Chapter 421 It Can't Be Her (1)

"It's not your father, don't worry about what you say, and force me to come and see you." Mrs. Ji ruthlessly poked someone.

"What are you talking about!" Ji Haowen's face turned red immediately, "Isn't it natural for parents to come and see their daughter? Anyway, you sleep at home, so it's good to go out and walk around?"

"Yes, yes, you are right!" Mrs. Ji followed his wishes without arguing too much, and then turned her head to look at her daughter, "Look at your dad, he obviously misses you, and he said so seriously What nonsense."

"Okay! You can come whenever you want! Or I can go back to Ji's house, but the premise is, when you come over next time, can you call me first? That way I can prepare well." Husband and wife The two rushed to Mu's house suddenly, almost having a heart attack from being frightened by them.

"This idea is also from your father. Why do you want to see the real life of you and your son-in-law? If I call you in advance, why don't I pretend to be a beautiful illusion?" Mrs. Ji said mercilessly again betray someone.

Ji Xue couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, "What about now? Dad, what kind of state do you think we are in?"

"It feels... not bad, and I haven't found any loopholes yet."

You thought it was 360 killing!What loopholes... Ji Xue immediately blushed!
The family gets along happily.

At this time, there was a sudden noise from Xuanhuan, and Mu Han came in with a briefcase. Ji Xue was dumbfounded. Why did this man leave work so early today? Doesn't he usually work overtime until around ten o'clock? of it?

Mu Han obviously didn't expect that the Ji family couple would suddenly come to Mu's house. He was stunned for three seconds, and then slowly recovered, so he greeted the Ji family couple, "Parents, You are here!"

The phrase 'Parents', he yelled a little awkwardly, after all, he hadn't called this title for so long.

"It's Mu Han who's back! Come and sit down! I heard from Xue'er that you've been busy recently. We took the liberty to come here today, and we didn't call you to say anything." When Ji Haowen saw him, an expression appeared on his face. Cheerful expression.

For Mu Han, a young and promising son-in-law, he couldn't pick a single thorn in his face. He was quite satisfied, and at the same time had to praise his daughter for her good eyesight.

"You two don't have to be so polite, just treat this as your own home." Mu Han handed the briefcase in his hand to Sister Xia, changed his shoes at the entrance before entering.

Ever since Ji Xue saw him come back, she kept her head buried very low, her cheeks were so red that she didn't dare to look at him directly, trying her best to turn herself into air.

Mrs. Ji sensed that something was wrong with her daughter, so she asked aloud, "Xue'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red? You probably have a fever, and you don't even know it?"

"No...nope!" At this moment, Ji Xue even wanted to hit the wall, was she sure she wasn't selling her daughter?Afraid that she would continue to ask questions, Ji Xue had to leave this place of right and wrong temporarily, "Mom and Dad, please sit and chat for a while, I'll go and see how the food preparation is going."

"Oh! You child, you haven't finished talking yet! Why are you running!" Mrs. Ji's words sounded behind her, forcing her to speed up her feet again, as if there was a man-eating monster behind her.

Seeing this scene, Mu Han couldn't bear to laugh, his little wife must be shy!

 ps: Thanks to the little cuties who have rewarded recently, I have seen them all, and there are two more chapters to be updated later

(End of this chapter)

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