Chapter 435

"Got it." His tone was full of fatigue, and he rarely felt so hopeless and afraid.

Tang Nineteen went from the capital to Fengzhou alone, even if the journey was slow, he should have entered the city long ago.

However, Qingxing and the others split up and chased along all the roads leading to Fengzhou for days, asking all the way, but there was no news of her.

In the past few days, he sent people to search along the way, and Fei Ge sent a letter back, but there was still no news of her.

Although she is smart and quick-witted, she has never traveled far. The capital is thousands of miles away from Fengzhou. She is a woman from a Taoist family and does not know martial arts. If something happens...

Qu Tiange clenched his fists tightly, thinking that day, he threw her in the ruined temple outside the city, if it wasn't for Tang Rong, he wouldn't dare to imagine what would happen later.

Along the way, she must have dared not take the official route in order to avoid being chased.

Leaving the official road, although there are many small roads leading to Fengzhou, there are some barren lands along the way.

Many of these areas have been murdered by robbery and murder. If she really meets a vicious person, how can she be an opponent.

That day, she shouldn't have been left alone in the capital.

Don't tell him to miss her, now her whereabouts are unknown.

No matter which way she took, she should have arrived in Toyosu, but the people who sent out to inquire about her came back with nothing.

In Fengzhou City, she was not seen.

Outside Fengzhou City, she was not seen.

Where the hell is she.

Without her, this vibrant house of lights looks so bleak.

"Still asleep." Not far behind, came a deep and slightly hoarse female voice.

Qing Xing turned her head, cupped her fists and bowed: "Master Xu Feng."

"Qing Xing, you go down first."


Xu Shu has been standing in the dark for a long time, almost as long as Qu Tiange has been standing on this cliff, she has been standing behind him for as long.

She has seen his abnormalities in the past few days.

She didn't expect that Tang Nineteen could influence him to such an extent that he even put aside the Zhimao County tragedy that had finally been found out.

"Are you worried about that princess of yours?" She fought side by side with him with her hands behind her back, overlooking the lights of thousands of houses in the distance. This is the most beautiful place on Poisonous Wolf Peak at night.

A few days ago, when she was standing here with him, each of them had a jug of wine, talking about the past when they were young, full of energy, talking and laughing.

Today, it was a completely different scene. The atmosphere was so heavy that she felt that Qu Tiange had returned to the time when his mother and concubine were seriously ill when he was a child.

"She doesn't know martial arts. Although she is smart and wise, if she encounters unreasonable villains, she has nothing to do."

Xu Shu had never met Qu Tiange's concubine before, but judging from this matter, she really didn't like this woman, and she didn't understand how such a foolish impulsive woman who disregarded the overall situation attracted Qu Tiange.

"Okay, she'll be fine. I've sent people to investigate around Toyosu, but all single women, old and young women and children will be questioned carefully. Maybe she's just lost and is going around in circles.— —Since she has the courage to go on the road alone, you can relax."

"I can't let go." Every day he didn't see her, he was restless.

Xu Shu was a little impatient: "Then you just stand here every day, waiting for her news, don't you care about the affairs of Zhimao County?"

This matter has now been figured out, and the whereabouts of the villagers who were taken away and sealed have been found.

(End of this chapter)

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