The strongest training system

Chapter 53 The Phoenix Dance City

Chapter 53 The Phoenix Dance City
"After decades of hard work, once I return to before liberation! It probably refers to my current appearance!"

Looking at the primordial stones that had returned to zero in the inventory, Wang Hao sighed in his heart. Four bottles of second-level experience potions had spent all his primordial stones, leaving nothing left.

"The system prompts that you have taken the second-level experience potion and gained 700 experience points. The current experience value is 780/800 at the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm!"

"The system prompts that you have taken the second-level experience potion and gained 700 experience points. The current experience value is 680/900 at the eighth level of Yuanwu Realm!"

"The system prompts that you have taken the second-level experience potion and gained 700 experience points. The current experience value is 480/1000 at the ninth level of Yuanwu Realm!"

"The system prompts that you have taken a second-level experience potion and gained 519 experience points. The current experience value is 999/1000 at the ninth level of Yuanwu Realm!"

After taking four bottles of level-[-] experience potions one after another, Wang Hao's realm was like a rocket class flying straight into the sky. He wanted to shout out when he was so happy, but the last system prompt made Wang Hao stunned.

"510 experience points, shouldn't it be [-]?" Wang Hao was a little surprised. You must know that the experience points provided by the second-level experience potion are [-] points!

"Could it be that the barrier between the two great realms cannot be broken through with experience potions?"

Wang Hao's thoughts changed, and he asked Lin Ting in front of him: "Elder Lin, I would like to ask you a question about cultivation. Is there anything special that needs to be paid attention to when breaking through the Yuanwu Realm to the Xuanwu Realm?"

Wang Hao didn't exude any momentum when he upgraded. Lin Ting didn't know that Wang Hao's realm had reached the peak of Yuanwu Realm, so he replied with a smile: "Your boy is only at the seventh level of Yuanwu Realm, so you only care about breaking through Xuanwu Realm. Alright? Let me tell you in advance, the biggest difference between Xuanwu Realm and Yuanwu Realm lies in the condensing of bloodline souls!"

"Bloodline soul?" It's not the first time Wang Hao heard this term, but he doesn't know much about bloodline soul.

"The display of the power of the bloodline requires the support of sufficient energy. Only when the warrior reaches the Xuanwu level can the power of the bloodline be truly exerted."

"Xuanwu state is the qualitative change of a warrior's strength. The bloodline determines the ultimate achievement of a warrior. A powerful bloodline can burst out several times the power after condensing the soul of the bloodline. I will suppress the realm to the first level of the Xuanwu state. Let me show you !"

After the words fell, Lin Ting's aura burst out suddenly, and a great sense of fear penetrated into the depths of Wang Hao's heart. Wang Hao felt as if he had fallen into the vortex of Lin Ting's power, unable to move an inch.

"Break it for me!"

Wang Hao roared in his heart, and the power of Yazi's bloodline and Chiki's bloodline erupted at the same time, driving out the fear that Lin Ting had brought to him immediately.

The oppressive feeling disappeared, and Wang Hao finally saw what Lin Ting showed him clearly. Behind Lin Ting, at some time, a giant green python spit out bright red letters, a pair of black The eyeballs exude a frightening light.

This giant python was originally an illusion, but it looked extremely real to the naked eye. Wang Hao could even vaguely feel the fishy wind blowing on his face when the giant python spit out the letter.

Wang Hao exclaimed: "The python of the jungle!"

Lin Ting nodded, "That's right, this is my bloodline soul!"

Wang Hao fell into a deep shock. He was also at the first stage of the Xuanwu Realm. The strength Lin Ting displayed was more than ten times stronger than Wang Lun who had been taking drugs to forcibly raise his realm!
Wang Hao's heart was burning hot, "Elder Lin, how to condense the soul of the bloodline?"

