Chapter 135 Returning to the Other Body ([-])

Long Qingyue hid in the seaweed thickets at the deepest part of the lake. In order not to attract their attention, she even hid half of her body in the mud.

She held the breath of her whole body, and then carefully opened a corner of the seaweed. In the dim light, she saw a vague and hazy figure swimming towards it, with a faint murderous aura floating in the water, and the fish and shrimps around seemed to feel the murderous intent. , fled one after another.

Long Qingyue clenched the dagger in her hand, her eyes flashed with burning intent and passion, like a greedy cheetah, waiting for its prey to approach, Long Qingyue felt as if she had returned to the 21st century and was bathed in blood. When fighting an assassination...

As if at this moment, Wu Xie, the former killer king, has returned!
Suddenly, the murderous aura that appeared behind him shocked the body of the man in black, but it was too late to react.

There was a muffled sound of '噗', blood poured out, staining the entire lake red, and the strong smell of blood spread, even the lake water became fishy, ​​before the man in black could utter a scream , was swallowed by the endless lake water, and gradually sank to the bottom of the lake until it could no longer be seen.

The four men in black who were not far away from him smelled the smell of blood. After reacting, they roared angrily and rushed over one after another. However, a black shadow flashed and disappeared.

The four of them gritted their teeth, the hateful girl unknowingly killed another of their brothers!
Damn, this is not a boudoir lady. If she is a real rich lady, how could she know such a superb assassination technique? Even elite assassins like them who have been trained are hard to guard against. She is clearly a devil!

Under the huge rocky reef, Long Qingyue hid underneath and did not dare to move. Fortunately, the bottom was hollow, allowing her to hide, otherwise she would not be able to escape at the speed of the remaining four.Hearing the roar from above, Long Qingyue didn't even dare to take a breath, but she felt quite relieved in her heart, hum, want to kill her?I don't want you to pay the price of a little blood, but I thought she was easy to bully!
I just don't know who sent these men in black?It seems that those who secretly wanted to do something to the general's mansion and themselves could hardly bear it anymore.

After holding back at the bottom of the water for about half an hour, Long Qingyue only felt that breathing was a little harder than before. If it was normal, it would be no problem to stay underwater for an hour, but after being poisoned and assassinated, it consumed a lot of energy. Energy, it seems that a quick decision is needed!

While Long Qingyue was panting, someone shouted from above, "That girl is below!"

The other three men in black rushed down from the reef after hearing the sound.

Now that she was discovered, Long Qingyue simply stopped hiding and rushed out from inside quickly, holding a short sword in her hand to resist with all her strength. Light and shadow shot out one after another, striking bright sparks in the deep and dark bottom of the water, reflecting a picture of Pale and cold face, eyes full of murderous intent!

Resisting the crazy attack of the four, Long Qingyue felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to deal with it, and her movements became more and more sluggish.Although the combat experience of these guys in front of them is not as good as hers, they are all solid second-level intermediate spirit masters.

Four sword beams hit her body, Long Qingyue felt pain in front of her body and back, a surge of Qi and blood in her body, a mouthful of blood spewed out, several openings were cut in the dress on her body, and fresh blood flowed out.

The strong smell of blood stimulated their senses, and the eyes of the four men in black became even more cruel and bloodthirsty!

"Little girl, it is your honor to die at our hands! Stop doing useless struggles!"

(End of this chapter)

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