Proud Evil God Concubine

Chapter 49 Crazy Training

Chapter 49 Crazy Training ([-])
On the second day of training, the sandbags on each person's feet increased by ten catties, and their backs also increased by ten catties. They continued to leapfrog and run long distances.Continuing to take one Ningjin Pill per person at night...

After a week, everyone felt that although their spiritual power had improved, it was not as significant as the first day or the second day!
On the eighth day, the sandbags on each person's feet and back had increased to forty catties, and even the number of laps of leapfrog and long-distance running increased, and they had to be completed within the specified time!If it is not completed within the specified time, it will be punished!

At the beginning, everyone felt very relaxed, but the more they got tired, the more they felt tired.Forty catties of sandbags on the feet and forty catties of sandbags on the back, which is equivalent to training with [-] catties on the back.

The red-hot sun shines on the land like a furnace.

Everyone's face was flushed, sweat was pouring down like rain, and they were out of breath. Some were still insisting on it, while others sat down on the spot and didn't move.

Damn, this isn't training, it's clearly a life-threatening exercise!
Mo Yan couldn't take it any longer. He squatted on the spot and wiped off his sweat. When he looked up and saw the slender white figure in front of him, his pupils shrank. He was running, although the speed was extremely slow, but he was trying to persevere and did not stop.

Obviously the girl has reached her limit!
Mo Yan clenched his fists tightly and stood up again. A person as thin and weak as Second Miss could grit his teeth and persist. As a big man, could it be possible that he would lose to a small woman?

After Mo Yan ran again, the other members of the Flying Tiger Army also ran again. This time, there was no tired look on their faces, but shame and determination!

Long Qingyue felt as if all her strength had been emptied, and she was struggling to move, almost dying.No, she must persevere to the end and break through the limit. Only by breaking through can her strength be improved.After Long Qingyue continued to grit her teeth and persevere, she suddenly felt refreshed, her steps became lighter, and her whole body seemed to be full of strength.

Long Qingyue knew it was because she broke through the limit and reached a higher level!
After a day's training, Long Qingyue returned to her room, almost unable to open her eyelids due to exhaustion, but she knew she couldn't sleep at this time.When the muscles and bones of the body are most hungry and tired, it is also the best time to accumulate.

He took off his clothes two or three times, and got into the steaming bucket. A scent of medicine floated out from the bucket, filling the whole room.

The warm breath and the pure medicinal power penetrated into the skin along the surface of the skin, nourishing her tendons and bones, making her body more flexible and stronger.

Long Qingyue lay on the bucket, squinting her eyes comfortably, and it was the most refreshing time to take a bath every night.

And the Flying Tigers also took a bath with herbs after training every day.Continuously forge the skin, bones and tendons during the day, and nourish and moisturize them at night. This will not only speed up the absorption, but also quickly improve the strength of the Flying Tiger Army.

A month passed quickly, and the strength of the entire Flying Tiger Army had risen to an incredible level.

Most people's strength directly breaks through from spiritual power to become a real healer!

Everyone's faces were filled with excitement, looking at the girl on the high platform, their eyes were as bright as stars!

In just one month, they have even advanced several ranks of spiritual power!
(End of this chapter)

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