Chapter 1139 And He Just Was Looking For A-Lan
Zong Che and Alan didn't go out until midnight, and it was easier to do things when the moon was dark and the wind was high. Today, the daytime is cloudy, so there will be no stars and moons at night.

The wind in the autumn night was already chilling to the bones. It only took Zong Che a few minutes to walk quickly from Alan's villa to the street, and it was a bit difficult for Alan to follow behind him.

After Zong Che retrieved the container, he changed from a ghost to a demon, and the extent of his strength is unpredictable.

The guards around the block are heavily guarded, and the Grand Duke will definitely keep an eye on him for the first time, but so what, this will not affect Zong Che's actions at all.

To get back the emperor's body, he only needs to swipe his sword energy far away, and when the body falls, he can go there and take it away.

"My father's body is not in a hurry now. Go to the Royal Hospital to rescue my mother first, and it won't be too late to retrieve my father's body when I bring someone out."

A Lan's excessive calmness surprised Zong Che. If it were A Yu, she would definitely be in a hurry to get the body back first. The choice made in such a reaction is the habit of normal people's emotions.

But Zong Che suddenly discovered that Ah Lan didn't seem to have much reaction to the matter of his parents from last night until now. This man...

However, his analysis of the current situation is correct, if the remains are rescued now, it will be difficult for the living people to be rescued, and even they will die because of this.


After Zong Che nodded in agreement, Alan opened the map for him, confirmed the location of the imperial hospital with him again and again, and then set off for him.

The imperial hospital is in the imperial city of the human race, and the clan king placed Da Furen and Xiao Cai there just to keep them under his surveillance.

Once Ah Yu comes to save her, she will be unable to fly through the trap he set up.

As for this kind of thing, Zong Che can guess without Ah Lan reminding him, it is a completely low strategy for him.

The moment they entered the imperial city, there was nowhere to hide their figures.

The grand duke and the clan king who were waiting for them soon received the news, expecting that they were going to rescue the eldest lady, which was in line with their father and son's wishes, so they let them save it.

Zong Che didn't release his aura, so the aura sensed by the clan king and the hidden guard was very weak, and he couldn't even tell what race he was, but he looked familiar, as if... one of the death row prisoners they arrested. Thinking of not seeing him for a day, he seems to have changed?
But in the eyes of the Clan King, what can be changed, how much trouble can a garbage that has been stripped of its container and sealed with its power cause.

And he happened to be looking for Alan, since he came back...then don't leave.

The human race needs him very much now. If a sage hadn't told him the secret about Alan, he would have missed his grandson.

In fact, Ah Lan knew that he and Zong Che had been monitored when they entered the imperial city, and there would definitely be obstacles in saving their mother.

Even so, to Zong Che, it was not a problem at all.

On the eighth floor of the inpatient department of the Imperial Hospital, the eldest lady's ward is in one of them.

Zong Che stood downstairs in the inpatient building, raised his head and looked around the surrounding environment. After finding the entrance, he reminded Alan, and then jumped up. His figure flashed a few times on the floor in the next second. , has entered the building from a window on the tenth floor.

Seeing that his figure disappeared, Ah Lan immediately regained consciousness and hurriedly followed. It was not difficult for him to fly over the roof, but his speed could not reach Zong Che's perverted speed. It's like playing checkered squares with a child.

(End of this chapter)

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