Proud Evil God Concubine

Chapter 47 Crazy Training

Chapter 47 Crazy Training ([-])
  Long Qingyue shook her head, "I'm fine." Looking up and seeing the two figures following Long Qingyu, Long Qingyue's eyes narrowed unconsciously, what are Nangong Yun and Zhong Rui doing here?These two people are really inseparable, they are always in pairs wherever they go.

Long Qingyu was obviously displeased that Nangong Yun and Zhong Rui came to the door, and directly put on a cold face.

Seeing Long Qingyue's appearance, Nangong Yun wrinkled his head slightly, but he still walked forward without breaking the etiquette, and took out a small sandalwood box from his arms, "Last time, because of the incident in the restaurant, your Reputation, this Yingxue Pill as compensation."

It is said that Yingxue Dan is a second-grade elixir, which is very precious. After taking it, it can make women's skin softer and whiter, and has the effect of prolonging life and maintaining youth.Therefore, Yingxue Dan is very popular in the palace.There are only three in the entire Azure Dragon Kingdom, one was given to the current empress, and one was given to the emperor's favorite Princess Qingya. Unexpectedly, the last one was bestowed by the emperor and given to Long Qingyue as an apology.

Seeing the determined and arrogant expression on Nangong Yun's face, Long Qingyue's eyes twitched slightly, she didn't reach out to pick it up, but raised her chin slightly, "Take it back, I dare not use what you gave me."

Nangong Yun was a little surprised. He thought she would definitely take it. After all, this Yingxue Pill is very precious, and it also has the effect of beautifying. Is there any woman in the world who doesn't love beauty?

Long Qingyu also said with a look of disdain: "Take back your Yingxue Pill, my sister doesn't need it!"

Xiaoyue can make alchemy by herself, and it is much more precious than this Yingxue pill.

"Are you afraid that I will poison you?" Nangong Yun's face darkened. If he wanted to kill her, it would be easy, but this woman was afraid of poisoning her.

Long Qingyue's pink lips parted slightly, and said three words lightly, "I'm afraid of being dirty!"

Nangong Yun's face suddenly turned livid, "Long Qingyue, don't be ignorant! If my father hadn't ordered me to deliver the Yingxue Pill to you personally, do you think I'm a rarity?"

"The third prince can go back now, don't send him off." Long Qingyue said disdainfully, and turned to look at Long Qingyu, "Brother, I will only order someone to clean up here, especially this corridor. .”

Nangong Yun's face was blue and purple, extremely ugly. Looking at the corridor under his feet, he clearly said that he had soiled her general's mansion!

Before he opened his mouth to reprimand, Long Qingyue had already turned around and left gracefully and proudly.

Long Qingyu was in a good mood, "Both of you, you have read it, you can go."

Leaving the General's Mansion, Nangong Yun was agitated all the way, clenched his fists, then clenched them again, "Rui, do you think that idiot dared to talk to me like this because he had the guts of ambition?"

Zhong Rui twitched the corners of his mouth. He already knew that he came to the General's Mansion to be angry, and now even he became unpopular.

Nangong Yun frowned while walking, and asked in doubt: "What kind of trick is Long Qing playing this time? If you want to refuse, you still welcome, to attract my attention?"

Zhong Rui sighed, "Yun, I feel that she is no longer the same as before."

"I don't believe it, how could you, a fool, suddenly become normal!" Nangong Yun's expression was slightly angry, and there seemed to be a trace of annoyance in his eyes. He was not used to not having Long Qingyue following behind him every day these days!Did he fall in love with her?

No, not possible!
How could he like a fool!
Zhong Rui's eyes changed slightly, it seemed that the cloud had sunk into it, but he still didn't know it, but there is no medicine for regret in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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