Chapter 486 Moved out of the Mu family (14)

"Brother, you are so disgusting!" Why do you still say it when you know it, don't they want to lose face?
Mu Xi gave him a strange look, then snatched the handkerchief from his hand, and said after a long time, "Brother, actually I have something to tell you today."

"Well, tell me, I'm listening!" Mu Han put on a look, "I've seen it a long time ago".

"Brother, then promise me first, you won't be angry after listening!" Muxi was actually a little afraid that he would be unhappy.

"Well, then you can talk about it first, and then decide whether you want to be angry after I finish listening." Mu Han replied solemnly.

When Muxi heard the words, he suddenly felt a crow flying over his head, "Brother, I'm serious!"

"All right, all right, I won't joke with you anymore." Mu Han instantly returned to seriousness.

"Which..." Muxi brewed a little nervousness, then closed her eyes, and blurted out her inner thoughts in one breath, "Brother, I want to take Mumu out of Mu's house."

The surrounding air suddenly became quiet.

Mu Xi didn't respond to the other party for a long time, so she opened one eye slightly, and the picture that caught her eyes... It really was Mu Han's unattractive face.

"Bring Mumu out of Mu's house, where are you going? Why did you suddenly have this idea?" Mu Han frowned, as if a knot had been tied.

"There are several apartments in our urban area! I can just live in one that is closer to the studio. After all, you and your sister-in-law are married, and it is always inconvenient for us to be here."

In fact, Muxi had this idea a long time ago, but she never had the chance to say it.

"The Mu's villa is our home, we are all a family, what's the inconvenience of living together?" Mu Han really couldn't understand why she thought this way, "Besides, our villa is so big, we can live an extra ten You are not a problem, and Mumu is only three years old now, it is too hard for you to take care of the child alone."

"Brother, I understand what you said, but in a certain sense, it is really inconvenient." Muxi was afraid that he would not agree, and then planned to wear off his mouth, "Also, I will take Mumu to the market Living in an apartment in the district is actually for convenience. It is convenient for me to commute to work, and it is also convenient for my children to go to and from school. When I am not at home, my children are taken care of by Xia. We can still come back to live on weekends or when there are holidays. !"

After a pause, she added weakly, "It's the same nature as students living on campus."

"Okay! Brother, just agree to my little request." Muxi grabbed his arm and acted like a baby.

After listening to her words, Mu Han was silent for a long time, but in the end he couldn't help but agree to her request, "I can agree to you, but I also have my request."

"Well, brother, tell me." Muxi's eyes immediately brightened.

"1. You must report to me the whereabouts of you and the child every day. Mu Mu must have at least one bodyguard with him. As for you..." Before Mu Han could finish speaking, Mu Xi interrupted him, "The child has a bodyguard It's quite reassuring to follow me, but as for me, with an assistant like Shen Zeyang following me every day, bodyguards or something... shouldn't I need it?"

Mu Xi's eyes with bright teeth and bright eyes flickered at him incoherently.

(End of this chapter)

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