Chapter 771 Map of Mountains and Seas
Gathered well with my friends and spent a month of peaceful days.

During this month, the Supremes led the coalition fighters to completely wipe out the demons, so as to avoid future troubles.

Then, Frost Night appeared.

Seeing Shuang Ye again, the Dragon Emperor was furious. He asked angrily, "What did you do when we were fighting to the death with the Demon King?"

Shuang Ye replied coldly: "I sensed a change in the void, so I went to prepare the formation."

The formation in her mouth can naturally cut through the large formation in the void.

The Dragon Emperor didn't believe it, but Qianji, Hong, and Tiandi showed excited expressions on their faces.

The demon race is gone, if the crisis in the void is resolved, then the two races of humans and monsters can be stable for a long time.

"However, to launch the formation requires the power of ten supreme beings." Shuang Ye glanced at Wang Hao, "Even if he is added, we only have eight people, and there are only two people left."

Wang Hao said: "I have subdued the four demon kings, and the number of supreme beings is enough."

In Shuang Ye's eyes, an imperceptible look flickered.

"In that case, let's go!"

After the words fell, Shuang Ye tore through the space and left.

The Dragon Emperor's face was very ugly, "Do you really believe her?"

Qianji shook his head slightly, "I don't believe it, but there is no other way now."

The void is about to invade, this has been confirmed by Fate Xinghai, even Wang Hao who has become a god can't stop it, now he can only obey Shuang Yeyan.

The Dragon Emperor is helpless, and he also understands this truth.

Everyone tore apart the space and left. Wang Hao explained a few words to his friends, and then printed the martial arts sword thirteen into the jade tube, and handed it to Jingjing.

"Jingjing, you have to practice hard."

Jingjing nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, Master, Jingjing will not be lazy."

Wang Hao felt relieved that the apprentice he had accepted was both talented and hardworking.

After the confession, Wang Hao tore open the space and stepped into the Nine Heavens.

Qianji and the others were already in front of the two petrified seniors. Under their feet, there was an extremely complex and magnificent formation.

At least, Shuang Ye was building formations these days, and she wasn't lying.

Shuang Ye said expressionlessly: "You are too slow."

Wang Hao ignored her, but concentrated on checking the formation under Supreme's feet.

The formation was so complicated that even he couldn't see through it for a while.

However, Wang Hao is very sure of one thing, this formation is not the Shuangye Canglan formation that Shuangye became famous for.

This made him a little relieved.

Shuang Ye said in a deep voice: "Counting Wang Hao and the four demon kings he conquered, we have a total of twelve supreme powerhouses. If this is the case, I will not participate in the formation and concentrate on controlling the formation."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, as Shuang Ye, as the builder of the formation, it is better to concentrate on controlling the formation.

"There is one more person, and I will not participate."

It was Wang Hao who spoke. He looked at Shuang Ye, and Shuang Ye also looked at him. Their eyes collided in the air.

The Dragon Emperor uses a secret method to transmit sound.

"Look at her!"

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Shuang Ye looked away, "Let's all enter the formation!"

Wang Hao released the four demon kings and eight supreme beings into the formation.

The stone statues of the two supreme seniors turned into phantoms of their real bodies. This was the last moment of their lives.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the two seniors, "This day, we two old fellows, finally came!"

In the depths of the void, there was a sudden sound of wind, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The complexion of the people changed dramatically, which was a sign of nothingness.

But the last emptiness had just ended, and according to past experience, the new emptiness should not come so soon.

There is only one possibility, the full-scale invasion of the void predicted in the star sea of ​​destiny, has come!
Shuang Ye estimated that before the formation was completed, visitors from the void would come in a rush.

She yelled, "Stop them!"

The Supremes have already entered the battle, and the only one who can stop the visitors from the void at this time is Wang Hao.

Wang Hao had no choice, he switched out the real dragon sword and stood in front of the formation.

The visitors from the void are getting closer and closer, and the number is not weaker than the nothingness when protecting the fourth pillar.

However, Wang Hao is not the Wang Hao at that time.

He has become a god!

"Sword Ten, Chaos!"

Wang Hao's sword was the most destructive sword in Sword Thirteen. In an instant, tens of thousands of visitors from the void turned into dust and disappeared.

The strength he exhibited has already surpassed the power of other Supreme Combinations.

However, it is still not enough.

When Wang Hao looked at it, he couldn't see the end of the void, and the void was densely packed with visitors, like locusts passing through the territory, and the depressed people couldn't breathe.

"How many void visitors are there?"

Visitors from the void surrounded them again, Wang Hao glanced sideways at the activated formation, and then killed them head-on.

Regardless of whether Shuang Ye's formation is true or not, Wang Hao cannot let any visitor from the void affect the Supremes before it is completed.

"Field, Starry Sky Kendo!"

The originally pitch-black void was suddenly filled with starlight. After Wang Hao became a god, the field he opened up was more than a hundred times larger than when he was in the state of Shenwu.

Meteors flickered, and each meteor was a fusion of thousands of sword lights.

