Chapter 809
Wang Hao raised his brows. The old man in front of him was indeed not simple. He could tell at a glance that Wang Hao was a master craftsman.

"I am a master craftsman."

Wang Hao didn't deny it, he could feel that the old man in front of him was not malicious.

Niuniu pursed her lips and said, "Grandpa, you can't even make a god-level master craftsman. This guy is unreliable at first glance. We don't have many thorns, so we can't let him ruin it."

Wang Hao heard two messages from Niuniu's words.

First, the old man wanted him to help build an artifact.

Second, this artifact cannot be crafted even by a master craftsman at the level of a god king.

In the nine realms of the God Realm, the God King is already an extremely great existence, much stronger than the current Wang Hao, whether it is the strength of the realm, or the understanding of the god craftsman.

Wang Hao asked back: "Since even a god-level craftsman can't do it, what can I do?"

The old man smiled and said: "This artifact, not to mention a master craftsman at the level of a god king, even a master craftsman at the level of a god emperor or even a god emperor, may not be able to make it, but you alone can."

"Only I can, why?"

The old man laughed twice, "Because you are a man who is destined to become the king of all gods, if this matter is difficult for you, it would be too disappointing."

Wang Hao's expression turned chilly. About him being the person in the prophecy of the King of Gods, only the people in the Hall of Yama knew. How did this old man know?

"Don't be curious, this prophecy has been circulated in one hundred and eight gods." The old man stroked his beard, "The Supreme Dragon God is the No. 12 supreme god of the Dragon God Realm. After his death, the new successor who is the son of prophecy.

When you just shot, I felt the power of the Supreme Dragon God, and there was a sense of swordsmanship far beyond your realm. If we guessed wrong, it should be the power of the Supreme Sword God.

Having two... or even more supreme inheritances... If these are not the Son of Prophecy, then I can't believe how terrifying the Son of Prophecy is. "

Wang Hao believed the old man's words, but he always felt that the old man was hiding something.

"What artifact do you want me to help you with?"

"A hammer, the Hammer of Thorns."

Wang Hao glanced at Niu Niu next to the old man. The hammer was probably made for this little girl.

The old man asked: "How about it, are you willing to help me, an old man?"

Wang Hao didn't agree immediately, but asked, "What can I get?"

"You want benefits first, but it's a bit stingy. This doesn't look like the son of prophecy."

"I never do things at a loss. If you want me to help, just give me a satisfactory reward."

Niuniu stomped her feet: "Grandpa, we don't need him!"

The old man became serious: "I can make you a magic alchemist, how about the reward?"

Wang Hao's face turned serious. When he was in the mortal world, his accumulated knowledge of refining tools and seal talisman skills made him easily become a master craftsman and amulet master in the God Realm, but he could never find the alchemy alone. way out.

Wang Hao thought to himself: "How did he know that I wanted to become a divine alchemist? Could it be a coincidence?"

No matter what, Wang Hao was very moved by this condition.

"make a deal."

A smile appeared on the old man's face again, "Please come with me."

The old man raised his feet and walked towards the depths of the thorny land. Niuniu gave Wang Hao a white look, followed behind the old man, and chased after him with a sledgehammer.

Miraculously, when the two moved forward, the thorns in front of them would automatically flash to the sides.

The old man seemed to be walking, but his speed was surprisingly fast. Niuniu was carrying a sledgehammer to catch up behind, which seemed to be a bit difficult, but as for Wang Hao, it was easy.

Niu Niu looked at Wang Hao dissatisfied along the way, but she had to admit that Wang Hao was really better than her just from the journey.

The three of them were flying like lightning, and soon they came to a thatched hut.

Niuniu put the hammer still in front of the thatched hut, and with a bang, a few straws fell from the thatched hut.

The corner of Wang Hao's mouth twitched. If the little girl tried harder, the house might collapse.

He followed the old man and Niuniu into the thatched hut. The thatched hut was very simple, with only a bed, a table and chairs, and a big box.

"Niuniu, go and get the thorn seed."

Niuniu reluctantly walked to the big box, opened the box, and took out a small brocade bag.

She walked up to Wang Hao and lifted up the little brocade bag.

"This is our last seed of thorns. If you break it, I will not spare you."

Wang Hao took it, and after opening the small brocade bag, he found three black seeds the size of a millet in the bag.

"Is this the seed of thorns?"

The old man explained: "Niuniu and I planted a large area of ​​thorns here for these seeds.

After the thorns bloom, they will only germinate once every 800 years, but the thorns that can be used to refine artifacts are one in a million.

Niuniu and I have been here for 400 years, and we only got 600 seeds. We have found many master craftsmen, but they all failed. If you also fail, we will have to wait [-] years before we can get new ones. Seed. "

As he spoke, the old man took out a piece of yellowed leather paper from the God Realm.

