Chapter 77
The helpers of Yuelongju started to grab the sharp-toothed rats. They thought that it would not take long to complete the task assigned by Uncle Lin, but they didn't know how difficult it was until they actually did it.

Wang Hao also tried it. Just like what Uncle Lin said, the sharp-toothed mouse reacts extremely fast, and as long as there is a slight fluctuation of Yuan force when doing it by itself, it will be noticed immediately.

However, with repeated practice, the helpers of Yuelongju have gradually mastered the skills of catching rats, and they are getting more and more experienced in catching sharp-toothed rats.

The Jagtooth Rat's realm is not high, Wang Hao is not worried about the consolation of the helpers at all, this has just entered the abyss of beasts, and the danger is in the second half.

In three hours, Wang Hao had completed the task of capturing fifty rats. Following Uncle Lin's example, he broke off the rat's two fangs and released them.

"The sharp-toothed rats have a strong self-healing ability. After three months, their broken teeth will grow back. In this way, when there are merchants who need rat teeth, we can make a small profit."

Wang Hao chatted with Uncle Lin. He was not short of primordial stones. His purpose in coming to the Abyss of Beasts was to help Yuelongju, and to hone himself by fighting fierce beasts.

"Uncle Lin, I have discussed it with Qin Hui. This time, [-]% of the benefits we all get will go to you."

"What's wrong with that?" Uncle Lin hastily refused, "I should help you, and besides, I'm in deep trouble now and rely on your protection, how can I collect your money?"

"Uncle Lin, don't refuse. Without your help, we might not dare to step into the abyss of beasts. You deserve it."

Uncle Lin couldn't resist Wang Hao, so he could only agree. He looked at Wang Hao with loving eyes, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart: "This child has really grown up!"

While the two were talking, there was a commotion in the distance.


A painful exclamation came, Wang Hao and Uncle Lin were startled at the same time, Wang Hao rushed towards the source of the sound without saying a word.

"No trace on snow!"

The footwork of the first grade of Xuanjie brought Wang Hao's speed to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, Wang Hao had swept 600 meters away and came to the disciple who exclaimed.

Wang Hao opened his eyes wide. He saw a gigantic monster that was five or six times larger than other sharp-toothed rats. It was attacking a disciple of the first level of the Xuanwu Realm. This disciple might have been caught off guard and his arm was bitten. Chuan, although he is struggling to resist now, he is retreating steadily.

"Bastard!" Wang Hao hurried forward to help, he put his fingers together, concentrated his energy, and the sharp sword energy shot out from his fingers, pointing directly at the forehead of the beast.

"One sword pierces the heart!"

Wang Hao's attack came in an instant, but the beast didn't seem to notice Wang Hao at all. Its fat body twisted at an incredible speed, making Wang Hao's attack miss.


After dodging Wang Hao's attack, the beast continued to chase the injured disciple. Only then did Wang Hao see clearly that the person being chased turned out to be the thin monkey!

The fierce beast's eyes were red, and its teeth were bared, as if it had a life-and-death enmity with the thin monkey.


Wang Hao turned around, and the reaction speed of this huge sharp-toothed rat was obviously better than that of ordinary sharp-toothed rats.

"Six Meridians Divine Sword!"

At this time, it was too late to activate the footwork, Wang Hao pointed six fingers in the air, and six beams of powerful sword energy burst out immediately.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

In order to prevent the beast from dodging again, Wang Hao shot six sword qis in six directions. No matter how the beast evades, it can guarantee a hit.

Judging from the previous experience of catching mice, the sharp-toothed mouse's fur is very soft, and it will definitely not be able to block such a sharp sword aura!

The skinny monkey who had been shut down was overjoyed to see Wang Hao saving his life. As a member of Yuelongju, he had already accumulated a lot of practical experience when completing tasks on weekdays. The moment Wang Hao made a move, he immediately fought hard Injured, hit the beast in front of him.

"As long as you delay for half a second, Wang Hao's sword energy can kill it!"

The two of them, one in front of the other, formed a pincer attack on the beast. The beast seemed to realize something, it let out a loud cry, and suddenly twisted its body to the side.

The fierce beast's nimble body caught the two of them by surprise, the fierce beast dodged, and the wounded disciple and Wang Hao's sword energy were close at hand!
Skinny Monkey's face turned pale, and he could already clearly feel the strong sense of oppression brought by the sword energy. If he bumped into it so defenselessly, would it be different from committing suicide?

"It's life ended like this..."

The thin monkey chose to close his eyes, not to look at the scene where his blood was splattered.

"Hey!" "Hey!"

A rapid blast sounded from the thin monkey's ears, and he didn't feel any pain until he stopped.

"Strange, I didn't die?"

The thin monkey opened his eyes, where is the sword energy roaring in front of him?
Looking around, the thin monkey immediately noticed that Wang Hao's fingers were dancing, and sharp sword energy was continuously shot out from his fingertips. Unlike before, these sword energy could change the flight trajectory in the air following Wang Hao's thoughts !
The thin monkey opened its mouth in shock, "Fighting the sword through the air, isn't this something only earth martial artists can do?!"

With Wang Hao's kendo talent, it is more than enough to control dozens of sword qi, and now he can even completely control all the sword qi slashed by Baijian Donglai!
The beast was no match for Wang Hao, so it plunged into the ground and disappeared. Wang Hao chased after it, and saw a big hole in the ground. Obviously, the beast dug a tunnel and escaped.

