from each other, and the cultivation base of the other party must be above Tianwu!
"Could it be a thousand-legged centipede again?"

Wang Hao immediately rejected this idea. The thousand-legged centipede is huge, and it is impossible to approach the two quietly.


The moment Jia Houwei warned, Wang Hao's heart was also shrouded in a sense of crisis.

The two stared at the wormhole in front of them, only to see a cockroach-like worm appearing from the fork.

This bug was two meters tall, extremely fast, and its green eyes made people feel chills in their hearts.

With no way out, Wang Hao made a decision immediately!
"Dragon Yuan Sword!"

The sharp blade was unsheathed, and at the same time, Wang Hao lit the eyes of the real dragon, and the information of the bug emerged from Wang Hao's eyes.

"Cockroach Guard, Zerg, Level [-] Tianwu Realm, this is the guardian insect of the mother insect, it is extremely fast, and can spit out highly toxic venom from its mouth."

"Fatty, this bug can spit venom, be careful!"

While speaking, Wang Hao took the lead and rushed towards the cockroach guard.

From the mouth of the cockroach guard, there was an ear-piercing scream, and for a while, the insect nest vibrated!
"Sword Three, shoot the sun!"

The Longyuan sword was released from his hand, and turned into a golden feathered arrow, piercing the mouthparts of the cockroach guard.


The cockroach guard's head exploded with a "bang", and his body collapsed to the ground without breathing.

"Fatty, lead the way!"

The worm nest has rioted, and it is impossible to sneak in. Now the two of them have only two choices - escape, or rush in!

There is no doubt that Wang Hao chose the latter!
The dense crawling sound came from the wormholes in all directions, and soon, there were dense worms in front of, behind, left, and behind the two of them.

Although they were only the most common bugs that would explode themselves, their numbers reached a terrifying level, which would still bring Wang Hao great trouble.

The wormhole is narrow, and when the beheaded worm blew itself up, body fluids would inevitably splash on the two of them. As a last resort, both of them showed their true skills.

"Blood coat!"

"Armor from Dust!"

Wang Hao and Jia Houwei moved forward one after the other, advancing while killing. In order to speed up the killing, Wang Hao condensed hundreds of sword qi to surround the two of them. As long as the insects approached, the fate would be to be killed by a sword!

Amidst the continuous explosions, a more dazzling light finally appeared in front of the two of them.

"It's the exit!"

Jia Houwei rushed forward excitedly, but he suddenly found that although the exit was close at hand, the resistance he faced was getting bigger and bigger.

These bugs became crazy one by one, even if they were not beheaded, they would choose to explode in front of the two of them, using their lives to stop the two of them from advancing.

Jia Houwei seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, struggling every step of the way.

"Fatty, get out of the way!"

Hearing the shout behind him, Jia Houwei subconsciously moved to the side, and the Longyuan sword brushed his cheek and flew forward. The surging Yuanli, dragon's breath and righteousness of the sword made him feel like a real dragon coming from his ear. Flying illusion!

The sound of the dragon's chant echoed in the wormhole and spread into the depths of the worm's nest...

When Jia Houwei came back to his senses, the road in front of him had turned into the road of Shura, with insect corpses all over the ground, and there was no living thing anymore, like a scene of hell.


Wang Hao pulled Jia Houwei, who was still in shock, and continued to rush forward. When the two rushed out of the intersection, they suddenly realized.

At the end of the wormhole is a huge space, and the other end of the space is connected to another wormhole.

The swarm of insects behind the two of them stopped abruptly at the end of the wormhole. They retreated unconsciously, as if they didn't dare to step into this space.

"Boss, I have a feeling that that wormhole is connected to the core of the worm nest!"

Wang Hao nodded, "Then let us kill them!"

They had to kill them, because in front of the wormhole on the opposite side, there were a full three hundred cockroaches guarding the two of them, making low hissing sounds.

"Sudden!" "Sudden!" "Sudden!"

From the mouth of the cockroach guard, green venom spewed out. The venom was extremely fast, stabbing at the two of them like sharp knives.

"Shield from Dust!"

Jia Houwei opened Lichen's shield without hesitation, successfully blocked the first mouthful of venom, and then hundreds of volleys of venom burst the shield in an instant.

However, this gave Wang Hao a chance to prepare to attack. He launched his movement skills and entered the swarm alone.

"Sword Five, Yaoguang!"

The golden light flashed, the dragon's voice shook the sky, Wang Hao killed 39 cockroach guards with his first strike!
His actions completely angered the swarm, and the swarm rioted, directly ignoring Jia Houwei and turning their attention to Wang Hao.

Countless venoms flew towards Wang Hao, no matter how good Wang Hao's physical skills were, he couldn't completely escape the dense venom shots.


A mouthful of venom burst on Wang Hao's shoulder. In just a split second, Wang Hao felt that his shoulder was completely paralyzed.

The blood coat resisted the power of the venom, but it couldn't resist the invasion of the poison.

"Chi kiss blood!"

Wang Hao's eyes became extremely sharp, as if a hot spring gushed out of his body, and a warm feeling flooded his whole body.

As the earliest activated Dragon Bloodline, Wang Hao can exert the power of the chi kiss to the extreme.

No matter how violent the toxin in the mortal world is, it can only be completely destroyed in front of the blood of Chi kiss.

The second round of venom volley came to Wang Hao. Wang Hao swung the Longyuan Sword, and the violent sword light collided with the venom.


The sword light contained dragon's breath, and the high temperature directly evaporated the venom. At the same time, Wang Hao's shoulder had recovered to its original state.

He integrated the righteousness of the sword into the sword, and cut out the most powerful sword!
"Sword Seven, Break the Void!"

Jia Houwei, who was on the side, opened his mouth wide, looking at what happened in front of him in disbelief.

I saw the swarm of insects in front of Wang Hao, as if frozen in time, motionless, and the sword Wang Hao slashed, tearing the space apart!
The space was torn apart in less than a tenth of a breath, but at this moment, the cockroach guards of the entire swarm were torn apart!
With the Long Yuan sword back in its sheath, Wang Hao's breathing gradually stabilized.

At this time, Jia Houwei only had one feeling, shocking!

He murmured in his heart: "Boss possesses such terrifying power in the realm of Tianwu, if he breaks through to the realm of Lingwu, how terrifying will it be?"

"Who can be the opponent of the boss in the battle of the three courtyards? He will definitely have a share in the ten places!"

Wang Hao adjusted his internal breath and strode towards the opposite wormhole. He could feel a long breath blowing towards him from the wormhole.

This breath is very weak, but it is extremely old, mixed with anger... and desire!
He muttered to himself: "Mother worm? You are still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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