Chapter 517 Was Robbed ([-])

An angry tiger's howl resounded through the forest, the birds flew in fright, and the mountains shook and the ground trembled.

A strong and terrifying momentum spread over the entire mountain forest.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and a spotted tiger with a body the size of a hut was knocked into the air, let out a whine, and then fell to the ground, lying on the ground silently for a long time.

A cute blue-haired puppy slowly came out of the bushes, blew on its right front paw, and a hint of arrogance and disdain flashed in the eyes of the spotted tiger corpse in front of it.

Small sample, dare to be rampant in front of Lao Tzu.

Long Qingyue and Huo Yu came out following the water unicorn, and with the water unicorn around, hunting monsters below the sixth level was easy, without any suspense.

Stepping forward and taking out the dagger, just as Long Qingyue was about to dig out the magic crystal on the head of the piebald tiger, suddenly there was a piercing sound in front of him, and then a figure quickly landed in front of him, who happened to be standing On the side of the spotted tiger.

Long Qingyue frowned slightly, looked up at the person who came, it was a young man around 20 years old, with a handsome appearance, very sunny and pure.It's just that the person's actions are very indecent.

The man picked his nostrils with one hand, stepped on the spotted tiger's head with the other, looked down at Long Qingyue, and announced extremely arrogantly: "This spotted tiger belongs to me, you can go."

Long Qingyue was not angry either, with a faint smile on her face, she never expected to be robbed the second day after she first came to God and Demon Realm.

"It's very polite to steal things from people in broad daylight. Didn't your elders teach you that?" With his arms folded, a smile appeared in his eyes, and he looked at the man in front of him rather slyly.

The man was taken aback, as if he didn't expect Long Qingyue to say that, you must know that he robbed here for a day or two, who saw him and didn't take a detour?
"Nonsense, I obviously killed this fifth-level spotted tiger. If you are sensible, you'd better get out of the way quickly." The man was stunned for a while before he realized it, and then his whole body exuded an aura that made Long Qingyue Quite surprised, it turned out to be a fifth-level one-star Holy Spirit Master.

This level of strength is really hard to come by. If it was someone else, she would have turned around and run away. However, it is a pity that the person I met was her, so...

"Your ability to turn black and white is quite good." Long Qingyue didn't show any trace of fear on her face, but looked at him with interest.

Shui Qilin and Huo Yu beside him looked at him with idiot eyes.Dare to snatch Xiao Yueyue's things, the other party is either poor and crazy or his head is caught by the door.

The man's face was embarrassing, he paused, and soon straightened his back, "You are just a baby, how can you kill a fifth-order spirit beast. I don't like bullying, if you are obedient Leave, I won't embarrass you."

Long Qingyue couldn't help but burst out laughing with a 'puchi', obviously she wasn't a robber, but she insisted on pretending to be a robber, it was really funny.Seeing Long Qingyue laughing at herself, the man blushed immediately, with a stern face, he said angrily, "What are you laughing at, don't laugh!"

Long Qingyue withdrew her smile, looked up at him, and asked seriously, "What ability do you have to prove that you killed this spotted tiger?"

"This spotted tiger was seriously injured before, and this injury was caused by me. For this spotted tiger, my young master has been chasing it all day and night."

(End of this chapter)

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