Chapter 1009 This technology is so advanced that there is really no one else. 【Third watch】

This trick works, I pray that the perspective machine of the human race has the function of distinguishing the authenticity.

Fortunately, An Xiangwan and the others passed, and Qinglong's method still worked.

The domain of the human race was successfully infiltrated, and then they had to quickly find a remote corner to live temporarily, and wait for Gong Ze's injury to heal before doing other things.

Improving one's own strength is a must. Gong Ze's elixir is used to improve one's ability, but the effect is slower.

But it's better than nothing, this matter can't be rushed, and it's better to get familiar with this new environment slowly.

The domain of the human race was completely different from that of the monster race. It was completely new to An Xiangwan and the others in the yin and yang realms and the shaman realm.

After entering, they had the illusion that Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Qinglong took them along and introduced that the hotels here are all unmanned self-service, and the food is all made by machines. After asking a chef to cook it once, set it into the machine, and the machine can reproduce the same taste infinitely. .

This sounds very novel, because this level has not been reached in Yang Realm.

After hearing An Xiangwan's astonishment, Qinglong smiled and said: "Human race's wisdom is the most powerful, but their weakness is also their own condition, mortal body. Their labor wisdom is unmatched by other races. The largest family on the top of Vientiane naturally has their strengths, and at the same time, the population also ranks first."

"Hearing you say that makes me really proud of my race."

An Xiangwan was the princess of the human race in the Dian realm. After arriving at the top of Vientiane, the human race was the most prosperous and the largest clan. How could she be unhappy? How tragic and resentful the human race's experience in the Dump realm was.

At the top of Vientiane is another extreme phenomenon.

"The human race is indeed the largest race now, but their weaknesses are too obvious. Their technology is too advanced. Once the foreign races join forces, they can easily destroy the human race. If it weren't for the suppression of the gang of judges, the human race might not be over. exist."

Qinglong has already seen clearly the rules of survival at the top of Vientiane. How much money the human race gives to the judgment side every year is incalculable. Because the human race has made great contributions to the judgment side, the judgment side naturally wants to keep this water fish alive go down.

Because the Terran has always occupied the first place economically.

"I see."

An Xiangwan nodded understandingly. It might be right to come to the human race, I hope.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously looked at the two little cute babies in their family. The reason why Guagua was not allowed to ride Xiao Hei today was because they could not let them notice that Xiao Hei has also been modified to become a black deer. , Lin Wang changed back to the appearance of a Chihuahua, pretending to be a toy and let Jiujiu hug him obediently.

There are a lot of people on the street, and most of their means of transportation are flying in the sky. A small skateboard can fly in the sky. This technology is so advanced that there is really no one else.

Many stores are unmanned service stations. The convenience here is beyond imagination. For any payment method, you only need to tap your finger, and the fingerprint can be verified immediately, showing that the payment is successful.

Qinglong also handles this kind of business in the human race. As long as the documents are complete, it can be done quickly. It doesn’t have to be as troublesome as Yangjie. You have to go to a special department to handle it. Every store here has a processing machine. Moreover, the machine is not big, just the size of a bean, and it shoots out the projection screen, which can be directly operated by light-sensing touch.

(End of this chapter)

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