Chapter 758
"who are you?"

Jingjing looked nervously at the mysterious man who appeared in front of her. Although the mysterious man didn't exude any aura, it made her feel deep fear from the bottom of her heart.

This fear comes from instinct, and Jingjing's instinct tells herself that it is absolutely impossible for her to defeat the person in front of her.

She secretly said in her heart: "I am not afraid of warriors in the spiritual realm. Could it be that he is the Great Emperor of Martial Arts?"

The man who appeared suddenly did not answer Jingjing's question, he smiled slightly, and a sword energy appeared from around his body out of thin air.

Jingjing was startled immediately, and stretched out her hand to draw the evil-breaking sword behind her back.

"Twelve Wind and Cloud Styles!"

Jingjing launched her movement technique and quickly backed away. At the same time, she swung the sword in her hand and stabbed at the incoming sword energy.

What shocked Jingjing happened, the sword energy that hit seemed to have eyes, and the moment it was about to touch the evil-breaking sword, it abruptly changed its direction.


Jingjing was quick to wit, she rolled sideways, and the sword energy brushed her scalp and shot backwards.

However, this was not the end, Jian Qi flew not far away and immediately turned around, attacking her again.

Jingjing had no choice but to use the Twelve Fengyun Styles one after another to completely block her protection.

But the flexibility of the sword qi far exceeded Jingjing's imagination, no matter how fast she swung the sword, it couldn't be faster than this sword qi.

out of reach!

This sword energy is like a cat teasing a mouse, but Jingjing is the mouse.

Seeing that the sword energy was getting closer, Jingjing took a deep breath and injected her own energy into the evil-breaking sword.

"Drunk and happy!"

Jingjing once again used the sword technique she had developed.

The last time she used it, she slashed the strong demons with her sword, but this time she faced a sword energy, what would happen?
Still can't touch it!

Jingjing was desperate, the last sword did not touch the sword energy, she had no chance.

The sword energy suddenly stopped, only less than a finger away from Jingjing's throat.

Beads of sweat remained on her forehead, and she looked puzzled at the mysterious man not far away.

The mysterious man untied the jasper jug ​​from his waist, and bit open the lid of the jug.

"Drunk and happy? It's really a good name, but, without wine, not drunk, how can you be happy?"

The man seemed to be talking nonsense, but Jingjing shuddered when she heard it!
The man's words, like a languid sound, penetrated directly into the depths of her heart.

"call out!"

The sword energy in front of Jingjing flew back to the man's side, and at some point, it turned into a flying sword.

The man stretched out his hand to grab it, and the flying sword was in his hand. Then he raised his head chicly, held up the wine pot, and let the wine spill into his mouth.

Jingjing stared blankly at the man, as if he had been half petrified.

The wine in the jug seemed endless, and the man's stomach seemed like a bottomless pit.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe it's just a breath, maybe it's a stick of incense, or it's been a day and a night.

Finally, the man put down the jug in his hand.

There was a hint of wine red on his face, what a romantic and unrestrained prodigal son!

The man seemed to be drunk, and his body wobbled when he walked, but his eyes were extremely bright.

"call out!"

The sound of the gust of wind sounded, and the man waved the flying sword in his hand.

The man's swordplay looks chaotic, but in Jingjing's eyes, it is like a miracle.

This set of swordsmanship is astonishingly his own set of Yizuixiaoyao!

It's just that, compared to the man's get drunk and happy, what he uses is like a tree branch waving when children are fighting.

Jingjing was completely obsessed with the man's figure, every step the man took, every sword he swung, even the slightest sway of the hem of his clothes, were deeply imprinted in her mind.

When she woke up, a glimmer of light had just emerged from the east.

"Ah!" Jingjing woke up startled, "I've realized it!"

She danced immediately, and the evil-breaking sword in her hand drew streaks of silver light in the air.

Compared with the one performed by the man, the one she performed was very blunt, but if you look carefully, it is a three-point charm that you have already learned.

After closing the sword, Jingjing looked excitedly to find the mysterious man who taught her sword skills, but there was no one in front of her?
"Who is that mysterious senior, and why did he point me to the maze?"


In the domain of ice and snow, three piercing sounds followed closely.

Wang Hao walked out of a secret room, and was able to find himself without telling anyone where he was retreating. There are probably only two people in the whole continent who can do it-Po Jun and Qian Ji.

The one who came was Qianji, Hong and Tiandi.

"Sister Hong, is nothingness solved?"

Hong stretched her waist, "Fortunately, Yan San arrived, otherwise we would have to fight for several months."

Wang Hao asked strangely, "Where's Master?"

"Ghost knows, it was originally behind us, but somehow left halfway."

Yan San's behavior style has always been like this, Wang Hao, as an apprentice, is naturally not surprised.

The Emperor of Heaven said: "You are not guarding the front line, how did you run to such a hidden place, if it weren't for a thousand chances, we wouldn't be able to find you."