Lin Ting laughed and said, "You don't need to be taught this by others. When you reach the peak of the Yuanwu Realm, you will naturally feel the difference when you practice, but I must remind you that to gather the soul of the blood, you must achieve great success in Jue Yuan Jue." Only after that."

"The Jue Yuan Jue is to lay the foundation for a warrior's future practice. Once you break through the basalt realm, the Yuan force will be soaked by the soul of the blood. If you want to practice the Ju Yuan Jue, the difficulty will increase several times."

"I remember!" Wang Hao kept Lin Ting's words in his heart. His Yuanli had been compressed four times, but he was confident of compressing it for the fifth time!
"It seems that we are breaking through money, we must find a way to practice Juyuan Jue to great success!"

After bidding farewell to Lin Ting, Wang Hao and Zhao Muer went down the mountain together. Xuefeng City is a long way away. Even if the two of them rushed on non-stop, it would take at least three days to arrive.

"Wang Hao, just now Elder Lin Ting released the soul of the blood, how did you wake up?" Zhao Muer was very curious. When Lin Ting released the soul of the blood, [-]% of the pressure was suppressed on Wang Hao, and she shared a little of the remaining power , but it was this lingering prestige that almost made her mentally collapse, but Wang Hao's fear only lasted for less than ten seconds, and he immediately woke up.

"Maybe my bloodline is special!" Wang Hao explained with a smile. He suddenly had an idea in his mind, whether he could use the power of Longzi's bloodline to create a defensive profound weapon for Zhao Muer. With this The mysterious weapon can prevent Zhao Mu'er from being directly broken by the opponent when facing a strong enemy.

"Mu'er, do you have jade?"

Zhao Mu'er took out a palm-sized jade stone from the ring, "The things I bought when I was shopping at the foot of the mountain before, let's see if they work."

Wang Hao took the jade, and his face was overjoyed, "This is fat jade, which is very permeable to Yuanli, and can be used to make profound weapons."

Zhao Muer asked strangely: "Wang Hao, what are you going to do?"

"Let's stop and hurry, I'll make you something nice."

Stopping, Wang Hao immediately got busy. He took out a set of carving tools from the inventory, which was given to him by He Lao before parting with He Lao.

The creamy jade in his hand contained a lot of impurities. Wang Hao carefully polished it. After more than two hours, the palm-sized jade had turned into a coin-sized exquisite jade pendant.

On the jade pendant is engraved a fierce beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a fish, which is exactly the image of the Chi kiss.

After the preparations were over, Wang Hao bit his finger, and the bright red blood dripped on the jade pendant, which was absorbed immediately.

One drop, two drops, three drops... The originally nearly transparent fat jade was dyed blood red, and the image of the chi kiss became more and more vivid.

"Huh!" After doing all this, Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief. The blood drop used to dye the jade contained a lot of blood power, which made him a little overwhelmed.

"The system prompts that you have successfully created a new profound weapon, please name it!"

"Dragon Blood Jade Pendant!"

"The system prompts that the mysterious weapon has been named successfully!"

"Dragon Blood Jade Pendant, a mysterious weapon, is of the first grade of mysterious quality. This jade pendant is forged with the blood of the chi kiss. It contains powerful dragon power. It can resist the suppression of the realm. If you are seriously injured, you can use the pieces of the jade pendant to heal it. It has the effect of life and death!"

Wang Hao handed the dragon blood jade pendant to Zhao Mu'er, and told her the efficacy of the dragon blood jade pendant in detail.

Zhao Muer opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief, "Wang Hao, do you know how to refine weapons?"

"What do you think I have learned after staying with Mr. He for more than 20 days?"

Zhao Mu'er's throat rolled. She and her grandfather always believed that Wang Hao had been learning the method of cultivation from Mr. He during the 20 days of his disappearance. Unexpectedly, he had learned the art of refining weapons.

"Concentrate on learning the technique of refining weapons, and you can also improve two realms within 20 days. Your cultivation talent is really scary!"

