Chapter 494 I want to borrow some money from you (2)

Unexpectedly, her resistance drew the other party's crazier actions, and within a few strokes, she was caught.body.superior.clothes.pull.It was a mess.

"Go away, is this lady something you trash can touch?" The room was very dark, and Bai Lili could tell from her own feeling that they hadn't bathed for a long time, so the sour smell she just smelled The smell should come from them.

Therefore, the few people in front of them who couldn't see their faces clearly were most likely homeless on the street.

The smell on them alone is enough to make people sick, so according to Su Zimo's meaning, he is going to give himself to this group of homeless people who are disgusting to the extreme, right?

After coming to this conclusion, Bai Lili's heart was very broken, she suddenly seemed to go crazy, she stretched out her hand to push away the figures in front of her, and shouted in a broken voice, "Get out! If you dare to come here again, Miss Ben I will kill you all one by one."

With just a simple touch, she could feel the greasy, filthy feeling on their bodies, which made her wish to slam her head against the wall to death.

Bai Lili managed to break free from their clutches, and just stood up from the ground, but due to her weakness, she fell to the ground again with a 'plop'.

The homeless men probably haven't touched a woman for a long time, and now they smell the perfume on her body and the tight skin.Sincerely.Light.slip.She couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart, and rushed towards her one by one.

"Ah! Don't come here!" The screams resounded throughout the villa.

The room was very dark, Bai Lili didn't know how many people were there, she only knew.body.superior.The men changed one after another.

After a long time, she finally couldn't bear the heinous feeling of nausea and vomited out of her stomach.

Before she fainted, Bai Lili suddenly laughed wildly, and now she finally knew what Su Zimo's phrase 'life is better than death' meant.

She had loved this man for so many years, but in the end it was he who pushed herself to hell with his own hands.

Using this method to make her life worse than death, Su Zimo is definitely the most ruthless man in the world.

Smiling and laughing, Bai Lili's eyes kept bursting into tears, "Su Zimo, Muxi, I curse you that you can't be partners forever, as long as I, Bai Lili, are alive, you will never be together, I will definitely Let you go to hell one by one, since I am having a hard time, none of you should think about it, hahaha..."

The man on her body was still taking and taking, until she fainted, the group of tramps didn't intend to stop. .

Outside the living room.

Su Zimo sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and slowly lit it for himself, but he only took a puff, and then let the cigarette burn on his fingertips until his skin felt slightly hot. Just put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Hearing the screams coming from inside, he leaned on the sofa with a posture like a normal person, then stretched out his sharp hand, and lazily took the wine glass on the table, he After shaking it a little, he brought it to his lips and took a sip.

(End of this chapter)

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