In Wang Hao's domain, any visitor from the void would end up being beheaded by Wan Jian.

With Wang Hao's current strength, he can maintain the domain for a long time.

Seeing that no visitor from the void could break through the Starry Sword, Wang Hao was slightly relieved.

He turned around and looked at the Supremes. Bloody rays of light had already risen from the feet of the ten Supremes.

The light is the overflow of the power of the formation, and it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable, but there is a vague sense of uneasiness in Wang Hao's heart.

"How is the formation that can cut through the void constructed?"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao subconsciously ignited the golden pupil.

Although the Eye of the True Dragon has been fused with other Horcruxes into the True Dragon Sword, Wang Hao, who is gathered in Nine Dragons, has the power of this eye hundreds of times stronger than before.

The moment the golden pupils ignited, Wang Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes and the pupils constricted.

Through the golden pupil, he found a hidden formation in the formations under the feet of the ten supreme beings!

"This is……"

Wang Hao took a long breath. This hidden formation was extended from the core of Frost Ye's Canglan Formation, which is the most famous formation of Frost Ye - Mountain and Sea Map.

What was even more frightening was that Wang Hao discovered that the map of mountains and seas under the feet of the Ten Supremes was not complete, and there was a larger part extending toward the outside of the Nine Heavens.

Suddenly, Wang Hao recalled the scene he saw when he was in the Three Heavens Qilin Academy.

He had seen remnants of the Frost Night Canglan Formation on the walls of Qilin Academy, and even on the streets outside the academy. He had always been puzzled, but now he figured it out.

That is not a remnant seal of the Canglan formation in the frosty night, but a part of the map of mountains and seas.

Shuang Ye had already planned everything.

Wang Hao is now very sure that Shuang Ye is definitely not trying to borrow the power of the Ten Supremes to cut through the void, but has other plans.

No matter what she is drawing, it is not a good thing for the hundreds of millions of souls in Yuanwu Continent.

"She must be stopped!"

Wang Hao made a bold move and killed Shuang Ye.

Shuang Ye sensed Wang Hao's actions, she turned to look at Wang Hao with a sneer on her face.

"Has it been discovered? Unfortunately, it's too late."

The real dragon sword in Wang Hao's hand stopped three inches away from Shuang Ye's body, and he slashed against a powerful restriction.

Map of mountains and seas!
Wang Hao's heart sank slightly. Even with his power of becoming a god, he couldn't break through it with a single sword. This map of mountains and seas is really terrifying.

Shuang Ye sneered: "Even if you have become a god, you can't destroy my map of mountains and seas in a short time."

While speaking, she pointed to the ten Supreme Beings behind her.

"Even if you break it open, they who have been integrated with the formation will disappear with the formation!"

At this time, the ten Supremes suddenly woke up.

They suddenly found that they couldn't even move a finger.

The Dragon Emperor scolded angrily: "Shuang Ye, what did you do to us?!"

"What did you do to you?" Shuang Ye couldn't help laughing, "I didn't just do something to you."

She waved her hand, and a phantom appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

What is shown in the fantasy is the sacred domain, whether it is the first heaven or the seventh heaven, all humans and demons, like the Ten Supremes, are trapped by the Book of Mountains and Seas and cannot move.

"Don't look at me with this one. I know you guys want to know what I'm doing. It's very simple. I want to take all of you and the power and laws of heaven and earth in the warriors of the Sacred Domain as my own!"

Qian Ji asked: "The void has already invaded, is there any benefit to you?!"

"Void invasion?" Shuang Ye didn't care, "So what, after I absorb the power of the entire sacred domain and the laws of heaven and earth, I will become the ruler of one party just like Yuanwu Continent's will, even if the entire Yuanwu Continent is swallowed , I can also cross the void, find a new world, and become the overlord."

Wang Hao said: "Since we know that there is an upper realm, why do we have to ask for a master?"

Shuang Ye said in a deep voice: "Become a god? Hmph! So what if you become a god, do you really think it will let you go? The reason why I dare to do this is because the place we are now is empty, and its hand Can't stretch out.

And you are different, if you want to ascend to the upper realm, you must break through the sky from the Yuanwu Continent, which is its home field! "

Shuang Ye's words are almost the same as Po Jun's words, they both hold a pessimistic view on Ascension.

Wang Hao sighed, without any excuse, he knew that words alone would not move Shuang Ye.

"So, you planned this plan very early?"

"That's right, ever since I learned the art of seal talisman, I've been secretly planning all this."

Wang Hao took out an item from the inventory with a calm voice.

"Then you must remember it."

The item in Wang Hao's hand is an iron cast alchemy book.

A trace of panic flashed across Shuang Ye's face.

"This is Lin Xiao's Horcrux, why is it in your hands?!"

The master of Shuang Ye's seal talisman technique is Emperor Lin Xiao.

In order to learn the seal talisman technique of Emperor Lin Xiao, she pretended to be in love with him, and after stealing everything from Emperor Lin Xiao, she killed him.

The alchemy in Wang Hao's hands is the key to deciphering the map of mountains and seas!
(End of this chapter)

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