Chapter 872 Desperate Hope
Wang Hao flew into the temple, and the relics hanging above his head also entered with Wang Hao.

As soon as he stepped into the temple, the oncoming aura made Wang Hao's heart tremble. He had only encountered this aura once, but it made him unforgettable all his life.

That is the air of despair in the void, isn't this the Temple of Indra?Why there is such a breath, it is hard to be fooled, this is not the Temple of Emperor Shitian at all, but still in the hallucination.

At this time, the relic that had been floating above Wang Hao's head flew into the air of despair. Although it was brilliant, it was difficult to suppress the air of despair.

"I've finally been waiting for you, those who are destined..." This was Di Shitian's voice, coming from the despair in front of him.

Wang Hao realized that the image of Di Shitian was appearing in the air of despair in front of him, and the relic was still a relic, and had not transformed into Di Shitian. Could it be that Di Shitian was still alive? Maybe!
"For those who are destined, the poor monk has passed away for a long time..." Di Shitian said.

When Wang Hao heard this, he opened his golden pupils. Through the air of despair, Wang Hao saw the engraving of the rune, which was the supreme engraving of Di Shitian, which saved the last part of his time. He wanted to tell the eighteen What are the predestined people of Relic.

"Buddha, please, Wang Hao listens carefully." Since the appearance of the relics can talk to him, then I think that the Buddha body manifested by the imprint left by Di Shitian should also be able to talk to him.

"Wang Hao, when you experienced the one hundred and eighth level, have you seen the scene of the void invading?" Di Shitian asked, his voice was calm, without emotion.

"I have been close to it, and I have also touched the void before." Wang Hao replied with cupped hands to show his respect for Di Shitian.

"The poor monk has confronted Void for 4000 years, preventing Void from invading God's domain ninety-nine and 81 times, and finally lost to the Lord of Void. As a last resort, he sneaked into the underground palace of the Temple of Void, but the Lord of Void also died here in despair. .”

After listening to Di Shitian's speech, Wang Hao realized the horror of the Void Lord, who was able to trap a supreme being to death.

Also, could the Lord of the Void be the owner of those eyes that gave him a creepy look when he entered the Void?

"The void is indeed the biggest threat to God's Domain so far." Wang Hao said, "I don't know what the Buddha can do."

There was no answer, and the air of despair rushed to Wang Hao. Wang Hao was startled, took half a step back, and then stopped, because he knew that he must not retreat, if he could not accept the test of the air of despair, then in the future, in the illusion Everything that happens may become reality.

Wang Hao was facing the air of despair, and the air of despair entangled him as quickly as possible. I remember the last time, when he was entangled by this air, he cut off part of his divine power and soul before he was able to escape.

But it was for the safety of God's Domain, this time, he could only go through it forcefully, and he firmly believed that there was always a way to deal with the despair.

It's pitch black, although the eyes are bright, but the heart is dark, this feeling is better than the darkness seen by the eyes.

The light is in front of the eyes, but the heart is dark, hard to touch... However, despair is not only darkness.

Invisibly, this aura is gradually depriving Wang Hao of his will. Although Wang Hao's cultivation base is there at this time, his whole body is weak. If he doesn't quickly remove it, is it really impossible to break out of this aura of despair?

If you do nothing like this, if you delay for a long time, you will be so eroded that you can't even strip off your divine power and soul.

At this moment, Wang Hao is facing a decision, whether to immediately strip away the eroded divine power and soul, or continue to persevere and do this kind of confrontation!
This choice is difficult, but the rarer the choice, the faster it needs to be. In an instant, Wang Hao decided to give up and strip away his despair again.

If he can't find a way to overcome the despair, then, when the void invades, I'm afraid even he will be powerless, so he must persevere, if he fails, he will be benevolent.

The air of despair erodes very quickly. It takes less than a stick of incense to erode Wang Hao's divine power and soul. Although his cultivation has not been imprisoned, Wang Hao has no intention of using it. despair.

If you are desperate for everything, you don't want to do anything. If you don't want to do anything, you will naturally lose your fighting spirit. This is the power of despair.

The moment Wang Hao's soul was eroded, the world became silent. The world was silent, which meant silence. The flowers and birds were silent, which meant silence. Thousands of creatures were silent, which meant silence... the whole world was silent, which meant... …despair.

"What you experienced is the forbidden move of the Lord of the Void." Di Shitian's voice sounded at the right time. It turned out that this was also arranged by Di Shitian, and the air of despair was the forbidden move of the Lord of the Void.

When Wang Hao broke into the void that time, he made a shot, but it was not as strong.

But things seemed to have exceeded Di Shitian's expectations. Wang Hao didn't wake up from despair immediately, but was still immersed in despair, and the whole world was silent.

"Benefactor, wake up quickly!" Di Shitian's voice reached Wang Hao's ears, but Wang Hao was still unmoved.

"It's time, it's fate... until the poor monk died, he still couldn't fully understand the forbidden moves of the Lord of the Void, and instead of helping future generations, he harmed future generations." Di Shitian closed his eyes after finishing speaking. .