"This is the forging blueprint of Hammer of Thorns. You are a master craftsman, so you must be able to understand it."

Wang Hao took the blueprint and opened it to see that it was the forging blueprint of Hammer of Thorns.

The blueprint records in detail how to refine the Hammer of Thorns. It is so detailed that even a master craftsman at the level of a divine weapon can understand it.

Wang Hao took the blueprint and fell into deep thought. He found that the hammer of thorns does not have a quality level, but if it is to be successfully refined, its strength is not weaker than that of a general-level artifact.

All other refining steps are not too difficult for Wang Hao.

There is only one thing, but in the evolution in Wang Hao's mind, it keeps failing - let the thorny seeds germinate!

The hammer of thorns is made of countless thorns. It is a living artifact, and it must be infused with "soul" to exert its true power.

Only by allowing the seeds of thorns to germinate can the hammer of thorns be refined!
The old man did not disturb Wang Hao's thinking, and quietly walked out of the thatched cottage with Niu Niu.

Niuniu asked in a low voice, "Grandpa, can he really do it?"

The old man said in a deep voice: "He must be able to do it, if he wants to fully integrate the [-] God Realms, he must have the ability to spread the God Trees all over the God Realm.

He failed once, so we came to help him. "

Niuniu said worriedly: "Grandpa, can history really be changed?"

The old man looked serious, "Of course!"


Wang Hao in the thatched hut has fallen into a state of obsession. He keeps simulating in his mind that he injects divine power into the thorny seed to make it take root.

In his mind, he poured divine power into the seed, the seed shell lightly moved, and then... burnt to ashes!
"Failed again?"

Wang Hao couldn't remember clearly that this was the hundreds of times he had failed. Even if there was a little more divine power injected into the thorn seed, the thorn seed would be burned up.

If he injects less divine power...the Thorn Seed will no longer react and become a dead Seed.

"When the seeds of the sacred tree were hatched, it didn't take so much effort."

Wang Hao's unyielding character, let him try...try...try!
He didn't realize that these attempts had allowed him to continuously improve his ability to control divine power.

One day... three days... ten days... a hundred days!
Wang Hao had completely forgotten the passage of time. When he woke up, he had been deep in thought for [-] days!
The old man stood right in front of Wang Hao, as if he had been staring at him.

"How about it, are you sure?"

Wang Hao laughed. He opened his palm, and the small brocade bag in his palm burst instantly.

Three thorn seeds floated on Wang Hao's palm, and the divine power a thousand times thinner than hair connected the thorn seeds to Wang Hao's palm.

Wang Hao's aura seemed to disappear suddenly. He was clearly standing there, but he couldn't feel it at all.

Niuniu rubbed her eyes vigorously, she doubted that Wang Hao standing in front of her was just a phantom.

"Grandpa, what happened to him?"

The old man's expression was a little excited, even excited.

"He has succeeded, he has been able to control the divine power as he pleases, and can even condense the divine power to a level a thousand times finer than a hair... His control over the divine power has already surpassed most people in the God Realm! It only took three hundred's incredible!"

Niu Niu also became excited. First, they were excited that their efforts were not in vain. The preparation of more than 2000 years was to let Wang Hao learn to control the divine power meticulously.Second, she can get the legendary artifact!

The three thorn seeds were slowly poured with divine power, cracks appeared in the shell of the seeds, and then began to peel off... Take root and sprout!
Wang Hao waved his hand, and countless thorns poured into the thatched hut. These thorns were intertwined to form a sledgehammer.

The top of the sledgehammer, like a flower, splits into six petals.

Wang Hao carefully put three germinated thorn seeds into the center of the petals, and the soul injection was successful!

The six petals slowly closed, and the thorns were entwined, with no gaps visible.

Hammer of Thorns, successfully refined!
A strong breath of life emerged from the hammer of thorns. He walked out of the thatched cottage and looked towards the endless thorny land.

The thorns were withering, and before they died, many green light spots emerged, like fireflies, flying towards the hammer of thorns in Wang Hao's hand.

These green light spots are the purest vitality!
Countless life force poured into the Hammer of Thorns, and with a thought, Wang Hao smashed the hammer to the ground.

In an instant, the withered thorns came back to life, and the original thorny land became even more exaggerated!
The thorns and vines, which were only as thick as a finger, grew so long that neither of them could hug each other. The thorns grew like towering trees.

The thorny land turned into a thorny forest.

Wang Hao couldn't help sighing: "What a magical hammer!"

He restrained his strength, and the forest of thorns disappeared.

Wang Hao threw the hammer of thorns to Niuniu, and then looked at the old man.

"It's done, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

(End of this chapter)

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