Chapter 1193 City Lord's Mansion ([-])
Seeing the menacing approach, the shopkeeper trembled in fright, his complexion turned pale, and he hurriedly ran out of the shop and ran to the middle-aged man, "Master Gu, why are you here?"

Patriarch Gu's eyes were fierce, and he stared, "Where is the man?"

"Go...go..." The shopkeeper hurriedly pointed to Long Qingyue and Qin Lieyan in opposite directions, "It seems that they left in a hurry after hearing about the Gu family..."

"Hmph! Chase!" The head of the Gu family didn't even look at the shopkeeper, and led the people to chase in the direction pointed by the shopkeeper.

A group of people came and went in a hurry, and the whole street returned to calm in an instant. Although it was midday and the sun was shining brightly, people couldn't feel any warmth.

The shopkeeper looked in the direction where the Gu family and the others disappeared, sighed quietly, and then slowly returned to the shop.

Long Qingyue and Qin Lieyan walked on the street in a leisurely manner, showing no signs of fear or panic because of Gu Zier's threats and intimidation.Both looked leisurely and indifferent. After walking for a while, they came to the center of the city and found many people gathered in front of them, as if they were looking at something.

"Let's go and have a look too." Long Qingyue smiled, feeling playful, pulling Qin Lieyan into the crowd.

I saw a notice posted on the wall in front of me.

It says that the city lord's mansion invites all the major doctors in the city to the mansion for a party, no matter if you are a famous doctor or a quack doctor, as long as you are a doctor, you can go to attend.

"The City Lord's Mansion used to invite doctors to visit every three years, but this is only the second year. Why is it two years earlier?" Someone in the crowd asked in confusion.

"You don't know that, do you? I heard that City Lord Xie's son is seriously ill this time, and he seems to be dying, so it's two years earlier than before." Another person replied, as if he knew about it earlier than others. Proud of this insider information.

"Hey, City Lord Xie's son has been ill for more than [-] years. If he can be cured, he will be cured sooner. I'm afraid this time..." The man shook his head and sighed, but didn't continue.

"Tell me, what is the disease of City Lord Xie's son?" Someone asked again.

"I don't know. It seems to be fire syndrome, or ice syndrome. I heard that it is difficult to cure." The crowd talked a lot, or sighed, or sympathized, or pityed.

Long Qingyue's eyes lit up, and she understood a little bit in her heart. On the surface, the city lord's mansion sincerely invited all the doctors to visit the city lord's mansion, but it was actually for the treatment of his son.However, from what everyone said, it seems that this illness is very strange, so we can see what kind of illness Young Master Xie is suffering from.

"Ayan, this time is a good opportunity for us." The corners of the girl's lips raised slightly, evoking a heart-warming smile.

Qin Lieyan squeezed her hand and nodded, "We will also participate then."

The party in the City Lord's Mansion is three days later.

As the sun sets, the bright moon slowly emerges from the clouds, hanging high in the sky, and the black sky is covered with stars.

The City Lord's Mansion has changed from the coldness and depression of the past, and now it has become very lively. There is an endless stream of pedestrians at the gate, and they are ushered into the mansion by the maids and servants of the City Lord's Mansion.

Most of the people who came to this party were wearing white pharmacist robes, which showed their noble and lofty status, which was very enviable.

Long Qingyue and Qin Lieyan were also among them, and were introduced to the City Lord's Mansion by a servant. Most of the people who came to the party this time were doctors, so those maids and servants naturally would not doubt their identities.

(End of this chapter)

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