Chapter 875
At the moment Wang Hao felt, the throne in front of Wang Hao disappeared, and the golden light in the temple also shrank, turning into an ordinary underground palace.

And Di Shitian's image became clearer, as if the divine power and psionic energy of the entire temple had been used to recast the golden body.

Wang Hao thought to himself: Is it possible to be able to regenerate? How long has it been since I passed away?

"Amitabha, the benefactor is merciful, and the poor monk admires him." Di Shitian said.

"I don't dare to be merciful, but I have my principles. If I should kill, I will kill. If I don't, I will naturally not kill. I was willing to have a life-and-death relationship with him. Although I never thought that he would have such an identity, there is no such thing as love and righteousness." will change."

"Even if there will be a real battle between gods and kings in the future, I will not regret today's decision." Wang Hao said firmly.

Competing for the crossing, even if the position of the king of the gods is bound to be thousands of bones, it does not necessarily have to be paved with killing. Everyone in the Yan Luomen is the best in the original continent, but they are all supporting themselves now Become the king of the gods.

And Jin Ye, although he doesn't know what he thinks now, but even if he wakes up and is still his opponent, he is willing to keep such an opponent, so he can't be too lonely on the road to becoming the king of gods.

Opponents are not enemies, their true enemy is the Void.

"Buddha, Wang Hao would take the liberty to ask, what is the final test?" Wang Hao asked.

He really didn't understand, he had a fight with Jin Ye, was this a test?If Jin Ye hadn't entered the temple with him, what would the test be.

He really couldn't understand why the Buddha's test was related to the position of the king of the gods, and what could he prove by winning this battle!

"There is no test, it is a test. Everything happens according to the conditions, and the origin and extinction are all deterministic." Di Shitian said, his voice was long and long.

"The inheritance of Buddhism is just a matter of chance. This underground palace does not leave the inheritance of the poor monk. Whether there will be Buddhism in this world again depends on fate! The only thing left by the poor monk is this relic."

Wang Hao took the relic in his hand and looked at it, there was no difference from just now, but this relic was transformed from the Buddha's eighteen relics after all, after all, it has its extraordinary features.

"It is fate that the benefactor gets the relic left by the poor monk. This relic retains the cultivation of the poor monk and can protect the benefactor from a crisis." Di Shitian said.

"Your cultivation is supreme." Wang Hao said in amazement. Di Shitian's cultivation is supreme. If this relic really retains the supreme cultivation, it will be invincible. defeated.

"It's a god-emperor-level cultivation, and the supreme cultivation cannot be preserved." Di Shitian said, denying Wang Hao's words.

The god emperor is a little bit worse than the Supreme, but it is still awesome. How many god emperors can there be in this world!

"I understand, please rest assured Buddha, I will use this relic where it should be used, and it will not be wasted." Wang Hao said.

"Everything depends on fate. There is still my Dharma in the relic. Whether it can be opened or not depends on the fate in the future! Poor monk, it's time to disappear completely."

"Amitabha, good and good..." After a grand Buddha's cry, the image of Di Shitian disappeared, and the underground palace returned to peace.

Wang Hao looked at the relic in his hand, this is the last trace of Di Shitian in this world, the ancestor of Buddhism, just passed away and disappeared...

However, it is still unknown whether the inheritance of Buddhism can be reproduced... Wang Hao has no feeling, no matter how glorious the inheritance is, there will be a day when it will be destroyed, and whether his Yamamen will also have such a day.

Forget it, the origin and the extinction, just follow the fate, maybe there will be a day when Buddhism will be stronger, but this is not something he should care about.

"Boom...Boom" Just as Wang Hao was thinking, the underground palace began to shake, and the earth, stone and tiles began to shake down.

"No, this underground palace is about to collapse." Wang Hao said to himself, and with a sound of "Peng", a huge boulder fell down.

Could it be that after the complete disappearance of Di Shitian, this underground palace, the supreme temple of Buddhism, is of no use and is about to be destroyed?Or because of the long-term erosion of despair, the persistence of this temple has reached its limit, so it collapsed at this time.

"I don't have time to think about it." Huge boulders, accompanied by soil, landed in large swathes of land. At this time, the exit has been blocked, and there is no way to get out from the [-]th step. Not only is there too little time.

Rather, he was not sure if he had to go through the void and illusion again after walking the [-]th step. If he needed to, he would be buried alive, so at this time he could only put all his eggs in one basket.

Wang Hao received the fragments of the True Dragon Sword into the system, hoping to restore them in the future. Then, he picked up Shanhe Ming with his right hand, and Jin Ye with his left hand, concentrating all his divine power on Shanhe Ming, making sword moves with great righteousness. The best move.

Shanheming exuded a light blue light, and in an instant, thousands of blades gushed out of Wang Hao's hands and flew to the top of Wang Hao's temple.

In an instant, seeing the light, Wang Hao took Jin Ye and flew out like a sharp sword.

The matter of the temple was finally over, but the Buddhist temple was destroyed, Wang Hao could not fulfill his promise to the dead monks in Fenxiang Valley, and it was impossible to bury their bones in the temple.

"However, what Buddha pays attention to is fate, maybe it's fate to be buried in Fenxiang Valley!" Wang Hao will not be entangled in this matter any more, just let fate go.

Now it's time to deal with the matter of the Luding Sect. Although Yuchi Fengyu sucked the vitality of all the inner disciples of the Luding Sect during the final struggle, but what they did before, he would never No mercy.

