Chapter 454 The Secret Hidden in the USB Drive (17)

No matter how you say it, it's very weird!

"Housekeeper, if you have anything to say, you may as well speak directly."

Hearing this, the butler first looked at Le Xiangqin, and after getting her nod of approval, she told what had happened recently.

After hearing this, Bai Yichen was furious. He never expected that his half-sister, who looked weak on the outside, turned out to be such a vicious woman in her heart, and even he didn't even see her true face.

"Bai Lili, how dare she treat my mother like this. She is just an illegitimate daughter. Where did she get the courage to do this? Do you really think she is the eldest lady of the Bai family?!"

"Master, you'd better be wary of her. Once I overheard her calling. Bai Lili, a woman, is planning to take over the Bai family, and then pull you down from the position of president. Now she is probably doing something secretly. "The butler kindly reminded him.

"Son!" At this moment, Le Xiangqin grasped Bai Yichen's hand a little excitedly, as if to tell him some important news, "Xiao...Xin...Ye...Deputy."

Vice President Ye!
Hearing this, Bai Yichen sneered, "Mom, don't worry, your son is nearly 30 years old, and I haven't been fooled by a woman so easily."

Because this time, he won't be merciful anymore.

A malignant tumor is placed by one's side, and one always has to worry about when it will break out, so it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Le Xiangqin rolled her eyes, as if she suddenly remembered something, and then forced out a few words from her mouth, "Son! Keep... the cabinet."


"Mom, do you mean the safe?" Bai Yichen asked suspiciously.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what she said, Le Xiangqin kept saying 'hmm', and then said, "Take..."

"Do you want me to get something from the safe?"

"Hmm!" Le Xiangqin blinked, ""

Perhaps because the pronunciation of 'USB' is difficult, Bai Yichen only understood the first two blacks, "Mom, you want me to go to the safe to get the black things?"

"Yeah!" Le Xiangqin blinked again, anyway, there was only a black flash drive inside, and you could probably see it as soon as you opened the cabinet.

"Okay, then you wait here for a while, I'll find it for you." With that said, Bai Yichen stood up from the stool, then turned to look at the butler, "My mother, please take care of me first, I'll take care of it." lie down."

"No problem, you can go!" The hanging heart finally fell to the ground, and the butler suddenly felt relieved.

Bai Yichen came to the master bedroom and opened the safe hidden in the closet. A small black USB flash drive was lying quietly on top of a stack of documents, which was particularly eye-catching.

Bai Yichen frowned, stretched out his hand to take it out, and looked at the entire safe, except for a black USB flash drive, there was nothing else black in it.

Is there something important here?

With a trace of suspicion, Bai Yichen returned to the guest room where Le Xiangqin lived, "Mom, I only saw a black USB flash drive in the safe. Are you looking for this? What's in it?"

"Yeah..." Le Xiangqin burst into a smile, and excitedly squeezed out a few words, "Send... Su... Shi!"

For Bai Lili, this USB flash drive was her fatal point. If Su Zimo saw this thing, she would be doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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