Chapter 482 Moved out of the Mu family (10)

"What's the matter, are you afraid of being seen by your brother?" Su Zimo shamelessly hugged her a little closer, "What does it matter, we all grew up together, so hug her like usual , isn't it normal?"

"Su Zimo, you are enough." Mu Xi pushed him away angrily, "How did I find out that your skin is getting thicker and thicker!"

The latter touched his face with his hand, and smiled angrily, "It's not thick! It's quite thin."

Muxi found that he had trouble communicating with him, so he urged him again, "Okay, I'm going in, you should go back quickly! If my brother sees you later, I'm sure I'll break your legs."

Looking away, Muxi turned around and walked towards the villa, but a man's voice came from behind him, "Xiaoxi, when you sleep tonight, be careful not to kick the quilt, your fever has just subsided, so be careful Stop getting cold."

Hearing this, Muxi stopped in her footsteps. She stood there for a few seconds, feeling sour inexplicably in her heart. She was speechless for a long time, and she replied "I see." behind his back. Then he strode away.

Seeing that figure disappear from sight, Su Zimo sighed heavily, as if the time had returned to a certain night four years ago, after he learned the news of Mu Xi's going abroad, he was also like now, standing There was an iron gate across the door of Mu's house, and Mu Xi's name was shouting in his mouth.

Su Zimo stood there for a long time before he moved back to the car. .

The car drove away from Mu's house, and he suddenly said to Liu Mingyu in the front seat, with an irresistible coldness in his tone, "Arrest that woman Bai Lili, and give me a 'good' service."

He was about to send someone to look for her, but it turned out that she came to her door first. Fate is really interesting!
"Bai Lili?" Liu Mingyu thought he heard it wrong, "President, is it Bai Lili from the Bai family? She is Miss Mu's friend, are you sure?"

"Remember, a woman like her is not even qualified to help Xiaoxi carry shoes. What kind of friend is this?" Su Zimo's expression was very serious, and he didn't seem to be lying at all.

From the moment he knew the truth, that woman was doomed to have a bad life for the rest of her life.

How dare she plot against Muxi and let him misunderstand Xiaoxi for so many years, then she has to be prepared to die ten thousand times, do you really think that no one knows about the shitty things she did?
"Yes, I understand." Liu Mingyu nodded towards the man in the rearview mirror.

Although he didn't know what was going on here, but being able to make his boss say something like 'good service' meant that the woman had touched the bottom line of the president.

The end... not to mention.

However, Bai Lili is a member of the Bai family anyway, so it might not be that convenient if he wants to touch her, so he couldn't help but ask again, "President, if we want to touch Bai Lili, then the Bai family..."

"The Bai family?" Su Zimo sneered, "Except for the members of the Bai family, few people in the entire city of Guangzhou have known her true identity for so many years."

After a pause, he added leisurely, "It's just an illegitimate daughter. If you don't obediently do your part and insist on jumping out to cause trouble, then don't blame me for being cruel."

(End of this chapter)

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