Chapter 997 It's All Together ([-])

"Change (harmonious) state!"

In the midst of anger and humiliation, Shi Dahu broke through in a jerk. After recovering his spiritual power, he moved and fled immediately. At this moment, he couldn't even care about the nine younger brothers.He really didn't expect that Xia Chuan, who seemed quite gentle, would be so good at it!
"No! It seems that I have to find a way to subdue some younger brothers, otherwise I can't do anything against Xia Chuan by myself." Shi Dahu gritted his teeth bitterly, and limped forward while cursing.


Time is like running water, and two months passed by in a flash. During these two months, Long Qingyue has been paying attention to their growth. Some of them were promoted to nearly two levels during the two months, and the least were promoted to nearly one level. !
Just because those perverted (harmonious) people somehow came up with some ways to abuse people. When caught by other teams, they were either forced to lick each other’s toes, stripped naked, forced to dance, or were caught by other teams. Forced to learn how to bark like a dog, eat the right food, and what's even more evil is that there are still **...

Simply inhumane.

Most of the more than 500 people are men, which man is willing to do those things?

He can only practice desperately in battle, trying every means to improve his strength, just because he wants to return these humiliations!

And a small number of more than a dozen women also refused to give in to men. They were almost caught several times, and each time they escaped narrowly.

Two months later, everyone gathered at the intersection of the forest.

"That's right, I'm surprised at your promotion speed." Long Qingyue's eyes fell on everyone.

The corners of Mo Yan and the others twitched when they heard the words, with tears in their eyes, mixed with sorrow and joy.

Mo Fan pouted aggrievedly, his body was all seen by them, woohoo, they actually made him dance.

Everyone is happy and depressed, but they also understand that only this kind of training can stimulate their potential. The ranks they have promoted in the past two months are more than the ranks they have promoted in the past few years!
Long Qingyue smiled slightly, "If you want to get something, you must give something. Now with your strength, if you meet a small faction like Pei Tianhe, are you afraid that you won't be able to beat it? You rise up and spread throughout the continent!"

Everyone was silent, those six months were more humiliating to them than these two months!
Being oppressed, oppressed and bullied by others, but unable to fight back, he can only swallow his anger!
In fact, it's not that they are inferior to others in strength, but that they lack a kind of blood!
"Nine-star Holy Spirit masters come out!" Long Qingyue looked at the crowd.

Immediately, more than 100 peak nine-star Holy Spirit Masters stood out from the crowd. Their eyes were filled with excitement. Two months ago, they were just a small Silent Spirit Master or True Spirit Master, but now they are nine-star emperor spirit masters. Teacher peak!

They never thought that one day, they would become imperial spiritual masters, but now it's just a thin line away!
Long Qingyue flipped her fingers, and took dozens of bottles of pills in her hand, "Here is the Emperor Spirit Pill, which will allow you to advance to the next level and break through as an Emperor Spiritualist. Each of you will have one as a reward."

Then the pill was sent down.

Everyone swallowed it without hesitation, and suddenly felt a huge amount of spiritual power swimming in their bodies. In an instant, they broke through the peak barrier of the Nine-Star Holy Spirit Master, and became a powerful imperial spiritual master!
Although the imperial spirit master is not the peak strength, but in this continent, he can be regarded as a rare strong man.

The others all looked at the more than 100 people enviously.

(End of this chapter)

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