Wang Hao explained: "Master taught me the Excalibur Sword."

The Emperor of Heaven nodded, "Yan San has already told us the truth. I really didn't expect that all kinds of embarrassments in human history were planned by this continent where we live."

Qianji interjected: "Do you know why the demons have been probing instead of aggressively attacking?"

Wang Hao shook his head, "I'm also very surprised, although Jia Houwei destroyed the gate of reincarnation, and the demons can no longer mass-produce monsters, but they have been preparing for so long, it is impossible to have other means.

Demons, what are you waiting for? "

Qianji explained: "They are waiting for Yan San to ascend."

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment. He thought about many answers, but he didn't expect it to be this answer.

"Waiting for master to ascend?"

Qianji smiled and said, "I didn't understand at first, but after listening to your master's explanation, I figured it out.

On the mainland, you and Yan San are two uncertain factors to the will of the mainland.

But Yan San is relatively controllable compared to you. It exerts pressure on Po Jun, and before Yan San ascends, it is not allowed to launch a full-scale war between the two clans.

It is afraid, afraid that Yan San is concerned about the fate of mankind, breaking the agreement and not leaving. "

Wang Hao suddenly realized.

"That is to say, the moment Master ascends, is the beginning of an all-out war?"

"That's right." Qian Ji said, "Yan San is delaying time, delaying time for you."

Wang Hao nodded. The longer Yan San delays, the more likely he will learn the Excalibur Sword.

At that time, although Wang Hao is still not the Supreme, at least he can have the ability to fight the Supreme.

Qianji is old, and Menglong needs to recuperate due to his serious injury due to the shattered dream. What the coalition army lacks most now is the existence at the apex of martial arts.

Hong sighed: "It's only been a few years, and you are almost grown to the point where you can fight side by side with us. You were really blind if you were not selected in the selection of the top ten players who broke the game."

With these words, the Heavenly Emperor and Qianji couldn't hold back their faces.

It was their joint decision not to accept Wang Hao at the beginning.

Qianji said: "We are just passing by here, you can continue to practice Zhanshenjian, you must learn it before Yan San ascends!"

Wang Hao nodded, and the three Supremes left.

Before Wang Hao could re-understand the Sword of Zhan Shen, someone rushed over.


It was Yan San who rushed over.

"Did Hong tell you everything?"


Yan San smiled and said, "It's becoming more and more dissatisfied with my stay, and I can probably delay it for you for a month."

Wang Hao said confidently: "That's enough."

Yan San laughed: "Okay! When I accepted you as a disciple, besides the fact that you are a foreigner, what I valued the most was your self-confidence. It took me 30 years to realize the Sword of Exorcism, and you If you can learn it in a month, you can be regarded as blue out of blue and better than blue!"

He paused, "By the way, I met my grandson just now on the way here."

Wang Hao is Yan San's apprentice, Yan San's apprentice and grandson, which naturally refers to Wang Hao's apprentice.


Yan San nodded, "The little girl is not bad, her talent is astonishing, and she can endure loneliness and practice seriously. I am afraid that she has practiced a set of Fengyun Twelve Styles more solidly than you and me. I was very happy and gave her some pointers."

Wang Hao smiled, Jingjing might benefit a lot from Yan San's guidance.

"But there is one thing you need to pay attention to."

Yan San withdrew his smile, "I felt a trace of demon energy from Jingjing's body. I'm afraid she fought against demon warriors not long ago."

Wang Hao frowned, "People from the Demon Race wanted to infiltrate the mainland quietly, I'm afraid Uncle Zhao paid a lot of money to do it, but why did they focus on Jingjing?"

"Qianji didn't give an early warning. I'm afraid that the former king of the Wu Clan did something in the starry sky of fate. Since he wants Jingjing to die, it means that Jingjing has the ability to threaten him.

Before I left, I left a sword on Jingjing's body. Judging from the direction she was walking, she should have come to the Ice and Snow Realm to find you. This sword can keep her safe all the way.

It's just that after I ascend, it's your responsibility to protect her. "

Wang Hao is unparalleled in domineering, "Of course, no one can touch my apprentice of Wang Hao!"

Yan San was very satisfied, "In the remaining month, I will spend more than [-] days teaching you how to practice Zhan Shenjian. In the last few days, before I leave, I will help you solve some troubles and reduce some burdens. .

After all, to walk around in this world, one has to contribute something. "

Wang Hao understood what his master wanted to do, and he said, "I'll go too."

"Okay," Yan San did not refuse, "A head of the Supreme Demon Race will be your proof of becoming a teacher!"

After the words fell, Yan San called out his soul sword.

"Look carefully, this is the Excalibur Sword!"

Yan San made a move, and a set of Zhan Shenjian stirred up the situation. The clouds and mist above the two of them hurriedly dispersed, for fear of being affected by Yan San's sword.

The muffled thunder roared in the distant sky, as if even the will of the mainland felt fear.

The Sword of Slaying God can kill God!
(End of this chapter)

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