Chapter 685 War Emperor Healer ([-])
Turning around to see Long Qingyue's surprised and puzzled eyes, Yun Xi asked a little strangely: "Why, don't you know this?"

Yun Xi's eyes seemed that Long Qingyue was not from this continent, otherwise no one would know this rule.

Long Qingyue scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm from the countryside."

Obviously Yun Xi didn't believe her words, if she was really from the countryside, how could she have such delicate, smooth, tender skin and elegant temperament?This is definitely not the temperament of a country boy, like a girl in a boudoir...

Uh, Wu Xie doesn't have a woman's breath on her body, but why does she still feel like a woman? Yun Xi frowned suspiciously.

Long Qingyue didn't care whether Yun Xi believed it or not, but secretly wondered, so the rules of Yunzhong Road were different from those on Tianyuan Continent?He closed his eyes and thought about it for a while, and suddenly understood that the highest strength in Tianyuan Continent was only the peak of the fifth-rank nine-star Holy Spirit Master, and he had never broken through to the sixth-rank Emperor Spirit Master in thousands of years.It's just rumors that the sixth-order emperor spirit master can have the ability of immortality to fly through the sky, but they don't know that the so-called "longevity" is far from the real immortality in mythology.

Because no one on Tianyuan Continent has ever reached that height.

And Long Qingyue also heard what she knew from the Tianyuan Continent, so she assumed that. Now that she heard what Yunxi said, she really realized the difference.

"If you want to achieve true immortality, what level do you need to reach?"

"God King."

"God King?" Hearing Yun Xi faintly utter two words, Long Qingyue's pupils suddenly shrank, and there seemed to be a huge wave in his heart, God King, what kind of power is that?It is almost invincible!
"Only when you reach the level of a god-king, can you truly achieve immortality and immortality." Yun Xi's warm, star-like eyes shone with a radiant brilliance, which was full of longing and anticipation.

It turns out that above the Emperor Spiritualist, there is the Emperor Spiritualist, then the Divine Spiritualist, and then the Divine King!
Only by reaching the level of the God King can one truly live forever in the world and live as long as the heavens.But how difficult is it to reach the God King?Naturally, there are tens of thousands of spiritual practitioners rushing forward and succeeding, but there are only a handful of them who have reached the level of God King, even in the entire God and Demon Realm.

Ever since the Emperor Spiritualist, every level up requires a huge amount of spiritual power, and every level up is very difficult, let alone being promoted to a god king!
God King, the metaphor is God!

The meaning of the king is the king, the ruler of the world!

Only the king of gods can live forever!

"You still have a lot of time, come on, I believe you can create another miracle on Yunzhong Road!" Yun Xi smiled and stroked her head.

"Teacher Yunxi, what is your strength now?" Long Qingyue couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"The Nine Star Emperor Spirit Master is at the peak, and he is working hard to attack the God Spirit Master."

"Peak Nine Star Emperor Spiritualist?" Long Qingyue's eyes flashed with strong envy. This is a level higher than her own. The strength between this level cannot be surpassed. No wonder she feels Yunxi's gentle appearance It is more like a simple, heavy and majestic giant mountain that cannot be surpassed.

Unexpectedly, Yunxi reached the peak of Emperor Spiritualist at the age of 30. His life path definitely does not stop here, and he can definitely become the eternal God King, immortal!It's just a matter of time.

I don't know when I will be able to reach the level of Emperor Spiritualist.

(End of this chapter)

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