Forget it like this, how can the resentful spirits of those monks who were innocently killed be at peace.

Wang Hao looked down to see if there was even a shadow, and then he remembered that before entering the temple, he and Jin Ye had gone through a divine calamity together, and those people must have been hacked to death, right?
Impossible!When I was in the calamity cloud, they had a gap to leave here and escape the thunder calamity attack. These people will not be able to hide!
Wang Hao spread his consciousness and checked the periphery of the Luding Gate. Sure enough, he was still dead, watching from the periphery.

"Come here during the three breaths, otherwise, I will let you all go to see Yuchi Fengyu." Wang Hao transmitted the sound with divine power, and the sound was enough to spread throughout Lingtuo Island.

None of the disciples of the Luding Sect dared to come here. He killed the head of the Luding Sect, Yuchi Fengyu, and survived a massive thunder tribulation.

At this moment, no one dared to disobey him, including Nian Lin, who was watching from the nearest place, and Yuchi Xiaoyao, who had already left by boat, had no choice but to come.

Yuchi Xiaoyao wanted to leave, but it was too late. Wang Hao's appearance at this time meant that he could no longer leave this Lingtuo Island safely. Fortunately, he came back obediently. Otherwise, Wang Hao would definitely call him Shenhunjiu off.

Coming back with Yuchi Xiaoyao was someone Wang Hao was fairly familiar with, the boss of the boat. Wang Hao really never thought that he had such a good relationship with Yuchi Xiaoyao.

Wang Hao stood on the ruins of the Luding Gate, waiting for the arrival of the disciples of the Luding Gate.

Within a few breaths, people appeared in front of Wang Hao one after another. The first person to come to Wang Hao was undoubtedly Nian Lin.

As soon as he appeared, he knelt down in front of Wang Hao before he could speak.Wang Hao was quite speechless when he saw it, his nature remained unchanged, and he had no backbone at all.

But Wang Hao was wrong this time, he was not spineless, but shameless.

"My subordinates refer to the sect master." Nian Lin opened his mouth and called the sect master, which has not yet been played: "The master of the sect is so powerful, he killed Yuchi Fengyu, and rescued my disciples of the Luding sect from the fire. The subordinates respect the sect master as much as The torrential river is endless..."

Wang Hao looked at him without blinking his eyes, and waited quietly for him to finish speaking. After about a stick of incense, almost all the disciples of the Luding Sect had gathered, and Nian Lin also said that it was almost the same. He looked up at Wang Hao The eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, trembled unconsciously.

"It's useless to flatter." Wang Hao tilted his head and said with a smile.

"Ah! You will never succeed in killing them all." This is the only time since Wang Hao met Nian Lin, he spoke seriously.

It turned out that it was for the disciples of the Luding Sect, but this time it made Wang Hao look at him with admiration. However, just because he defended the disciples of the Luding Sect, did he just let them go so easily?
Wang Hao took a look in the crowd, and Yuchi Xiaoyao was in the crowd, blocked by the boss of the boat, but he couldn't escape Wang Hao's eyes.

"You have not been influenced by Yuchi Fengyu's life-absorbing method. Why did you let Yuchi Xiaoyao run to Lingtuo Wharf? Should you give me an explanation?" Wang Hao said sharply.

"Ah! This..." Nian Lin was at a loss for words for a while, not knowing how to explain.

Unexpectedly, at this time Yuchi Xiaoyao took the initiative to stand up and walked in front of Wang Hao.

"If you want to kill, then kill! I have come to this end, it doesn't matter whether I live or die." Yuchi Xiaoyao said, although he didn't have the same momentum as before, but he still had a bit of arrogance.

"I didn't say I wanted to kill you," Wang Hao said.

"Ah!" Yuchi Xiaoyao looked at Wang Hao in surprise.

Until Wang Hao continued: "I have long wanted to use you to test the spirit control technique."

When he talked about controlling spirits, Wang Hao rang. Jiang Shukuang, who was cast by Jin Ye with controlling spirits, why didn't he see him here? Maybe he was buried alive.

"Where's Jiang Shukuang!" Wang Hao asked, Nian Lin got up and looked around, shrugged, but he didn't see it.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter where you are, Yuchi Xiaoyao, shouldn't you also taste the pain of those people who were made into puppets by Ludingmen!" Wang Hao looked at Yuchi Xiaoyao and said.

"A scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated. Even if I die today, I will not be a puppet." After Yuchi Xiaoyao finished speaking, only the magic power was left in the reversal, intending to explode himself.

Seeing this, Wang Hao waved Shanhe Ming, and the sword performed the way of the sword. A gentleman's sword intent blocked Yuchi Xiaoyao's divine power.

"You..." Yuchi Xiaoyao seemed to be in despair, and there was dead silence in his eyes.

"So there is no difference between you and Yuchi Fengyu." At this moment, Nian Lin jumped up and accused Wang Hao of being the same person as Yuchi Fengyu.

"Forget it, I won't try the spirit control technique, but you guys, what should I do with it!" This turned out to be a difficult problem for Wang Hao.

kill it!There are a large number of them, and they should all be involved in the Luding Clan out of necessity. The mistakes of their ancestors have nothing to do with them.It is too unfair to the monks who died unjustly to keep them instead of killing them.

(End of this chapter)

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