Chapter 867
The most urgent thing now is how to get out of here. Looking at Yuchi Fengyu's expression just now, he doesn't seem to understand this mysterious space. Wang Hao can't help wondering if the space array of Ludingmen was not arranged by people from Ludingmen.

I thought too much before, anyone can walk into the inner door, and will not be randomly dropped into the space of the formation. Just outside, the fight between him and Yuchi Fengyu was too fierce, so he opened the space. The formation was forced open and sucked them in.

Just when Wang Hao was thinking, the relic in the system vibrated, and there was no silence just now. Although it did not seem to be jumping for joy, there was also a sense of uncontrollable excitement.

Anyway, there was no one here, so he took the three relics out of the system and spread them out on the palm of his hand.

The three relics emitted a holy light, the light carried repeated coercion, but it was very peaceful and compassionate, that is the majesty of a Buddha...

Wang Hao is not quite sure why the relic suddenly behaved like this, maybe it has something to do with this mysterious space...

Wang Hao took the three relics and took a few steps forward, but in fact it couldn't be called forward, because every place here is exactly the same, without any change of scenery.

In this way, it reminded him of a place, in the Valley of Fenxiang, where he led the demon hunters into the void. In the void, every place is the same, but here is bright, peaceful, and the place in the void Inside is dark, hopeless.

All of a sudden, three relics flew out of Wang Hao's hand independently, and went in three directions. In an instant, Wang Hao could no longer see them.

At this moment, Wang Hao was speechless, he didn't want to chase any one!It's better to wait here, he also believes in the word of fate, if the relic goes away and does not return, it means that he has no fate with the Buddha.

Leave it to those who are destined to gather these eighteen relics, fulfill the last wish of the Buddha in Fenxiang Valley, and bury the remains of the Buddha in it!

Thinking of it this way, it can be regarded as an open-minded state of mind...

Wang Hao's most important thing now is to get out of this mysterious space. However, he thinks that his formation skills are not low, but he can't see any flaws in this space.

Even if he opened the golden pupil and observed carefully, he couldn't see any inscriptions, and his understanding of the formation was limited to the space formation.

If he is trapped here, how will he become the king of the gods, and when the void invades in the future, how will he fulfill Yili's last wish and protect the Dragon God Realm.

Wang Hao knew that he must not be trapped here. He wanted to get out, and get out as soon as possible. Since he couldn't find the formation inscriptions and break the formation by skill, he should attack by force.

The sword of the real dragon flew out from Wang Hao's hand, and then the sword intent gushed out one after another, like an endless torrent, rushing to all parts of the mysterious space.

The sword intent destroys all things, and also transforms all things. Soon, strands of life appeared in the peaceful but lifeless mysterious space, but this was not the result Wang Hao wanted. This place was not in the void. What he wanted was from here Get out, not transform this into a vibrant space.

When Wang Hao was at a loss, he only heard a "boom", and the mysterious space shook.

The sense of shock came from all directions, but it did not disperse the vitality created by Wang Hao, but it became more and more vigorous. What's going on?

Although it is unknown, Wang Hao is excited and has changes, which are better than silence. Even if it develops in a direction that is not good for Wang Hao, it may allow Wang Hao to find a flaw in this mysterious space and break the big hole. Array, leave from here.

While Wang Hao was waiting for the next change, the voice of "Om Mani Padme coaxing..." came from all directions. This is the mantra of the six Buddhist masters...

The sound of Buddha came into his ears, and Wang Hao's heart tightened. This voice is majestic and majestic, which is easy to make people feel peaceful and far-sighted.

In Fenxiang Valley, Wang Hao experienced this kind of baptism of the Buddha's voice, but compared to here, it is not very strong. Fortunately, here he only instinctively attacks with divine power, but his own divine power can indeed be used.

The sound of the Buddha came swiftly and violently. Although it was peaceful, Wang Hao had to use his whole body to resist the lost sound of the Buddha world.

"Three enlightenments of caution, Wukong, Wuneng, Wujing..." Even if Wang Hao can resist, the Buddha's voice can still reach Wang Hao's ears, but Wang Hao does not want to accept the profound meaning of Buddhism, he has his own way.

He can enlighten, but definitely not in this way...

"Drink..." Since the divine power is irresistible, keep your heart, then attack it, and the sword of the real dragon flies back to Wang Hao's hand.

Wang Hao wields the sword, the tangible sword, cuts all things, the sword transforms the invisible, the meaning of thousands of swords transforms all things, the human sword is one, I am the sword, and the sword is me, and the gentleman's soldiers walk the gentleman's way...

All of Wang Hao's comprehension of the righteousness of the sword was used by Wang Hao's moves for a while, and he competed with the Buddhist lost music.

Wang Hao's way of swordsmanship is a law, and so is Buddhism's lost music.

There is no brilliant brilliance, nor fierce sparks, just like the law of swordsmanship versus the Dao of Slaughter, the most original collision is always the most simple...

In an instant, relics appeared in front of Wang Hao again, flying slowly from all directions.

I don't know if it's the three relics owned by Wang Hao, and there are another fifteen or eighteen relics gathered together, slowly floating towards Wang Hao's direction.

