Chapter 747 New Missions
Since completing the task issued by the system to kill the first demon general, Wang Hao has experienced various tests such as saving his mother, sanctification, and delaying the time of demon invasion.

But the strange thing is that the system does not issue tasks.

What Wang Hao didn't expect was that the mission would appear without warning.

"The system prompts you to activate the task of 'Awakening the seventh and eighth dragon's bloodline', the task rewards, and get through all the talents."

All talents?

Wang Hao was taken aback when he heard the words. He has been promoted to the present, and every time he is promoted, a talent will be illuminated.

However, he found that even if he was promoted to Supreme, it was impossible to activate all his talents.

Unless the saint and the supreme, like other realms, are divided into nine levels, there will be enough talent points.

But he now understands that neither the Saint Martial Realm, represented by the Saint, nor the Supreme Realm, represented by the Supreme, has no subdivided realms.

A saint is a saint, and the supreme is the supreme.

"If I can activate all my talents, at least in the realm of saints, I am afraid that no one will be my opponent except the teacher. I even have the ability to compete with the Supreme!"

Wang Hao has fully understood the importance of completing this task.

"Since the system reminds me to activate two dragon bloodlines to complete the task, but the difficulty of the task has not risen to the elite level, this shows that the eighth dragon blood should be as easy to activate as the other six cage bloodlines.

The problem... appeared on the bloodline of the seventh dragon son! "

Wang Hao sank his consciousness into the depths of the spiritual world, and the stone statue of the three-headed dragon was not activated.

Of the three stone dragon statues, one of them has been broken in half, and its whole body is covered with cracks.


"Back when I was cracking the formation that Shuang Ye left for Ao Lu, the blood of Suan Ni was startled and was in a semi-activated state.

I remember that when the formation was shattered, there was a mist of dust that was inhaled into my body.

This is exactly this layer of dust, almost forcing Suan Ni to be activated when I have not successfully cultivated the seventh level of Nine Dragon Art.

If I knew what that dust was, I would definitely be able to activate the bloodline of Suan Ni! "

Wang Hao cleared his mind, but he also understood that there was only one person in the whole continent who knew what that dust was—Yaozun Shuangye.

Shuang Ye hated all people related to dragons, the previous attempt to kill Wang Hao and Wang Rulong was the best proof.

Wang Hao wanted to get an answer from Shuang Ye's mouth, it was almost whimsical.

"Forget it, wait until the Supremes resist nothingness before thinking of a way, now go to the Ice and Snow Realm to see how the battle is going."

Wang Hao rushed to the Ice and Snow Realm, and the Ice and Snow Realm was full of wolf smoke. The coalition forces and monsters fought fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Wang Hao frowned.

The abyss and the continent have been fused for a month, and fierce battles broke out every day. Why haven't all these monsters died yet?
Wang Hao couldn't figure it out, he ignored the heated battlefield and stepped into the handsome camp in one step.


The moment Wang Hao appeared, a sharp sword light, mixed with indescribable arrogance, stabbed at him.

The owner of the sword is very terrifying. Even Emperor Shenwu, if he is attacked without preparation, the end will be a dead end.

But Wang Hao is different, he has been promoted to a saint, no matter how strong this sword is, it will have no effect on him.

He just stretched out two fingers and clamped the sword in his hand.

"Wang Hao?!"

The other party took his breath away, it was Qin He.

Wang Hao smiled and said, "You are alert."

Qin He sighed, "It's okay not to be vigilant. In the past month, twelve demon emperors have tried to use it to assassinate Commander Zhao."

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. He had expected such a situation a long time ago, so he asked Qin He to come to protect him.

He saw behind Qin He, Zhao Wudi who was deducing military law in front of the sand table, his face was very tired.

"Uncle Zhao, it's time for you to rest."

Zhao Wudi shook his head, "Those hideous-looking guys don't know how to rest!"

Wang Hao sighed, and continued: "I just went to the battlefield to take a look, and found something was wrong."

Zhao Wudi asked back: "Is it a monster?"

"That's right, the war has been going on for a month. Even if the demons have already prepared for the war and raised a large number of monsters, they should be consumed by now, right?"

"Theoretically, that should be the case." Zhao Wudi rubbed his temples, "Six warriors from the Spiritual Martial Realm acted as scouts, risked their lives, approached the abyss on the ice sea, and brought back precious information.

Come and have a look. "

When Wang Hao walked to the sand table, he saw a huge island made of sand in the center of the sand table.

"Is this the abyss?" Wang Hao was very surprised, this was the first time he saw the whole picture of the abyss.

"Yes, this is the abyss."

Compared with the entire Yuanwu Continent, the abyss is not that big, but it is at least as big as three ice and snow domains.

Zhao Wudi said, "The war weapon you sent is extremely lethal to monsters. Guess how many monsters we killed in this month?"


Hearing this number, even Qin He beside him laughed.

