happy daughter-in-law

Chapter 35 I'm Going

Chapter 35 I'm Going
"Yunfang is here. It just so happens that the Red Army wrote to you again. I joined the team two days ago." Uncle Shen rolled his cigarettes cross-legged on the kang, and when he saw Shen Yunfang coming in, he handed over a letter in his hand.

Shen Yunfang shyly accepted it. This was the third letter she received from her fiancé after passing through.

At the beginning of the first letter, she still had some small expectations, but when she opened it, there were only a few words, nothing more than saying that he is very good and the training is very busy, asking her if she is okay, if you have any difficulties, you can write to He waited, and of course the unshakable five yuan came with the letter.

She went home and looked through the letters she had written before, and found that the contents were similar, and there were only a few words in the car upside down, so she didn't have much expectation when she received the letter.

I don't know if this is the way to write letters between unmarried couples in this era, or Li Hongjun is too shy.

She didn't rush to read it this time, and stuffed the letter directly into her coat pocket.

Chatted with Uncle Shen in the room in a non-salty way, and learned that she would be able to do this sheep herding job for a year, and when she turned 16, she would be considered an adult. She can get married, so the team can no longer take care of her.

In other words, she can still herd sheep for a year, and then she has to do farm work to earn centimeters like everyone else.

"Come on, dinner is ready." Aunt Shen shouted from the kitchen, "Xiu, don't lie down, quickly help me get the food inside. Xiaoli and Shu Xin hurriedly called the children back, and it's time to eat."

Shen Yunxiu is basically the eldest lady at home, her ten fingers don't touch the spring water, and her mother is sweating like rain cooking outside, so she can lie on the kang in the house, and she can't live without admiration.

As for the children of Shen Zhijie and Shen Zhiwen's family, whoever they went to play, they could only see people after eating.

After hearing this, Shen Yunfang hurriedly got off the kang to put the table on, then went to the kitchen to help serve the dishes, listening to Aunt Shen's long-winded complaints.

It's true that the food has been set, the young lady and the young masters of the Shen family have been late.

"You said what's the use of me giving birth to you. Tiantianqing is waiting for me to serve, and no one says to help me." Elderly women have this temperament, and they love to talk about everything. "Where did you guys go to play? Your mother didn't care if you made such a mess. Wash your hands quickly."

"Okay, let's stop talking and eat." Uncle Shen was also tired of hearing it, and picked up his chopsticks to eat.

If the Shen family members are all present, there will be a lot of people, old and young together, there will be a total of 12 people, including Shen Yunfang, there will be 13 people, and there will be no room for them to eat on the kang, so the meal will be divided into two tables, one table on the kang , Kang next table.

To say that Shen’s food is really good, cabbage and potato chips, stewed eggplant, a large pot of sauerkraut stewed vermicelli, a plate of bean buns, and a small plate of sugar.

After Shen Yunxiu came to the table, she directly dragged Baitang in front of her, and gave Shen Yunfang a provocative look, which seemed to be domineering.

Shen Yunfang is not as knowledgeable as a child, even if there is no white sugar, she is very happy to eat it.

But the second sister-in-law Shu Xin didn't do it. She didn't care whether others ate or not, but her son was only two years old, and no one could miss a bite from her son.

"Yunxiu, give your nephew some white sugar. The child is young, and he doesn't like to eat it without white sugar."

"If you don't like it, don't eat it. You have been used to it since you were a child, and you will be fine when you grow up." Shen Yunxiu was used to being domineering at home since she was a child, so she said this without thinking.

Shu Xin put her face down at that moment.

"Xiu, what are you talking about? Do you still look like an aunt?" Aunt Shen is not as aggressive as her girl, so she hurriedly made amends, "Shu Xin, your sister has no intentions, don't take it to heart, the sugar bowl at home is you I also know where it is, so you scoop up sugar for Xiaotao yourself."

Shu Xin still had no expression on her face, but she swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth, put down the chopsticks, stood up and went to the kitchen to get sugar.

The three elder brothers, Shen Ninghao, stopped doing it when they heard that their younger brother had candy to eat.

In the end, Aunt Shen had no other choice, so she asked Shu Xin to bring over the sugar bowl from home, and gave each of them some white sugar, so that they could eat in peace.

Of course, Shen Yunfang also got a little bit.

Shen Yunfang doesn't care much about eating sugar. Her family also buys white sugar. Usually, when she eats porridge, she likes to scoop up a spoonful of sugar. Today's dish is quite to her liking.She picked up a few more dried eggplants with chopsticks, and secretly decided that next spring, she will also order a variety of dishes, and she will also dry vegetables in the autumn, so that she can eat them in winter.

Aunt Shen saw that the food was almost ready, so she babbled about the second child's family Feng girl.

From their words, Shen Yunfang understood.Shen Erbo's eldest daughter Gao married to the county last year, and her mother-in-law's family was a little capable, and found her a formal job as a rural daughter-in-law, distributing waste at the waste collection station.

Although this job is a regular job, the job is not easy.Think about it, in this day and age, every family is living so tight. What kind of good things can be sold to the waste collection station? Dirty and tired.

