Chapter 812

No matter how much the mother and daughter of the Zheng family were crying, Shen Yunfang was determined to let them go there.

The mother and daughter of the Zheng family had no other choice in the end. They let go and said that they could serve the old man Li who was paralyzed in bed.Shen Yunfang did not agree this time.

"You said you want to serve, can we let you serve? Do you know the difference between men and women? Although my father-in-law is over 60 years old, he is still a man no matter how old he is. You are a divorced old woman and a young child. Daughter-in-law, how are you going to take care of my father-in-law? Does it mean that when we come back, the Li family will have a stepmother again." What Shen Yunfang said was hurtful enough.

But among the onlookers, those who originally thought this way stopped thinking. It is indeed inconvenient for a blood-related daughter to serve the father, let alone two women who are not related by blood.If there is any scandal at that time, it will be much worse than the current scandal.

Mother Zheng was so angry that she couldn't speak.

The eldest son of the Li family also opened his mouth and agreed to Shen Yunfang's proposal. From now on, the old man Li will be served by Li Hongxing and his wife. Can't get it.Zheng's mother is the biological mother, and she was not from the Li family. Living in the Li family for so long without compensation is the end of Li Jiaren's righteousness. Now the house is owned by Li Hongxing and his wife. The mother and daughter of the Zheng family should move out as soon as possible.

After the onlookers and the old man of the Li family left, Shen Yunfang didn't care about the mother and daughter of the Zheng family in the yard at all, and just said, "Move out within three days, and you don't have to think about anything else. You have hands and feet. Go out and find a job to earn and eat by yourself. It’s much better than sticking to a paralyzed old man. If you really miss this house, it’s not impossible. When Li Hongqi comes out of prison, you are coming back to talk about the house. Let’s go.” The Li family knew who Zheng Huilan was because of Li Hongqi, and Zheng Huilan would be nothing without Li Hongqi.

Of course, apart from the two elders of the Li family, the Li family had a lot of opinions on the mother and daughter of the Zheng family. If the Zheng family hadn't provoked them, Li Hongqi and the others would not have been able to go to the capital to ask for money, and they would not have been sentenced for fraud in the end.The two brothers of the Li family knew that the root cause of this matter was the Zheng family, but old man Li and Qiu Shuping were stunned by the lard at the time, and they wanted to protect Li Hongqi's wife, so they didn't say anything.Now that the old lady is gone, and the old man can't protect himself, they won't help Li Hongqi raise a wife.

That night, Mother Zheng and Zheng Huilan found Li Hongjun again.

This time he was very rational. After sitting down, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket and patted it on the Kang.

Shen Yunfang was also curious, picked it up and opened it, and it turned out to be an IOU signed by Li Xianghe.

"If you want to drive us away, we can't talk to you lightly, but you will always have to pay back the money owed to us by your old Li family." Zheng's mother looked very cold, probably because she knew that both of them would not be able to live in the Li family in the future. The house is gone, so I stopped pretending and put my true emotions on my face.

Shen Yunfang shook the IOU in her hand, "Isn't Li Xianghe written on it, you can just ask her for money, you don't need to tell us."

It's only natural that whoever borrows it should pay it back. Mother Zheng didn't want the two of them to help Li Xianghe pay back the money.

"Li Xianghe is not at home now. Where can we find her? You are all from the Li family. You should help pay back the money she owes." Zheng's mother took it for granted, "I don't say anything else, you put us Drive away, don't give our mothers a way to live, now you can't even want to renege on the money you owe us, that would be too shameless. If you really don't care, then I will show this old face and don't want it, I have to go Find someone to talk about this matter, you can't let your old Li family take all the benefits, can't you?"

Shen Yunfang laughed, took out a pen and a piece of paper, and wrote down the address of the Z Provincial Military Region, "Here, this is Li Xianghe's current address. If you want money, you can go directly to her here." We are going to be sister-in-law, but Li Xianghe is the water thrown by a married girl. Seriously speaking, she is now a member of the Sun family, not the Li family. If it's not on our heads, Mrs. Zheng's family, you say yes."

Shen Yunfang drove the two of them away with a gun and a stick, not to mention the verbal quarrel between them, in short, she didn't let the mother and daughter of the Zheng family take advantage of it.

Three days later, the Zheng family's mother and daughter packed up their belongings and left without looking back. No one knew exactly where they went.

As for Li Hongjun's family, they packed up their things and prepared to return to Province Z after the first seven days.Before that, old man Li had been picked up from the hospital by his three sons and daughters.

Shen Yunfang and Wang Dan had tidied up the house where the old couple lived, and it was more suitable for old man Li to rest every day.

Although old man Li is paralyzed and unable to speak, his heart is like a mirror.After returning home, when he saw his second son, he held on to his second son's hand, whimpering and wanting to say something but couldn't say clearly.

Li Hongjun can only comfort his father patiently, "Father, don't worry, I have discussed your future life with my elder brother. I am often not at home, so follow me to Z province. You just live with your eldest brother and sister-in-law. From now on, I will post 50 yuan to your eldest brother and sister-in-law every month. You can tell your elder brother what you want to eat and drink. When I am free, I will come back to see you with my children."

"Jun... woo... stay..." Old man Li just said these few words, and the corner of his mouth involuntarily left a haha.

Li Hongjun took a towel and carefully wiped his father's saliva clean, "Father, don't rush to talk, I have to stay at home for two days, so take your time if you have anything to say."

The old man tightly grasped Li Hongjun's arm with his free hand, and would not let go of anything, even if he couldn't speak clearly, he would not let Li Hongjun out of his sight.

Shen Yunfang watched from the side, and sighed in her heart. At this time, the old man was probably afraid, afraid that his son would leave him.

Seeing old man Li's pitiful appearance now, I really don't know what to say, why bother if I knew it today.What a wonderful day for him to do this, if he hadn't been unsteady in his heart and moved his thoughts that shouldn't be moved, he would still be the respected head of the Li family. Serving food and drinking by the side, how can it be like now, when I am old, I don't even have a person to talk to, so I can only count on my children to feed me.

No matter how much worry there is, how much reluctance there is, the day to leave will soon come.

Li Hongjun pulled Li Hongxing to explain something, and Wang Dan pulled Shen Yunfang to talk non-stop, "Yunfang, after you go back, you often say a few words to me, he is not young, if there is a suitable person over there , you can help me find out for him, if he can really find a wife in the city, your elder brother and I will thank you two for the rest of our lives."

Shen Yunfang was very ashamed, a 17-year-old boy is not young, she still treats him like a child.But looking back on my own experience, well, 17 years old is really not young.

(End of this chapter)

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