Chapter 838 Immortal Buddha
"The jade that is used to make Dragon Blood Jade is not ordinary jade. Every piece of jade that can be made into Dragon Blood Jade is nurtured by a Supreme God Emperor with his whole life. It can be said that he has accompanied the God Emperor throughout his life. "The system said flatly, but it made Wang Hao's heart fluctuate.

He has been with him since he set foot on the road of cultivation, experienced many life and death, until he reached the peak, this piece of jade will be affected by the luck of the god emperor, and has the effect of nourishing the soul, while the dragon blood jade has raised a Dragon Soul.

This is to allow the life of the real dragon to continue. This god emperor must have an inseparable relationship with the god dragon, and it may even be a fatal friendship. Otherwise, how could the god emperor be willing to...

But according to this, the Millennium Dragon Blood Jade was not formed for a thousand years, but was formed a long time ago. Today's God Emperor may have been immortal for many years, and the real dragon just recovered at this time. unable to meet.

Just when Wang Hao was feeling sorry for them, the Buddha's voice sounded loudly around him again.

"Ani Tuo Buddha..." The voice is loud and clear, and the person who recites this Buddha's name must have unparalleled divine power.

He appeared in front of Wang Hao, sitting cross-legged in the air, looking at Wang Hao at the same level. It was a Buddha, wearing a cassock. Although it was a bit torn, it still couldn't hide the holy aura on his body.

However, there is a strong murderous intent in this holiness, and the Buddha is going to... kill.

The people in front of him were so powerful that Wang Hao had to be prepared. He stood there waiting for the Buddha's next move.

"Amitabha..." Another Buddha's chant sounded, "Almsgiver, you have gone too far, let the poor monk cleanse the evil karma of the almsgiver."

After finishing speaking, the Buddha raised his hand, and a huge hand like Wang Hao slapped it. The formation technique just now was probably modeled after his palm.

Although the move is not gorgeous, the power contained in it is unmatched. Wang Hao doesn't know whether this palm is the same as the one in the formation. If it is strong, it will be strong, and if it is weak, it will be weak. the way.

The word "war" is his martial arts...

"Drink" Wang Hao exercised his divine power, moving mountains and rivers with one sword...

"Bang bang..." The extreme moves collided, and the land collapsed immediately.

"Senior, just listen to my explanation." Wang Hao said anxiously.

The Buddha ignored Wang Hao, but continued to attack. The Buddha's giant palms were transformed into tens of thousands, and each palm contained a kind of Buddhist profound meaning. In Buddhism, it is said that one sand is one world, and one leaf is one bodhi.

When a thought blooms, it is the whole world, that's it.

"Almsgiver, the evil karma is self-inflicted. My Fenxiang Valley was destroyed, and none of the disciples survived. Although the poor monk is a monk, he has no ordinary heart and cannot let go. After he dies, he will ask the Buddha to forgive him and redeem his sins." Speaking of compassion, I can't listen to Wang Hao's words at the moment, I just want to kill Wang Hao to avenge the disciples of Fenxiang Buddhism.

"The third form of swordsmanship, all things turn into swords..." Wang Hao also has this move. Each sword also contains the law of swordsmanship. After the collision, the Buddha's palm does not exist, and the sword of law... wins.

A sword containing the law of kendo was shot at the Buddha, and a burst of golden light was dazzling. The sword of law passed through the body of the Buddha, and it turned out to be only the soul. Wang Hao didn't realize it just now.

The sword of law passed through the Buddha's soul and disappeared invisible.

The Buddha's soul is not damaged at all...

"Ah! How could this be?" Wang Hao was surprised that there are things in this world that cannot be hurt by the power of laws.

"The poor monk voluntarily sealed in the big formation of our sect. When he recovers, the sect must be destroyed. The soul of the poor monk has been lingering until now to let those who destroy my Buddhist sect receive due retribution." After finishing speaking, the Buddha wanted to attack again. Wang Hao realized that it seemed difficult for him to hurt him, and hard attack was not the way.

"Senior, you might as well take a look at those bones." Wang Hao clasped his fists and said, who would have thought that the Buddha's attack would have arrived before he finished speaking.

It was still a palm attack, but it was mixed with unparalleled wind power, which made Wang Hao back again and again. Wang Hao used his divine power to fix himself in the same place, and endured the Buddha's attack.

He didn't want to back down, even if he couldn't hurt the Buddha, he still wanted to face the difficulties.

"The soul of the Fenxiang Valley Guardian Array is the fourth generation head of the Fenxiang Buddhist Sect. When he was seriously injured and dying, he sealed himself into the Mountain Guard Array. If the Fenxiang Valley is not destroyed, he will not come out again. Once it appears, the time for three sticks of incense will not come out." Injured by external force." The system told Wang Hao something about the Buddha's spirit in front of him.

Three sticks of incense, I can only stand up and let him attack me, I can't attack him, it's useless to attack him, three sticks of incense, I can't consume myself to death!
This is not the way to go!

"Dead monk, take a closer look, these bones, do the monks in Fenxiang Valley seem to have just died? Do these broken arms and ruins seem to have just been destroyed?" Wang Hao shouted in desperation, " You Fenxiang Valley have long been extinct for tens of thousands of years."

"Boom" Wang Hao was repelled a few steps, and then, the Buddha's attack seemed to pause, Wang Hao saw that there was a door, and continued.