Wang Hao smiled awkwardly, and he thought in his heart: "If you know that I have already reached the ninth level of Yuanwu Realm, wouldn't you be scared to death?"

After resting for a while, the two started their journey again, and three days later, they finally arrived at Xuefeng City.

Xuefeng City is located in the northernmost part of Tianwu Continent, the temperature is extremely low, ordinary people have to wear animal skins to dare to go out of the house.

It is rumored that a mythical snow phoenix was born here ten thousand years ago, hence the name Xuefeng City. Xuefeng City is a rare big city in the Ice and Snow Region.

"Is this your hometown?" Zhao Mu'er looked curious, "This place is really lively!"

There was some bitterness in Wang Hao's eyes, "Xuefeng City is the second largest main city in the Ice and Snow Region, so it's natural to be lively. Let's go, let's meet the businessman who issued the mission first."

When the two walked into the city, many people saw that they were wearing light clothes, so they subconsciously stayed away from them. In the eyes of ordinary people, only powerful warriors are not afraid of the cold. They can't afford to provoke such a person.

Wang Hao was very familiar with Xuefeng City, he easily found the place where the merchant was, it turned out to be a pawnshop.

After explaining the situation to the waiter, the waiter immediately led Wang Hao and Wang Hao to the backyard. After a while, a fat man walked out under the protection of a group of strong men.

The fat man had a smile on his face, and he said flatteringly, "I have a lot of money, and I'm the owner of this pawn shop. The two must be the masters sent by the Snow Sword Sect to protect me, right?"

Wang Hao nodded, "Boss Qian, I hope you can explain what's going on now."

Qian Duoduo smiled wryly and said: "During the inventory in the store last month, I found a pawn that hadn't been redeemed for a long time. After a closer look, it turned out to be a treasure, and I found a buyer. I don't know who leaked the news. The young thieves are after me, but luckily I have these brothers from Weiwu Hall to protect me, otherwise my two hundred catties of meat would have rotted and stink long ago."

A one-eyed man next to Qian Duoduo said: "Boss Qian is serious. I, Wei Wu Tang, took your money, and I will try my best to protect your safety. No one in Xuefeng City knows that Wei Wu Tang values ​​credit the most. !"

Qian Duoduo said gratefully: "Thank you so much. Now that the master of Xuejianmen is here, I feel more at ease."

Zhao Mu'er said, "Boss Qian, for your safety, please let the two of us protect you personally before the transaction is completed."

"That's unnecessary!" Before Zhao Mu'er finished speaking, he was interrupted by the one-eyed man, "Boss Qian's safety is naturally protected by my brother Cheng Fei and Weiwutang. The two are still guarding the door. Bar!"

With that said, Cheng Fei pointed to the gate of the inner courtyard, where two watchdogs were tethered.

Zhao Mu'er's face turned cold. Cheng Fei was mocking her and Wang Hao. Her palms felt cold, and she could strike at any time to teach the unrestrained guy in front of her.

"You seem to have a problem with me?" Wang Hao said. From the moment he and Zhao Mu'er entered the door, he felt the hostility from Cheng Fei and others.

"Of course I have opinions!" Cheng Fei sneered, "Everyone knows that Xuejianmen is one of the four major sects in the Ice and Snow Domain, but who knows that it is also a thing to deceive the world. Boss Qian spent so much money, Xuejianmen They actually sent two dolls who didn’t even have their hair fully grown.”

"Say it again if you have the ability!" Zhao Muer's tone became more and more cold, and her "witch" side was about to burst out.

"Little girl, I don't want you, Mr. Cheng Fei, not to beat women. I don't have the habit of pity women. Do you want to fight? Mr. Cheng Fei will accompany you to the end!"

"You're courting death!" Zhao Mu'er waved her left hand, and the golden longbow was already in her hand.

"Crack!" Zhao Mu'er's wrist was grabbed, and she looked at Wang Hao in confusion.

"Let the fight be done by men."

(End of this chapter)

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