Chapter 812
Hearing Wang Hao's words, Niu Niu became extremely excited. With a wave of her hand, a green sledgehammer appeared in her hand.

This hammer seems to be made of vines, and it has sharp thorns.

Niu Niu grabbed the handle of the hammer, not caring about the thorns piercing her palm.

Blood spilled out, staining the handle of the hammer a lot red.

In Niu Niu's eyes, there was a look of madness, the thorns of the Hammer of Thorns contained poison, which could stimulate her to become even crazier.

Wang Hao took three steps back, leaving the battlefield to Niu Niu, a group of city gate guards, it was not worth his shot.

When Niuniu burst out with a high-grade cultivation base, the faces of the city gate guards turned pale.

"Stop her, call for reinforcements!"

A guard ran towards the city, Wang Hao waved his hand, and a sword energy killed him.

"Niuniu, hurry up."


Niu Niu jumped into the crowd of guards. She waved the hammer of thorns in her hand and hit the chest of a city gate guard.


Although the Hammer of Thorns is made of vines, its hardness is not weaker than other materials.

The guard who was blasted on the chest by Niu Niu, his sternum was completely shattered, his chest was sunken, blood was sprayed from his mouth, and he was smashed into the city gate, dying.


Niuniu happily swung the hammer again, this time, two city gate guards were thrown flying.

This is the crushing of strength, even if there are many guards at the city gate, they are doomed to lose miserably.

In twenty breaths, Niu Niu had already dealt with most of the enemies. Her fighting skills were astonishing, but Wang Hao was not satisfied.

slow!too slow!
The strength was crushed, but it still took [-] breaths. If Wang Hao shot by himself, in the second breath, there would be no enemy and he could still stand.

Seeing Niu Niu throwing her hammer at the last city gate guard, Wang Hao took a step forward, came to Niu Niu's side in an instant, and grabbed her wrist.

Niuniu couldn't move her wrist, she looked at Wang Hao puzzled.

"Stay alive and ask some questions."

Niuniu reluctantly put away the hammer, and Wang Hao pulled up the city gate guard who was lying on the ground trembling with fear.

"Do you want to live?"

This person was stared at by Wang Hao, and he was so frightened that he almost fainted. His instinct told him that Wang Hao was more terrifying than the little girl with the sledgehammer.

"Think! Think!"

"If you want to live, answer my questions seriously. If you refuse to answer or lie, I will make your life worse than death."

Wang Hao's voice was very calm, but it was this kind of calm that made the souls of the people in his hands feel bitingly cold.

"As long as you don't kill me, I will definitely answer! Must tell the truth!"

With a thought of Wang Hao, the arrest warrant posted on the gate of the city flew to him immediately.

"Who issued this arrest warrant?"

"Yes... it's the Wandaomen! The Wandaomen said that as long as they catch you, they can get a lot of rewards..."

This answer was not surprising to Wang Hao, he had already guessed that it was Ji Jia who passed his face back to the sect.

"Let me ask you, is there any powerful person in Wan Dao Sect?"

The city gate guard swallowed hard, "Wandaomen is the most powerful force in Muxiang City. There are as many strong people as there are clouds. There are eighty if not a hundred powerful people. Which one are you asking..."

Wang Hao's face turned cold, "The strongest one!"

The city gate guard shivered, "The strongest person in Wandaomen is their sect master, Yue Chenghuan, who is a very powerful alchemist. He recently organized an alchemy conference in Fenxiang Valley and invited many famous alchemists. ..."

Wang Hao murmured: "Yue Chenghuan, the alchemy interesting."

With a slight force in his hand, the city gate guard screamed and passed out. Wang Hao is a man who keeps his word and didn't kill him.

Wang Hao led Niu Niu into the city in full view. Many people were greedy for the amount of the wanted warrant and wanted to attack secretly, but Wang Hao pierced through the head with a sword.

More than a dozen people died, and no one dared to stay in front of Wang Hao for more than three breaths.

Niuniu asked puzzledly: "Master, if you don't kill the city gate guard, aren't you afraid that he will inform you?"

Wang Hao explained: "I'm not a person who doesn't trust me. If I say I won't kill him, I won't kill him. Of course he can tell the truth, but I'm a bit harsher. He has to sleep for at least a month before he wakes up. , If you want to inform me at that time, I’m afraid I don’t even know where to report it.”

Niu Niu heard something in Wang Hao's words, and she asked in surprise: "Hall Master, are you going to destroy Wan Dao Sect?"

"That's right, there's no reason why we only need them to trouble us in the Hall of Yama! The alchemy conference sounds good."

Niuniu said excitedly: "Master, you are so good at alchemy, you can just participate!"

"Let's go, let's find a place first and inquire about it."

The two found a restaurant in Muxiang City, and just sat down to order some food and drink, when they saw an old man enter the restaurant under the protection of eight god-level powerhouses and two god-level powerhouses .