Self-esteem is also in despair, even if it is just engraved, it also has the emotion of supreme, this is the last emotion of Di Shitian, despair, the last time of his life is entangled with the air of despair, even this imprint is left in despair in the air.

In the end, Di Shitian died in the air of despair. The Buddha had no desires, no desires, and no self in his heart. Such a cultivator could not resist the air of despair. It can be seen how terrible the forbidden move of the Lord of the Void is. .

It's just that Shenlong, who was the king of the gods back then, was also attacked by this move and fell to the throne.

At this time, Wang Hao was fighting against the air of despair, but his situation was not optimistic, and he did not think of any way to resist this air of despair.

In fact, he didn't think about it. The erosion of despair has already made Wang Hao not want to think, so he can only waste the years here, so that everything will be worn away by the years of despair, leaving nothing.

Wang Hao seemed to have fallen asleep. He had experienced countless alternations of cold and heat, and countless springs, summers, autumns and winters. Although he didn't feel the passage of time, he had indeed slept for a long, long time. When I can't wake up.

In the dreamland where the whole world is silent, a drop of absorbing water moistened the dry soil, and after a while, a little green sprouted here, which was the tender buds of plants.

Soon after, the buds bloomed and bear fruit, and this silent and hopeless world has the first green plant, vitality, which is the beginning of vitality.

Even in his dream, Wang Hao, who looked like a corpse, was finally attracted by this vitality, his eyes moved, and turned to this green plant.

It turns out that life is so beautiful. Feeling the beauty of vitality, Wang Hao finally moved. After sitting in meditation for endless years of despair, this was the first time his body moved and his heart moved. When he came to this green plant, he stretched out his hand gently Touch, feel this little bit of anger.

It's really very beautiful, this is a breath that is completely different from this world, this is, this vitality represents this hope, and life is the source of hope.

In an instant, Wang Hao came to his senses, waking up in the boundless despair. It was also in an instant that the righteousness of the sword gushed out, and the vitality gushed out. This is the way of creation of the righteousness of the sword.

The meaning of despair brought by the air of despair is endless, and the meaning of hope brought by the way of creation is also endless.

Endless silence and endless vitality confront each other wantonly in Wang Hao's dream, where despair and hope erode each other and mix together, it turns out to be evenly matched.

In the mixed world, there is half despair and hope, and half death and vitality. However, hope can be regarded as having won, because although this world still has the air of death and silence, it also has spring warmth and flowers blooming, full of vitality.

At the moment when both sides were evenly matched, Wang Hao woke up from the dream. The confrontation in the dream was not over yet, but Wang Hao had already broken through the air of despair and got rid of the entanglement of the air of despair.

And Wang Hao has already understood the method of fighting against the spirit of despair. Despair and hope are just like this. The two are opposed and just hostile to each other. The meaning can arouse boundless vitality.

As soon as Wang Hao waved his hand, a boundless sword intent gushed out, rushing towards the despair in the hall, and the boundless sword intent shone in between, full of vitality.

The air of despair was washed away, and Wang Hao was overjoyed that it had an effect, hoping that it could fight against despair.

After a while, the despair that had been dissipated actually condensed. What happened, Wang Hao was shocked, and he didn't know what was going on.

He sent out another sword intent, which contained more vitality, but this time it really didn't even dispel the despair. Could it be that it lost its effect? ​​Wang Hao couldn't believe such a result, no matter what.

"What's the reason?" Wang Hao said to himself, but this was heard by Di Shitian Yinke, and he said aloud.

"The air of despair never dies... The poor monk once tried to fight with vitality, but it also failed."

Wang Hao was stunned, it turned out that Di Shitian had tried it before, but it was not impossible, how could he have been unable to imagine it for thousands of years, but why, in the dream, he could be able to spark vitality!
Wang Hao thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.

"Wang Hao, that's because there is still a lack of an introduction to the creation of the righteous way of the sword, to plant life in despair." A female voice sounded in Wang Hao's mind. This is the system, and the system reminded Wang Hao.

In the dream, a drop of water fell on the soil, and then a green plant grew, blossomed and bore fruit, which gave the hopeless world the first ray of life. Although it was small, it could not be ignored.

The vitality was not endowed by Wang Hao's Dao of the Sword and the Dao of Creation, how did it appear.

"The system..." Before Wang Hao finished speaking, the system already knew what Wang Hao was going to say. Just like Wang Hao, he knew that the system must know where this vitality came from. Otherwise, she might not pay attention to it.

"Do you still remember the fragment of the world seed that was placed in the system?" After the system finished speaking, Wang Hao was startled. Unexpectedly, he had such strong power.

With a thought, the World Seed Fragment was taken out of the system by Wang Hao. At this moment, just holding it in his hand, he already felt a majestic vitality.

If there is salvation, everything will be there. Since it can fight against the air of despair, then the whole world is old.

Wang Hao immediately activated the fragments of the world's seeds, and a burst of primitive vitality burst forth, rushing towards the air of despair...

"Wow..." It was the sound of running water. Could it be that water is the source of vitality?Yes, all things are born of water, and the survival of thousands of creatures is inseparable from water. In a dream, a drop of water awakens vitality. Now, it is also flowing water, injecting vitality into the boundless despair.

(End of this chapter)

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