Proud Evil God Concubine

Chapter 63 Dragon Flame, Battle Spirit

Chapter 63 Dragon Flame, Battle Spirit ([-])
Seeing Long Qingyue, Mo Yan immediately stepped forward, knelt down on one knee, with a sincere and firm expression on his face, "Miss, I'm back!"

Long Qingyue stepped forward to help him up, "You are great!"

At the beginning, Mo Yan's strength was just an ordinary warrior with ninth-level spiritual power, not even a spiritual master, but these months of cruel and crazy training like hell, he jumped two steps in a row, and now he has officially become a spiritual master. Two-tier eight-star spirit master!
Long Qingyue was very satisfied with such a result, it surpassed three stars than she expected!This shows how much effort and sweat Mo Yan put in!

Following Mo Yan's appearance, members of the Flying Tiger Army came out of the Tiannan Mountains one by one, each with a confident and firm expression on their faces.

Of the [-] Flying Tigers, not all of them came out alive, and [-] of them stayed in the Tiannan Mountains forever.

And the member of the Flying Tiger Army who died in the Tiannan Mountains was a spy arranged by the court in the General's Mansion.When Long Qingyue found someone outside the window, and the Crown Prince Nangong Ling came to the General's Mansion suddenly the next day, she guessed that there were spies in the Flying Tiger Army, so she used this method, which not only trained the strength and courage of the Flying Tiger Army, but also Can cleverly remove the secret spies, kill two birds with one stone.

On the martial arts arena, 560 Flying Tigers knelt down on one knee in a uniform order. They looked up at the figure in front of them, "Second Miss, we are willing to follow you forever, life and death!"

"Always follow, life and death never give up!"

The loud shout, like a thunderclap, went straight to the sky, the sky!
The eagle spreads its wings and soars into the sky!
The girl held her head high, like an eagle in the sky, sacred, powerful, and unattainable!

"It's not impossible for you to follow me! It's just that I'm a narrow-minded person, and betrayal and deceit cannot be tolerated in my world! Can you do it?"

Everyone replied in unison: "I swear to be with you to the death and never betray you. If you break your oath, you will be struck by lightning and you will never be reborn!"

"Okay!" Long Qingyue raised her lips slightly, "Get up!"

"Master!" Mo Yan laughed, if he admired Long Qingyue's iron-blooded wrist before, then he completely surrendered to her now.

Long Qingyue nodded, and said: "Now you 560 people are divided into two teams, each team has 280 people, named Long Yan and Battle Soul respectively! Long Yan's captain Mo Yan, and Battle Soul's captain Shi Dahu!"

"Yes!" Mo Yan and Shi Dahu made an exception.

The 560 Flying Tigers quickly and neatly divided into two teams.

"In front of people, you are the Flying Tiger Army, but in secret, you are Long Yan and War Soul! In Tianyuan Continent, there is only Long Yan War Soul!"

The girl's clear voice spread throughout the martial arts arena, and everyone's faces showed excitement. From then on, they are Long Yan, fighting spirits!

On the loft in the distance, Long Li and Liu Qing watched from a distance, Long Li was stroking his beard with a smile, very satisfied.

Liu Qing said with a smile: "Master, do you think Second Miss has the demeanor of the young master back then?"

Long Li's eyes became far-reaching, thinking of the only son who died early, he couldn't help but feel sad, "Hey... Tian'er will be very happy to see Xiaoyu and Xiaoyue grow up to be so smart and outstanding... "

"Master, it's all my fault, and I've brought up your sadness again." Liu Qing felt annoyed in her heart, and she poked the master's wound in a moment of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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