Niuniu stared at the old man for a while, then tilted her head and asked strangely: "Hall Master, what is the origin of this old man, he is so grand."

Wang Hao said with a smile: "He is a divine alchemist."

Niuniu scratched her head, "How do you know that he is a magic alchemist? He might be an important person of a certain force."

Wang Hao explained: "First of all, the strong in this world are respected, and the important figures of ordinary forces must be above everyone in terms of strength, so it doesn't make much sense to let a group of people with lower strength than themselves protect them.

Secondly, if you smell it carefully, this old man has a very strong smell of herbal medicine. It's not windy outside today, and the smell hasn't dissipated after so long. He must be someone who deals with pills all day long. "

Niuniu nodded, "So that's the case. It seems that this old man is also going to participate in the Divine Pill Conference."

"We used to join in the fun."

When Wang Hao and Niu Niu were talking, the old man had already found an elegant seat by the window, and he was sitting on the chair, while the other strong men stood around and did not take their seats.

Wang Hao walked towards the old man, but before he got close, he was stopped by the old man's guards.

The eyes of these guards were extremely vigilant. They seemed to have discovered that Wang Hao's strength was extraordinary.

Wang Hao smiled, not angry, he looked at the old man behind the guard.

"Senior, we are both divine alchemists, can we chat?"

Hearing the words "Shen Alchemist", the expressions on the faces of the guards relaxed a little.

No matter where the alchemists go, they are respectable figures. Since they are communicating with each other, the people in front of them should not be hostile.

Niuniu jumped up and stood obediently behind Wang Hao, although she really wanted to call out the Hammer of Thorns and smash all the guards in front of her into the air.

The old man waved his hand to let the guards get out of the way, and he made a gesture of invitation.

"Young man, please!"

Wang Hao and Niuniu sat down, and the old man looked at Wang Hao.

"Young man, I smell Ding Linghua on you. Are you refining Ding Lingdan recently?"

Ding Linghua is a kind of medicinal herb that can stop bleeding and raw meat. The god-level god Dan Ding Lingdan refined from it is ten times more effective than Ding Linghua.

The old man thought that Wang Hao was a divine alchemist.

Although the old man didn't show contempt, but from the calm eyes, it can be understood that he still looks down on Wang Hao a little bit in his heart.

If they hadn't met in a different place, if it had been the city where his allegiance was located, a divine alchemist at the level of a priest would really not be qualified to discuss alchemy with him.

How could Wang Hao not understand people's hearts, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Senior guessed wrong, I've been refining bone-forging raw meat pills recently."

For a moment, the old man's eyes showed a look of shock!Bone Forging Raw Meat Pill!This is a magic pill that can only be refined by a person who exists like a master.

Although he can also refine it, but with this young man in front of him?Never heard of such a person?
Wang Hao flipped his palm, and a small white jade box appeared in his hand.

"Senior, give me some help?"

The old man accepted the small white jade box with a dignified expression. He opened the lid, and a strong medicinal fragrance filled the entire restaurant immediately. Although it was a medicinal fragrance, it was more intoxicating than the fragrance of wine in the entire restaurant.

The people in the restaurant all had expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

A middle-aged guard next to the old man looked shocked. He has been with the old man for 3000 years, and he is the old man's most trusted bodyguard.

He had seen the old man refining bone-forging raw meat pills, but what the old man refined seemed to be...

"Is made it?"

The old man's voice trembled a little. Being able to refine such a quality bone-forging raw meat pill shows that Wang Haodan's realm on the road is at least at the level of a god general!

God level god alchemist!This is the existence that old people should look up to.

Wang Hao said with a smile: "I refined it, maybe senior can give some pointers?"

The old man hurriedly waved his hands, his face flushed.

"I'm joking, I'm joking, this old man can't stand the word senior! I should call you senior!"

Wang Hao is humble, "I heard that there is a sequence, since you entered the alchemy way before me, naturally you have to be called senior."

"Little friend, don't make fun of the old man. Although there is a sequence of hearings, the master is the teacher. The old man's name is Lu Shi. You can call me by my name."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Shi's guards were all shocked. Who is Lu Shi?Within the scope of their influence, the ground trembles three times when they stomp their feet. Even if they come to Muxiang City, they are also the guests of the major forces. How dare this young man want to be called the same generation as Lu Shi?

"Then I'll call you Lu Lao, my name is Wang Hao."

Lu Shi pondered for a while, and asked: "Little friend, this alchemy, even if you go deeper in the mainland, it is a top-notch existence. You came to me, probably not to discuss alchemy, right?"

Wang Hao likes to talk to smart people, "Old Lu, to tell you the truth, I came to you to inquire about the Danhui this time."

"Oh?" Lu Shi was a little surprised, "Didn't you come to Muxiang City because of this alchemy meeting?"

"Passing by by chance, I heard that Dan will meet, so I came here to inquire."

Lu Shi laughed heartily: "Hahahaha, that little friend is just a coincidence!"

(End of this chapter)

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