Unexpectedly, the three relics flew away from Wang Hao together in order to attract the remaining fifteen relics. This is Wang Hao's fate as a Buddha, and also his adventure. Since he entered Fenxiang Valley, it was doomed. A fate between him and Buddha relic.

Since it is predestined, why should he, Wang Hao, resist the profound meaning of Buddhism, the Dao of the sword transforms all dharmas, and to a certain extent, it is also a kind of Dharma.

In a blink of an eye, Wang Hao sat cross-legged on the spot, and the righteousness of swordsmanship quietly turned into flying smoke and dissipated around Wang Hao.

Eighteen relics hovered above Wang Hao's head, shining golden light, incomparably peaceful and holy...

Even Wang Hao felt a warm breath, what is Buddha...

The Buddha is the fate, the fate is the Buddha, one sand, one world, one flower, one Bodhi, all of these are Buddhas.

Thousands of monks, grass, trees and creatures, as long as they have compassion in their hearts, they are Buddhas. Regardless of their nature, regardless of race, if they have a Buddha in their hearts, they are Buddhas.

Since ancient times, saints have ten lives, one life is heaven, one life is earth, one life is life and death, one life is country, life is confession and seven regrets, Zhubi records soul, prosperity blinks, like dew like lightning, like wind like cloud, like everything rises, like ...dream bubbles.

All the prosperity in the world will eventually return to a speck of dust. If you break through everything, you will be a Buddha, and those who have achieved this state will be a Buddha.

The Buddha has compassion. There are eight sufferings in the world, life is suffering, death is suffering, separation is suffering, separation is suffering, illness is suffering... Those who hurt this compassion are Buddhas.

Thousands of living beings, born in the world of mortals, feel the joys and sorrows of the world... See through the world of mortals, and with this thought in your heart, you can become a Buddha.

There is a Buddha in the heart, it is a Buddha...

Wang Hao understood the profound meaning of Buddhism, and Mu suddenly opened his eyes. The Buddha is him, it is a Buddha, and it is a Buddha. One flower and one bodhi, one sand and one world, this mysterious space is an independent world.

That is the world, that is a flower, a grain of sand, he is in the world, he is in a flower, on a grain of sand.

Even if the space is ten thousand hectares, one end is only one step away from the other end... Traveling thousands of miles, it is only an instant, and you will arrive in the blink of an eye.

The space at this time is already very small, and the edge is right in front of him. Wang Hao can touch the edge of the world as long as he raises his hand.

The compassion of the Buddha is the vitality of the heaven and the earth. He does not kill or take life. Although he cannot endow all things with vitality, he never takes the lives of others lightly.

Wang Hao was at a loss as to whether refraining from killing was truly compassionate, whether evil people could really be influenced by compassion, and whether evil karma could really be washed away.

"No, ending the crime of the wicked is also compassion." Wang Hao questioned the compassion of the Buddha, but no one answered his question in this empty space. The Buddha Di Shitian has long passed away. He discussed Buddhism and Taoism together.

Since no one can talk about it, let him prove it by himself. Wang Hao got up, and the righteousness of the way of the sword gushed out.

The evolution of chaos, the beginning of the heaven and the earth, the stars of the universe, the mountains and rivers, the vegetation and life, are full of vitality. This is his Wang Hao's compassion. He wants to create such a world, without war, without killing, and an exceptionally peaceful world.

"This kind of compassion is the compassion of the Buddha." Wang Hao said to himself, but he didn't expect that the eighteen relics would emit strange light and fly to Wang Hao.

They are arranged in a human form, Buddha head relics, Buddha bone relics, Buddha finger relics... The eighteen Buddha relics are all transformed by the Buddha Di Shitian, and the human form composed of the eighteen relics is Di Shitian.

It's just that although it is in the shape of a human, it is not a human body. After a while, the outline of the eighteen relics gradually formed, shining golden light again, and the Buddha Di Shitian reappeared in front of Wang Hao's eyes.

The mysterious space became different in an instant. As soon as Di Shitian came out with all the vitality, he became quiet in an instant, as if he was the only one in this world, and even Wang Hao became small, but Wang Hao didn't care.

Looking at Di Shitian, although his eyes are peaceful, there is also a trace of majesty. This is the emperor's prestige that belongs to the god emperor. Even if he is not Di Shitian himself, he will have coercion, which belongs to him alone law.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful." These were the first words Di Shitian said after the statue manifested, and the Buddha's name sounded like thunder.

Hearing the enlightenment, like a spring breeze, washes away the dust of the ages and the filth of the world. This is the compassion of Di Shitian. He cultivates his way all his life and does not kill a single person. This is the influence of this kind of compassion.

Wang Hao thought that he did not have this kind of contagious power, it belonged exclusively to him, Di Shitian, and it came from the compassionate practice of not taking anyone's life or hurting anything in his life.

But Wang Hao will not be infected by his way of compassion, because Wang Hao already has his own understanding of the law, which is his own way, the way of creation.

It can be broad and magnificent, it can be peaceful and far away, it can be a life of magnificence, and it can also be calm and waveless. This is the way of creation.

"My Buddha is merciful, good, good..." Another Buddha's name sounded, and the Buddhist melody was really contagious.

Wang Hao listened to everything without stopping, but he was not moved.

(End of this chapter)

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