Uncle Lin and Qin Hui rushed over with a group of disciples. Uncle Lin saw the whole process of Wang Hao's battle from a distance, and he said, "It's the Rat King, a beast at the second level of the Xuanwu Realm. It seems that it's been a long time Humans have come to pull out the rat's teeth, and such a big guy has evolved."

The thin monkey said in shock: "I was holding the sharp-toothed mouse, and suddenly such a big guy jumped out. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, and I was only bitten on the arm. If I didn't react, my head would be bitten off by this beast !"

Uncle Lin's expression became serious, "With the Mouse King here, it won't be safe for us to spread out anymore. Tell the brothers to gather together and let's hunt the Mouse King. This guy is quite valuable!"

As soon as they heard that it was worth money, the curiosity of the gang members was aroused.

"Uncle Lin, tell us quickly, how much can this rat king sell for?"

Uncle Lin stretched out a finger mysteriously, and the thin monkey raised his eyebrows, "1000 yuan stone?"

Uncle Lin smiled without saying a word, and the crowd next to him taunted the thin monkey, "Where did the 1000 yuan stone get into Uncle Lin's eyes, I guess it is 1 yuan stone."

Uncle Lin was still smiling, and Qin Hui said with some uncertainty, "Could it be 1 yuan?"

"You all guessed wrong," Uncle Lin finally said, "The teeth of the Rat King Jagtooth are ten times harder than the top-grade black iron. They are good materials for making mysterious weapons, and they can sell for 10 yuan in stone!"

"One hundred thousand!" The crowd took a long breath. They had also hunted and killed beasts at the second level of the Xuanwu Realm before, but the contributions they received from the sect were only a mere ten thousand to twenty thousand when converted into primordial stones. It seems that Wang Hao said That's right, this Abyss of Ten Thousand Beasts is full of treasures!

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and kill this fat mouse, if it gets away, I will be so heartbroken!"

"Don't worry, it can't run away!" Uncle Lin took out a large amount of hay from Yuan Jie, and the hay exuded a faint smell.

Uncle Lin piled the hay next to the hole left by the Jagtooth Mouse King when he escaped, and asked everyone, "Who's blood has the fire attribute? This houttuynia will only be effective if it is ignited by the flame condensed by the soul of the blood." .”

A member of the gang came out more and more, and a large brown lizard emerged from his back.

"My blood is the flame lizard, with fire attributes."

Uncle Lin nodded. This gang member formed a seal with one hand, and the bloodline soul behind him suddenly opened his mouth wide and spewed out a ball of flame.

The nihilistic flame turned into a real flame under the action of Yuanli. The flame ignited the Houttuynia cordata, and thick black smoke was blown up for a while.

"Strong Wind Palm!"

Uncle Lin yelled loudly and waved his palms. His palms brought up a strong hurricane and poured all the black smoke into the cave.

Within a minute, six pillars of smoke rose from the entire grassland.

"Immediately send someone to guard the entrance of the cave. The sharp-toothed mouse can't stand the stench from Houttuynia cordata, and will definitely escape!"

Qin Hui immediately commanded the gang to run towards the six cave entrances. In addition to the cave entrance where Uncle Lin was, there were twenty warriors stationed in front of each cave entrance!

Zhao Mu'er reminded loudly that she felt something in the cave and was rushing out quickly.


The sharp-toothed rat suddenly dispersed the smoke column, rushed out from the hole, and the gang members took out their mysterious weapons one after another, ready to intercept it.

"Where to go!"

Zhao Mu'er gave a coquettish cry, she took the golden bow, she pulled the bowstring to the full, and the five ice arrows condensed out of thin air.


Four ice arrows shot at the rat king's limbs, Zhao Mu'er wanted to freeze it on the ground.

The speed of the Frostbolt is very fast, and the speed of the Rat King is even faster. It twisted its fat body, and avoided the attack of the four Frostbolts by jumping twice.

Zhao Muer's eyes showed contempt, "A beast is a beast, it's so easy to lie!" She shot a total of five ice arrows, and the fifth arrow aimed at the front of the Rat King!

The ice arrow exploded in front of the Rat King Jagtooth, and a large amount of cold air instantly froze the surrounding vegetation. Rat Rat Jag's limbs slipped and he fell to the ground.

"Everyone do it!"

Everyone rushed forward, and the Rat King was subdued in an instant. No matter how flexible its body was, it would have no chance of escaping from the siege of twenty Xuanwu warriors.

"It's done!"

Uncle Lin pulled out the teeth of the sharp-toothed rat king himself, and then killed it. There are not a few warriors in the Yuanwu realm who come to pull out the teeth of the rat every year. The rat king who has the second level of the Xuanwu realm is simply a deadly killer. .

Returning to the abyss, Uncle Lin found a merchant and sold all the rat teeth that night, for a total of more than 220 million yuan.

According to the agreement, Uncle Lin kept 200%, and the remaining [-] million yuan stones belonged to Yuelongju.

The gang members of Yuelongju were very excited. Although the money was distributed to everyone, and each person was less than [-] yuan, it was only the first day's income. Compared with receiving tasks in the sect, it was much more profitable!Everyone looked at Wang Hao with more respect, because it was Wang Hao who brought them the ray of hope.

Qin Hui handed over all the money to Wang Hao, "Brother, you will distribute the money!"

Wang Hao did not refuse. He had already thought about the use of the money. He found Shouhou and said, "Shouhou, you are injured. It is not appropriate to enter the abyss in the next few days. I have an important task for you." you!"

Seeing Wang Hao's serious expression, Shouhou immediately became serious, "Wang Hao, you can arrange any tasks, and I will never shirk them!"

"You take this money and return to the sect immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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