Chapter 474 Dream Killer

The speed of Feng Ling's attack is getting faster and faster. She is famous for her speed. The previous enemies were all defeated by her speed.

Obviously, when Fengling met her opponent this time, Wang Hao's speed was no slower than hers, every point she was faster, Wang Hao followed suit, and there was no difference between the two.

But after the two had exchanged [-] moves, Feng Ling realized something was wrong, and Wang Hao's response was really calm.

The sound of the wind chime became a little dignified, and she secretly formed a mark in her hand, and launched a surprise attack.

"Wind Scythe!"

Suddenly, Feng Ling's figure transformed into three figures, each of which was holding a sickle and attacked Wang Hao from different directions.


This is not the first time Wang Hao has seen this kind of attack. Generally speaking, among the three figures, there are two fake ones and one real one.

But Wang Hao felt murderous aura from the three figures.

"All three are true?" Wang Hao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, "It's absolutely impossible!"

Sword God Yan San's own martial arts, Jian Er's double soul movement, can maintain two real bodies at an extremely high speed. If you want to maintain all three bodies as real bodies, I am afraid that only the strong in the realm of Shenwu , to do it.

"Three figures are not all real, but the eyes can't tell the slightest difference, and the aura is completely the same, so there is only one possibility...the three figures are all fake!"

Wang Hao's expression changed slightly, and behind him, a dragon slowly emerged.

The eldest son of the dragon, the prisoner bull!
The ability of the prisoner cow can create illusions that are false and real, and can also destroy all false illusions!
Prisoner Niu's eyes, the size of copper bells, stared angrily at the three figures of the wind chime, and saw two red lights shooting out, and the three figures of the wind chime melted quickly like ice and snow caught in fire.

The illusion was shattered, and Feng Ling's true figure was exposed. She was holding a long scythe, ready to give Wang Hao a fatal blow.

Feng Ling's eyes were wide open, she did not expect that Wang Hao instantly discovered that what she was using was an illusion, not an afterimage, and deciphered it.

It was too late for her to change her tactics, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet, swing the sickle, and slash at Wang Hao's neck.

"Blood coat!"

Facing the attack of the wind chime, Wang Hao was extremely calm. He stretched out two fingers, and there was a red grid looming between the skin of the fingers.


The long scythe stopped abruptly and could no longer move forward. Wang Hao blocked the wind chime's swift attack with only two fingers.

"Your speed is very good, but unfortunately your strength is too weak!"

After saying that, Wang Hao stretched out his other arm like lightning, and grabbed Feng Ling's neck.

"Dragon Yin Throw!"

Wang Hao's arm muscles swelled. He waved his arm, and he could faintly hear five roaring dragon chants.

Wang Hao has integrated morality and blood into one, and with every gesture, he is the most powerful martial skill!


Feng Ling's figure was thrown from the side by Wang Hao and hit the ground fiercely. There had never been any damaged arena in dozens of competitions before, and a big hole was smashed out by Wang Hao!
When the smoke cleared, Feng Ling could be seen lying in the cave, motionless, as if she had passed out.

"God! So strong!"

Exclamations sounded from all sides, being able to smash the ring is enough to prove how terrifying Wang Hao's strength is!
"Huh? Why hasn't Mr. Li announced the result of the competition? Feng Ling has passed out."

"That's right, it's all over, why don't you announce the end?"

"Wait a minute, look at the expressions of Wang Hao and Mr. Li!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone hurriedly focused their eyes on the faces of the two people on the stage.

Old Li had a smile on his face, while Wang Hao's was slightly serious.

If you observe carefully, you can see Wang Hao's legs and arms, the muscles are tight, ready to launch a swift attack at any time.

His eyes were moving rapidly, as if something was moving rapidly in front of him.


The body of the wind chime in the pit ignited a mass of orange flames. The flames ignited fiercely and extinguished quickly. When the flames dissipated, only half of the wooden stake was left.


The audience under the arena were stunned. Many martial artists in the first and second levels of Lingwu couldn't tell when Fengling would replace her body.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

The ring resounded with the sound of gusts of wind, which was the sonic boom caused by the collision of Feng Ling's body with the air.

But Wang Hao ignored the sounds coming from all directions. The speed of the wind chime was so fast that when the sonic boom sounded, her figure had changed three to five times again.

"With such a fast speed, at the same level, I'm afraid I can't find another person?"

Wang Hao finally got serious, Feng Ling's performance aroused his fighting spirit.

"That's good, otherwise there is no difficulty at all, how can I get experience?"

"call out!"

The sound of the sonic boom exploded behind Wang Hao, and at the same time as the sound, there was the figure of the wind chime.

There was a slight excitement in Feng Ling's eyes. Her sickle had already fallen, but Wang Hao still didn't respond.

She sneered in her heart: "Do you think my figure and the sonic boom are out of sync? I didn't expect such a small trick to succeed. I still think highly of him."

