Chapter 490 How Did He Know? (4)


In the past 30 years of his life, he has never been called rubbish!This woman really does not shed tears when she sees the coffin, and she insists on forcing people to be rough on her, only then did she know how to write the word 'fear'?
Seeing the man approaching every step of the way, Bai Lili became frightened immediately, and could only use words to bluff, "You...don't come here, if you dare to touch a hair of mine, neither the Su family nor the Bai family will let you go .”

Bai Lili's voice settled down, and before the man could respond, the figure outside the door slowly walked in, speaking in a calm, yet extremely ruthless tone, "I just want to ask, when did I have a fiancée?" ?”

"Huh? Miss Bai?" Su Zimo's gaze fell on her face, like a sharp blade, piercing her skin inch by inch.

"Zi...Zimo, why are you here? You came to save me, right?" When Bai Lili saw him, she became so emotional that she ignored everything else.

"Miss Bai's self-perception, isn't it too good?" Su Zimo stopped about three meters away from her, and then slowly unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt, "I seem to have said it a long time ago, don't let me hear it." My name, coming out of your mouth, makes me sick."

"You...what do you mean?" Bai Lili's face paled instantly. She looked at Su Zimo, and then at the bodyguard beside him, as if she suddenly understood something, "This... this group is Your people? You let them arrest me?"

"You seem surprised?" Su Zimo chuckled, but did not deny it.

"Why? Why did you do this?" Bai Lili suddenly opened her teeth and claws at him like a rabies attack, desperately trying to break free, "I like you so much, I love you so much, how can you treat me like this? "

After more than [-] hours, she was tied up here for a whole day and night, and her willpower had already collapsed.

Su Zimo's behavior at this moment is undoubtedly a major blow to her. She was expecting this man to save her a second ago, but the reality gave her a resounding slap in the face.

It was this man who ordered someone to kidnap him!

In such a crisis situation, it was ridiculous that she should think of him first.

"Why did I do this? Don't you understand it very well?" Su Zimo seemed to hear some joke, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, but the overall expression on his face revealed a sinister look, "Bai Lili, After all these years, you have been hiding deep enough! However, paper still cannot contain fire after all, don't think that you can completely hide the truth by destroying the evidence from the past."

Hearing this, Bai Lili's heart skipped a beat, panic flashed across her face, and she pretended to be calm, "You...what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"You don't understand, that's okay." Su Zimo looked sideways at Liu Mingyu who was following him, and the latter immediately handed the iPad in his hand.

Su Zimo unhurriedly clicked on one of the videos, then threw the iPad directly on the table in front of her, and there was a crisp 'click' sound.

The voice landed in Bai Lili's ears, as if hitting her heart, causing a burst of panic in her heart. When she clearly saw the surveillance video being played on the iPad, her face turned pale as paper.

(End of this chapter)

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