Chapter 504

"Calm down and think about what I said." Long Qingyue continued to bury the mountain of corpses.

The night became more and more silent and cold, with a cool breeze blowing, and the silence of death.

Qian Yan stood there dumbfounded, soft footsteps sounded under the moonlight, Qian Yan didn't seem to hear it as if she didn't hear it, she still stood there dumbly, as if she was in deep thought.

A slender figure slowly walked out of the night moon, his voice was deep and cold, without any emotion, it was as cold as ice.

"She's right, the real Liuhuo is dead. When Luofu City changed, the Liuhuo who followed me was already a fake." Qin Lieyan stepped forward step by step, his footsteps were as heavy as lead. Usually, every step is extremely difficult.

With every step he took, his legs were shaking slightly.He didn't look at Long Qingyue in the distance, but at the mass graves in the distance and the mountainous corpses, the circles of his eyes slowly turned blood red.

Long Qingyue was startled when she heard the sound, when she saw that slender and familiar figure, she felt a pain in her heart, as if being cut with a knife, the pain came and went.

It's been a long time since Ah Yan lost weight, his cheeks were sunken, his eye sockets were sunken, his face was covered with blue beard, and he looked extremely haggard.

She wanted to bury the body first, and then find a time to tell Yan Yibei about it, but she didn't expect him to come...

Suddenly, Qin Lieyan knelt down facing the direction of the mass grave, grabbed the soil with both hands, knocked his head three times, and then buried his face deeply in the soil, his body twitched and trembled continuously, It's all his fault, if he didn't find out that Liu Huo was dead in time, the concubine mother would not have died, and neither would the hundreds of thousands of people in Yibei...

Long Qingyue walked to Qin Lieyan's side, reached out to hug his head, and raised his face, "Ah Yan, it's not your fault, you didn't cause their death, do you understand?"

Qin Lieyan raised his head, with a pained expression and slack eyes, he shook his head and said, "No, no, all of this is my fault, it's my fault! If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have died, and the concubine mother wouldn't have died either! I'm damned, I'm damned..."

Yibei, which my father had worked so hard to protect all his life, lost hundreds of thousands of lives just like that... nothing happened without a sound, only wreckage left...

"A Yan, be sober, these are Shen Ce's schemes, you must cheer up, the princess and Yibei are waiting for you to avenge them..." No matter what Long Qingyue said, Qin Lieyan's gaze was still blank , slack.

"It's not your fault, don't take it on yourself. It's my fault, Yan, it's all my fault! Because of me, you follow me around, so that you ignore the people around you. Man; it is because of me that you distract Shen Ce and let Shen Ce take advantage of it. Because of me, the princess died, and because of me, Yibei was slaughtered! All of this is my fault! Ah Yan, I am The culprit, kill me and avenge them!"

Long Qingyue said in a loud voice, word by word, extremely firm, then took out a dagger from under his feet and forced it into Qin Lieyan's hands, shouting at him: "Kill me, avenge them!"

Qin Lieyan shook his head desperately, "No, no...Xiaoyue, I can't kill Xiaoyue...It's none of Xiaoyue's business, it's my fault, it's all my fault...I hurt them..."

(End of this chapter)

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