Different from the previous attack, the scythe in Feng Ling's hand was silent, not even a trace of momentum was emitted.

Feng Ling, a born assassin!
The scythe hit Wang Hao's neck without a doubt. The moment the scythe touched Wang Hao's neck, Feng Ling's eyes looked at Mr. Li who was supervising the battle.

Her eyes seemed to be able to speak, as if she was questioning Mr. Li, "Aren't you going to stop it?"

Mr. Li still had a smile on his face, but the smile before was to praise the ingenuity of the wind chime substitute, but the smile now was a little mocking.

Feng Ling was puzzled, "Laughing? Why is Mr. Li laughing at me? Could it be..."

The next moment, she knew the answer, because the sickle in her hand passed through Wang Hao's body, and there was no feedback of any power on the handle.

The wind chimes were chopped off, and Wang Hao's figure slowly dissipated.

"Illusion!" Feng Ling was shocked, "When did I fall into his illusion?!"

"Puff puff!"

Three ground breaking sounds came from the foot of the wind chime, she looked down and saw three vines growing out of the arena at an extremely fast speed, binding her limbs.


The wind chime couldn't move, no matter how much she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the vine's shackles.

Feng Ling knew that these vines were fake, because she was already in an illusion, maybe not only the vines were fake, but everything in front of her was fake.

In the real world, Wang Hao stood still, and the wind chimes that had been moving at high speed suddenly stopped and appeared in front of everyone.

Feng Ling's hands were clinging to her sides, as if bound by ropes, her whole body was shaking violently, as if she was struggling.

The phantom of the prisoner cow behind Wang Hao became more and more real. Wang Haoxu sat in the air with a Guqin on his lap.

Horcrux... Tian Moqin.

The sound of the piano is clear, melodious and intoxicating, but once you are really intoxicated, you will be pulled into the illusion without a sound.

The sound of the zither stopped abruptly, Wang Hao put away the Tian Mo qin, and the bloody soul of the prisoner behind him also retracted into his body.

He walked up to Feng Ling step by step, then raised his right hand, his right hand turned into a palm, turned into a hand knife, as long as he landed the knife on Feng Ling's neck, the contest would be over.

"I won."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Hao's palm cut heavily on Fengling's neck, and Fengling's body softened and collapsed.

Feng Ling was in a coma, and this contest was over.

Mr. Li walked towards the two of them, ready to announce the result of the competition.

What the two didn't notice was that in the queue of Phoenix Academy, a beautiful and enchanting woman had a mysterious smile on her face.

A little girl beside her asked strangely: "Big sister, Sister Fengling is about to lose, how can you still laugh?"

The woman known as the elder sister smiled and said: "Who told you that Fengling was going to lose? In this competition, Fengling won."

The little girl was puzzled, and another woman interjected: "You entered the academy too early, and you have never heard of the wind chimes. The wind chimes come from the Haijin domain in the 36 outer domains. When she was young, her family encountered pirates and her relatives were killed. gone."

"At that time, Feng Ling was still very young. When she saw a pirate walking towards her with a knife, she fainted from fright. When she woke up, all the pirates were dead, and the death was terrible. Every pirate's face was full of scars. With the color of horror."

The little girl asked strangely: "Did someone rescue Sister Fengling?"

"No! No one saved her!" The little girl spoke of the elder sister, "Feng Ling thought it was someone who saved her at first, until one time, she went to the mountain to collect medicine and was surrounded by wolves."

"At that time, there was only the wind chime of the Martial Apprentice Realm, and she was no match for the wolves at all. The hatchet in her hand could not even cut through the wolf's skin. She was thrown under by the wolves, and her life was at stake."

"When Feng Ling woke up again, the pack of wolves had been slaughtered, and it was her hatchet that stuck in the wolf king's forehead!"

The little girl couldn't help shivering when she heard this, "Could it be that the one who killed pirates and wolves..."

"That's right! It's Feng Ling himself!"

"Her bloodline is different from that of ordinary people. Only after she loses all consciousness in a coma can she exert her true power!"

"If Feng Ling is awake, she must not be Wang Hao's opponent, but when she loses consciousness...even I don't want to fight her!"

The little girl looked at the wind chimes on the ring with unbelievable eyes. She knew how powerful the senior sister was, and how terrifying the wind chimes that even the senior sisters didn't want to fight against were?

Mr. Li, who was about to walk in front of Fengling, stopped abruptly. He is a martial arts expert, and his ability to predict crises is stronger than Wang Hao.

He could clearly feel a terrifying power emerging from the depths of Feng Ling's body.

This feeling, like having a demon, has been unleashed.

Mr. Li's actions attracted Wang Hao's attention, and at the moment when he was separated, there was a sudden darkness in front of him.

Fengling didn't know when she stood up from the ground, and the expression above the scarf was ferocious, which made people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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