Chapter 678 Clues ([-])

I didn't expect Ximenting to be from Xianling Pavilion.

Now that you know he belongs to Xianling Pavilion, let's find a chance to start with him.

"Girl, you are not his opponent now, don't act rashly, wait until you become stronger." Venerable Ling Xiao's voice suddenly sounded in his heart, and his voice was tinged with relief.

Sure enough, he was not mistaken, this girl wanted to avenge him wholeheartedly.

"Master, I know, I won't confront them head-on now." Ximen Ting alone is much stronger than her, and there are three other people who are not weak in strength. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run.

"Master, are they the disciples of your enemy?" Long Qingyue asked after contemplating for a moment.

Venerable Ling Xiao nodded, with a resentful voice, "That's right, the aura emanating from them is the same as those people back then. It's just that I didn't expect them to use the medical skills I developed to refine poisonous pills."

"Since ancient times, many unrighteous deeds will kill themselves. I believe that they have made many enemies over the years. Since our strength alone is not enough to destroy them, then we should form an alliance with friends and we will be able to clean up the family by then!" Only Based on the performance of Ximen Ting on the street that day, as well as the fear and fear of passers-by, it is known that Xianling Pavilion has offended many people in recent years.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.As long as he finds the enemy of Xianling Pavilion and persuades them to deal with Xianling Pavilion together, it should not be difficult.

Venerable Ling Xiao agreed with Long Qingyue's opinion, and couldn't restrain the joy in his voice, "Well, that's right. Now let's hide our strengths and bide our time."

After resting for a while, Long Qingyue continued to start internally like Mu Xuesen, and the medicinal materials needed for the test were still two flavors away, as long as they found the two flavors, they could go back.

After searching for two days in the forest, Long Qingyue finally found a valley.

The aura in the valley is very strong, a charming aroma, and a deep breath will make you intoxicated.

Long Qingyue opened her eyes, a trace of surprise and joy flashed in her eyes, there must be an elixir here!
Walking into the valley, there are elixir everywhere in the valley, and the rarity of the medicinal materials is not bad, because the aura here is very strong, so even the general medicinal materials grow better than those outside, and the age is also better than those outside. long.

What excites Long Qingyue is that there is no trace of anyone coming here, which proves that she is the No.1 who has set foot here!So the medicinal materials she will collect are also first-hand!

Needless to say, the age and effect of first-hand medicinal materials are naturally the best.

Simply open the Piaomiao Lihuo ring while harvesting the medicinal materials. It only took half a day for Long Qingyue to collect hundreds of rare medicinal materials, and there are still a lot left. light, but choose to let them continue to grow here.

There is a strong aura here, and I believe that many rare and good medicinal materials will appear again soon.

Just when Long Qingyue was about to turn around and leave, suddenly a gorgeous red light refracted from the inside of the valley, the color was magnificent, just like the morning glow.

With a movement of his body, he quickly flew towards the place where the red light refracted, landed on both feet, and looked around, but it was ordinary and quiet, even the red light just now was gone.There is lush green grass under the feet, and there are strange and strange rocks next to it.

Hey, could it be that I was dazzled just now?
Long Qingyue ran to the place where she was standing just now, only to see that brilliant red light appear above the valley again, at this moment she was already thinking about it, there must be a mystery there.

(End of this chapter)

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