Chapter 1007 You Can Depart Today

It doesn't matter where Lin Yan goes, as long as she can be with everyone and live a safe life.

She doesn't like this kind of life at all, she has become Shura's county lord for no reason, and she has no memory of the past at all.

What did Gong Ze have with him that night, but she forgot, when exactly did it happen?

"Well, give him another medicine today, and he will recover tomorrow."

I hope I can go to the human race smoothly, and nothing goes wrong, she really doesn't want to see anyone get hurt again.

At this moment in the room, after Gong Ze told Lin Yan how to prepare the medicine last night, he fell into a coma. The medicine itself has no sleeping ingredients, so for him it was just a sleep.

The punch of the Seventh Prince of the Demon Race was very heavy. Although the medicine he prepared had obvious effects, he still felt the pain now. It would have to wait until tomorrow to completely stop the pain. Getting out of bed now would not have much impact.

He covered his chest with one hand, stood up slowly, and took the alarm clock beside the bed. The time was around eight in the morning. Seeing that Lin Yan was not in the room, he probably went out for breakfast.

He reluctantly changed his clothes, and as soon as he walked to open the door, he heard An Xiangwan tell Lin Yan about going to the human race from the side hall. The situation on the human race did not seem to be optimistic.

But going to the Human Race is better than staying here with the Monster Race and waiting for the Demon Race and Shura to come and surround them again.

Hearing Lin Yan finished talking about his injuries, they can actually leave tomorrow morning, and night is when the demon Shura and other dark races are at their strongest, so they have to leave during the day.

If possible, it's better to leave later, just passed last night, who knows which clan will come over tonight.

After thinking about it, he straightened his body, pretending that the wound on his chest was no longer painful, and walked towards the side hall.

Zong Che and An Xiangwan were sitting right in front of him. She was a little surprised to see him get up, so she motioned Zong Che to get up and help him.

Jiang Luofan was sitting on the side, he noticed him from the corner of the eye, and his movements were one step ahead of Zong Che.

Seeing Jiang Luofan getting up, Lin Yan turned her head subconsciously. Seeing that it was Gong Ze getting up, she immediately got up and went to support him with Jiang Luofan, worried: "Why did you get up? How is your injury?"

Gong Ze pretended to be okay and shook his head: "It's okay, I can get out of bed and walk around by myself now, my medicine is so powerful, don't worry."

After the two of them helped him to the table and sat down, Jiang Luofan returned to his seat.

"I heard what you said about going to the human race just now. In fact, you don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can start today."

"But your injury..."

An Xiangwan naturally hoped to set off today. The Yaozu and the others couldn't stay for a day now. They should have left before, but they didn't know where to go.

Right now Gongze is injured and hasn't healed yet, so he can't be in a hurry.

"It's okay, my injury is a minor matter, I'll pack up and go to the human race later."

"Is it really okay?"

Jiang Luofan saw that his complexion was not looking good at the moment, he was injured, what would he do if he encountered any danger along the way?
"It's okay, you'll be fine tomorrow, don't worry."

Gong Ze just hoped that everyone would leave the dangerous place as soon as possible, especially Lin Yan. He was worried that the Seventh Prince of the Demon Race would attack again, and he was not sure if he could keep her at that time.

Zong Che was only lucky enough to see through his tricks that night.

After the Seventh Prince of the Demon Race returned, he asked his subordinates to investigate Zong Che's affairs. He was very concerned, and always felt that the male ghost had something to do with their Demon Race.

(End of this chapter)

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