Shen Yunfeng, the eldest daughter of Shen Erbo's family, suddenly fainted two days ago while working at the waste collection station. After being sent to the hospital, she found out that she was pregnant, but the fetal phase was unstable. The doctor suggested that it is best not to do heavy physical labor.

The in-law’s family has only one son, and they have been looking forward to their grandson for a year. Of course, they can’t let the daughter-in-law go to work again in the cold weather. Besides, it’s snowing heavily outside, so what if she accidentally slips and falls? .

Shen Yunfeng is very pleased that her husband's family attaches great importance to the child, but she is still reluctant to part with her salary of 22 yuan a month. Another reason is that her foundation in the work unit is not stable. She was pushed, so to sum up, she discussed with the leader whether she could have a baby at home, and then find someone to replace her to work until she is healthy enough to work.

The leading comrades cared about the little comrades, and for the sake of the two catties of meat in the kitchen, they made an exception and agreed to the request.

That's why Shen Yunfeng sent a letter to her natal family, asking her own sister to take her place for a few days, if the sister couldn't come, it would be fine to ask her cousin Xiu from the uncle's family to come.

But her sister, Shen Yunling, is only thirteen this year, and she has caught a cold these two days, so her mother is a little bit reluctant.He focused his attention on Shen Yunxiu.

But although Shen Yunxiu is a rural girl, her father is the production team leader after all, and her mother loves her so much, which made the child feel much more excited than ordinary people. After hearing what her mother said about it, she shook her head like a rattle on the spot.

That kind of dirty and tiring work with no social status is not something she can do.

So in the end, among the people in the Shen family, there were no one who was pulling and pulling, and there was really no one who could give up their family and business to help during the Chinese New Year. Either they were young or they had a partner. Those who have a sense of presence, so they can't go.In the end, he thought of Shen Yunfang, an orphan girl.

Anyway, she is alone, and it doesn't matter where she celebrates the new year.

Although she also has a husband's family, her husband's family said when they came to move the rice in October that the rice would be used as a New Year's gift, and it was taken away at that time, and Shen Yunfang didn't have to go again during the New Year.

See this is not good.

After Shen Yunfang heard Aunt Shen's words, her first reaction was to refuse, not to mention anything else, if she went to live in the county for a month, what would happen to the leeks and earthworms in her Westinghouse.

But after thinking about it carefully, what she is going to is the purchasing station in the county, there should be something she urgently needs...

"What are you thinking? Let me know whether you are going or not. If this good thing doesn't depend on whether you have no father or mother, it really won't be your turn, hmph." Seeing that Shen Yunfang didn't agree with tears of gratitude at the first time, Shen Yunxiu immediately Put your little eyes upright.

"Fart, you can't talk, you shut up." Uncle Shen dropped the chopsticks in his hand angrily, and said that in front of him, what does this mean, what does it mean?
Shen Yunxiu didn't dare to talk back to her father and was still not convinced, so she could only give Shen Yunfang a hard look, and then took chopsticks to poke the bean bag in her bowl, taking the bean bag as a person to vent her anger.

"Oh, look at you, Yunfang finally came to have a meal, why are you losing your temper. Whatever Xiu said was out of intention, Yunfang doesn't care about your anger here." Aunt Shen frowned and tugged at herself. The old man is such a big girl, and he can still curse in front of so many people, how can he do it.

Shen Yunxiu listened to her mother's words, her eyes were red, and her temper also came, she threw away her chopsticks, twisted herself off the kang and went back to her room to get angry.

"Hey, you child, why don't you eat any food. Are you full? Mother will save some for you." Aunt Shen saw that her girl's temper was coming up again, and she had no choice but to do so.Girl, she had no choice but to turn around and appease Shen Yunfang. "Yunfang, your sister Xiu has no other intentions, so don't take it to heart."

Shen Yunfang had almost eaten, so she put down her chopsticks. Her parents hurt her, and if she was right or wrong, her parents would make the decisions. For someone like her, even if she is not satisfied, she can do whatever she wants.

Uncle Shen was very angry when he saw that his girl was playing temper again, but he still cared about the presence of outsiders, so he didn't start cursing, so he picked up the cigarette and lit it up.

"Originally, your aunt said to let your sister Xiu go to help, but you also know your sister Xiu's temper, spoiled by your aunt, you don't know why, and you don't want to go, you think it's embarrassing, you said we just Peasants rely on their strength to eat, so why waste it?"

Shen Yunfang agreed in her heart, but could not nod.

"Originally, if your sister Xiu didn't go, your aunt would go and tell your second aunt about it and it would be over. But last night your aunt told me to ask if you want to go. The main reason is that going to work is not for nothing. Sister Feng pays you five yuan for a month’s work. If you have the five yuan, it’s fine whether you save it or buy some needles and threads. If there is a good thing, we have to ask our relatives to come. After thinking about it for a while, this is the reason, so I brought you here today to ask you if you want to go." Shen Yeqing finished the matter.

Shen Yunfang lowered her head and thought for a while, weighing the gains and losses in her heart, and finally nodded in agreement, "I'll go."

(End of this chapter)

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