Chapter 129 Where is the tomb of the girl?
After breakfast, An Xiangwan and Gong Ze were at the dining table continuing to chat about last night.

She doesn't want to hear about An's family for the time being, so let's talk about Zong Che.

"Doctor Gong, what does Ah Che do?"

After eating and drinking, Gong Ze took out his tablet computer from under the table to read the news. Hearing An Xiangwan's words, he thought for a while and shook his head: "I'm not very clear about this, but he must be a big deal in the underworld." The role of the boss level."

Of course An Xiangwan knew it, just by looking at his appearance.

"I heard that he has quite a lot of burial land, and the entire southern China region of the underworld is basically his."

Gong Ze added, if this ghost is a living person in the Yang Realm, it's fine, he must be the richest man in the country.

"Grave land?" An Xiangwan didn't understand this new term very well. Did he mean that he had a lot of cemeteries for sale?
But isn’t that from the Yang Realm?

"This is similar to our real estate." Gong Ze nodded seriously, as if being a ghost is more beautiful than being a human.

In fact, the cemetery in the underworld does not need to be bought with money. It only needs to contribute to the underworld. Naturally, those who are capable will prevail.

Saying so...

"Where is the tomb of Yao'er?"

When Gong Ze heard this, he almost choked on his own saliva. Could this little woman want to dig the grave of her love rival?

"This... I don't know very well, it seems to be buried next to Shen Meizhuang in Mount Mang."


An Xiangwan was a little speechless after hearing this. The two female ghosts really had a deep relationship, and they were buried together when they died.

However, she felt a little strange, why Zong Che's black coffin was buried here in the form of a cave while the two of them were buried in Mount Mang. Could it be a Feng Shui problem?

Just after thinking about it, I saw Gong Ze suddenly make a startled little reaction, and followed him to reach out and take out the phone from his trouser pocket. smell.

"It's done." He muttered happily.

"What became?"

An Xiangwan stretched his neck curiously, wanting to see what was displayed on his phone screen.

"The An family called me, shh~" Gong Ze silenced her, then connected the phone, turned on the speaker, and pretended to be cold.


At this moment, Su Peici's anxious voice came from the receiver.

"Doctor Gong, yesterday you came here to suture my Yu Ya's eyelids, and this morning, the place where I got up suppurated, what's going on?"

Su Peici felt that he had done some tricks to make it like this, otherwise how could such a small wound not be treated well.

After hearing this, Gong Ze held back his laughter, and began to talk nonsense in a serious manner.

"Did you let her wound get wet last night? If so, it must be."

Su Peici was a little annoyed: "We still understand this common sense, and we are not in the water."

"Oh, then if it's not wet, it's probably caused by an injury to the soul and body." Gongze felt that facing such a person, his medical ethics should be withdrawn.

"Injury to the soul... Su Peici doesn't know the terminology in the exorcism world very well, after all, she doesn't practice Taoism to exorcise demons, but it sounds serious.

"That's right. Since it's not an external influence, it's naturally an internal one. Miss An has dealt with ghosts for a long time, and it's inevitable that there will be a lot of scars on her soul and body. Once an outbreak occurs, it can be big or small."

Gong Ze's words are half true and half false, he doesn't know whether An Yuya has accumulated soul injuries.

"Will Dr. Gong come over to see my daughter when you are free now? You also know how important appearance is to a woman." Su Peici was very anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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