"You underestimate the weapon of war that you have developed. It is just a ballista that can kill six or seven hundred monsters once activated."

Qin He stretched out a finger, "Add a zero after the number you just guessed."

Add a zero after 100 million, it is 1000 million!

Wang Hao couldn't help opening his mouth wide. This number shocked him deeply.


Zhao Wudi said with certainty: "That's right, the coalition forces have killed at least 1000 million monsters in the past month. Cleaning the battlefield every day and burning the ashes left by the monster corpses can pile up into a small mountain."

Wang Hao stared at the sand table, "Although the abyss is not small, it is impossible to feed 1000 million monsters, right?"

"Of course it's impossible. Even if there are 200 million monsters, the resources consumed every day are unbearable numbers for a demon, unless..."


Zhao Wudi took a deep breath, "Unless the monsters sent to the battlefield by the demons every day are newly bred that day!"

This idea is too terrifying and too far-fetched.

But other than this, there seems to be no other explanation.

"Is there any corpse of a monster?"

"Of course there is!"

Qin He immediately arranged to go down, and after a while, a complete monster corpse was carried up.

The corpse exuded a strong rancid smell, and after a while the entire surrounding soldiers covered their noses.

Wang Hao didn't even frown, he bent down and observed the monster carefully.

The appearance of the monster is very ferocious, but judging from the appearance alone, no suspicious points can be found.

Wang Hao put his right index finger and middle finger together, and a sharp sword aura overflowed from his fingers.


The sword energy easily pierced into the monster's corpse, Wang Hao slashed lightly, and the monster was ripped open.

The strong smell of blood rushed to his face, and even Qin He frowned slightly this time.

However, Wang Hao still didn't care. He reached into the monster's body and pulled out the monster's internal organs one by one.

Finally the soldier couldn't take it anymore, rushed out of the handsome camp, and vomited profusely.

Zhao Wudi said helplessly: "Although I have experienced a lot, most of them are still recruits."

Most of Zhao Jiajun's team died at the hands of the Tenth Demon General. Zhao Wudi's tone was a little sad.

Seeing Wang Hao filling the ground with the monster's internal organs, Qin He couldn't help but said, "Commander Zhao had someone do this before, and nothing abnormal was found."

"Really?" Wang Hao smiled and held up a mass of bloody organs. Qin He fixed his eyes and saw that it was the stomach of a monster.

Wang Hao tore open the monster's stomach and took out the remaining food.

It was a mass of dark green objects.

Qin He was puzzled, "What is this?"

Zhao Wudi's pupils constricted, and he thought of some possibility.


Wang Hao nodded, "That's right, it's algae."

Qin He couldn't believe it, "You mean, monsters are vegetarian?"

Wang Hao gave Qin He an angry look, "You can't even see a trace of green in the abyss, how can monsters be vegetarian?"

"But if the monster is not a vegetarian, how can there be undigested algae in the stomach?"

Before Wang Hao could explain, Zhao Wudi spoke first.

"There is only one possibility. Before it became a monster, it was a vegetarian."

Qin He trembled subconsciously, he finally understood what Wang Hao and Zhao Wudi were afraid of.

Surrounding the abyss is the sea, and what is vegetarian in the sea is, without a doubt, fish!
The Yuanwu Continent is full of vitality, and the fish are very big. If they can be cultivated into monsters, it will be very scary.

More importantly, how many fish are there in the sea?Definitely more than humans on the mainland, and much more!
The thing that Zhao Wudi was most worried about happened. The demons do have a method of cultivating monsters in a short period of time, and the resources are inexhaustible.

"At first, I was still rejoicing that there were more monsters and I could hone my fighters, but I didn't expect..."

Wang Hao said decisively: "We must find out!"

He said to Qin He: "The war is tight, you have to stay and protect Uncle Zhao, I will go to the abyss to find out."

"Okay! Be careful!"

Qin He was not worried that Wang Hao would go alone. No one could threaten Wang Hao's life unless he was discovered by the Supreme Demon Race.

Zhao Wudi reminded: "Wang Hao, although your strength has become very strong now, don't be arrogant and careless. The demons know that our supreme being is trapped in the Nine Heavens, but they don't send the demon king to sweep away the thousands of troops. There must be something wrong with it." .”

"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, I have already considered this point. I will go to the abyss this time, and I will investigate all the questions clearly."

Wang Hao changed the subject, "Besides, I'm not going to walk into the abyss openly."

Zhao Wudi was a little surprised, "Then how do you get in?"

Wang Hao smiled and said, "Go in openly!"


Three days later, at nightfall, the battle between the coalition forces and the monsters finally stopped.

The army of monsters swam back to the abyss.

Several demon warriors led the monsters ashore, but accidentally discovered that there were two half-dead humans in the mouths of the two monsters.

He laughed excitedly and cursed: "Damn it, it's been a month, and these bastards finally got me back as a living prisoner!"

(End of this chapter)

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