"Fortunately, I also repaired the plaque of your Daxiong Palace. Considering that it is the only thing left in your Buddhism, I can't bear to keep it as my own. I also want to collect the bones of your Buddhist disciples later." The Buddha stopped attacking, and Wang Hao continued: "It's good for you. You don't distinguish between black and white. If you see me, you will kill me. Fortunately, you are still a Buddhist monk."

The Buddha did not move. Wang Hao glanced at him and saw that he was staring at the fragmented Fenxiang Valley. At this height, the broken ground of the Fenxiang Valley, the broken mountain, and the fallen corpses, etc. can all be seen at a glance.

"Amitabha, sin, sin... It was the poor monk who didn't investigate, misunderstood the donor, and almost made a big mistake." The Buddha's soul sat cross-legged in the sky, and after he calmed down, a golden halo appeared above his head, which was the light of Buddha.

"Wang Hao was in a hurry just now, so he offended..." Wang Hao cupped his hands and said.

"But look at the outside of my Fenxiang Valley, there are still traces of fighting, those bones..." Buddha said, although he had doubts, his tone was very flat.

"This is also the reason why I came to Fenxiang Valley. The corpses senior saw were demons from the void..." The bones of the dead warriors have been restrained, so what is left is only the corpses of demons, and the corpses stained with blood. the earth.

"In the void, there is darkness and silence. Unknown mysterious forces threaten God's Domain all the time. Also, in the void... I don't know what his power is, and I don't know how to restrain him." Wang Hao Briefly narrated the situation in the void to the Buddha.

"I didn't expect that there is such an existence outside the realm of the gods. Although the poor monk is already on the verge of extinction, he still has to make a final contribution to the survival of the realm of the gods." After the Buddha finished speaking, three stars appeared on the top of his head. Bling beads.

Is this... the legendary Buddhist supreme relic?Are these three stones formed after the body of the fourth-generation master of Fenxiang Valley sat down?
"Master, are these the relics of your body?" Wang Hao asked, and the Buddha sent three relics to Wang Hao's hands through the air.

"The benefactor has praised the poor monk. These are the relics left by the founder of Buddhism after his death. Originally, I have gathered eighteen relics in Fenxiang Valley. Only these three relics are left here by the poor monk. The rest were originally in the hands of my disciples." , now I don’t know where I went.” After the Buddha finished speaking, his soul became darker and darker.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?" Wang Hao asked.

"It's nothing, the time has come, my soul will naturally die, remember, this relic is the key to open the highest temple of Buddhism... It is also your future power to deal with the void." The Buddha's soul is getting darker and darker, as if the wind Blowing will dissipate.

"I wish you success...Amitabha..." After saying these words, the Buddha's soul disappeared, but these words echoed in Wang Hao's ears for a long time. This was the last wish of the fourth generation head of Fenxianggu Buddhas.

He hoped that Wang Hao would use this power to deal with the void and protect the realm of the gods, and he also hoped that the Buddhist gate could reappear in the Dragon God's Domain, reappear its former glory, and open the key to the highest temple of the Buddhist gate...

"I haven't finished yet! Where is the Supreme Temple! Where can I find it?" Wang Hao said to himself.

"You don't really think that these three relics can open the door of the Supreme Temple of Buddhism, do you! It's too simple." The system said coldly.

"What do you know!" Wang Hao asked in his mind, wanting to know more about Buddhism and relics from the system.

"When the Buddha's soul died, it awakened part of my memory." She said this, the Buddha's death awakened the memory of the system, and the remaining power of the soul would not be swallowed by her.

"I know what you're thinking, but I'm not that cruel yet. He died naturally and has nothing to do with me." The system said in a cold voice.

"Okay, I see, you should tell me about the relics!" Wang Hao said.

"There are eighteen relics in total, which are left after the death of the founder of Buddhism, Emperor Shitian."

Emperor Shi Tianshen created his own Buddhism, passed on the law to one hundred and eight gods, and was hailed as the Buddha... he cultivated his way all the way, with compassion in his heart, never killed a single enemy or competitor, and became a god emperor when he taught the law to thousands of worlds , Many people who used to compete with him were influenced by her and converted to Buddhism.

The compassion of Buddhism has spread throughout thousands of worlds. Therefore, during the heyday of Buddhism, it was the most prosperous time of the [-] Gods, creating unprecedented brilliance. It was also during the second period that Emperor Shitian opened the Supreme Temple of Buddhism for the sake of It is to pass on the inheritance to future generations.

He once said that after his death, he will leave eighteen relics, which are the keys to open the supreme temple of Buddhism. Those who collect all these relics can inherit these Buddhist teachings and obtain the unique learning he created.

Sure enough, after he passed away, eighteen relics appeared on the pagoda, but they attracted the world's scramble, the eighteen relics scattered, and the supreme temple he mentioned disappeared together, never to appear again.

Buddhism began to decline, and after tens of thousands of years, it became what it is today.

After the system finished speaking, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel sorry, "Poor Emperor Shitian, who has been merciful for a lifetime, but he didn't expect such a situation after his death."

"You still don't understand the power of the God Emperor enough. How could he not have expected such a situation when he made such an arrangement!" The system said lightly: "If it is unexpected, the Supreme Temple will not disappear. For those who are destined."

"In this way, wasn't there a predestined person in Fenxiang Valley back then? Even if we gathered eighteen Buddha relics, we couldn't find the Supreme Temple and get the inheritance. Could the predestined person be me?"

"How would I know that." The system said, with a bit of impatience, thinking Wang Hao was long-winded.

(End of this chapter)

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