Chapter 1304
Simply planting land, planting some crops, and living a peaceful and peaceful life is not good enough. "

"Are you willing to live like this?"

"If it's the man I love..." Thinking of Jun Moshang, her eyes were full of longing, "I am willing."

Looking at the longing in her eyes, it was obvious that Jun Youqi was in front of her eyes, but she didn't see himself in her eyes, he felt a pain in his heart, helplessly reappeared in his eyes, and called her name, "Yun'er..."

She ignored him and went downstairs towards the campfire.

He stood in the corridor and watched her approaching the crowd. After all the villagers saw her, they were amazed by the surprise at first, and soon the village girl named Hai Lanzhu took her to dance with the villagers.

"Master..." Yuanzi was worried, "Miss Feng Si is pregnant, how can she participate in those messy dances..."

Qi's eyes were fixed on her, and he didn't relax for a moment, "Let her go. You go too, don't disturb her, blend into the crowd and dance along, to protect her safety."

"Yes." Yuanzi walked a few steps, then turned around and asked, "Master, are you not going?" It was so lonely to leave him alone.

"I don't like such excitement. I have even lost my joyful heart." Aunt Gui, who was standing there blankly, was in the way, "Go and play too."

Aunt Gui felt uncomfortable at the side, but when she got the order, she immediately saluted and left.

Yuanzi felt sorry for his master, so he had no choice but to obey orders.The master's heart may only be healed by Miss Feng Si, but Miss Feng Si doesn't care about the master at all.



The rhythmic drumming was accompanied by the loud cheers of "Wuwu..." from time to time, and the atmosphere was lively and lively, breaking the tranquility in the cold mountain village.

Feng Jingyun actually had no interest in joining the bonfire dance, but came here only to avoid Jun Youqi.Hai Lanzhu pulled her to dance together, and she just danced a few times casually.

Even if she is pregnant, her dancing posture still looks very light, black silk dyed in ink, green feathers and cloud clothes, her gestures have a kind of beauty of flowing clouds and flowing water, and there is also a butterfly-like graceful and dazzling, so dazzling that people can't take their eyes off.

Slowly, fewer and fewer people danced, and more and more people began to watch her dance.

Yuanzi mingled with Feng Jingyun in the crowd, and forgot to dance. He is not from Miaojiang, and as a man, he has never practiced dancing. Naturally, he is not used to dancing with hands and feet, and he doesn't know where to go. Where to put it, I had to stand aside.Staring at Fourth Miss Feng, and keeping her from getting hurt, he took it to heart, and his heart ached.

The more you look at Feng Jingyun, the more beautiful she is, the beauty is incomparably dazzling.No wonder the master loves her so much that he can't extricate himself.I am afraid that there is no woman in the world who can dance so brightly and show off when she is pregnant and has a big belly!

Sensing that everyone was watching, Feng Jingyun cheered, "Dance together, it's just me, how lonely!" As he spoke, he casually pulled someone next to him to join him.

It happened to pull the big guy Hai Datian, Hai Datian was held by her soft and boneless little hand, the smooth and creamy touch was really tenderer than the tender tofu he had touched, he blushed suddenly, but no one saw his dark complexion come out.

Stiffly following her dancing her sturdy body, he was soon distracted by the faint smile on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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