Chapter 1434 Could It Be Some Stimulation?

After the A-Huang incident at breakfast, bodyguards drove them to school. Their car was very recognizable. Passing by fans on the road, they could recognize the license plate number at a glance. They even took photos excitedly and posted them on the official website to call.

"I passed by idols! I deliberately took a long way to go that way!"

"I also deliberately took a long way to wait to see the wine queen and their car."

"Although I can't see the main body, I am very happy to see the car..."

"It's not the envy and jealousy of the babies who are in the same school as idols."

"Upstairs +1, the baby from another school is so blue and thin, he can only watch the car..."


At this moment in the carriage, Jiujiu and the others were reading books... Zhuang Sheng was already estimating the questions for his third year subjects, and his estimating questions were very accurate every time, and this time should be no exception.

All for the sake of raising the school's score, this mode of operation will also be very effective for him to take over the Zhuang Group in the future. It's not that he has done everything that the principal and tutor worried about, that's not what he said.

The school is also well aware of this level, so the outstanding fresh graduates in the school will be sent to the Zhuang Group first, and the rest will be sent to other group companies.

Zhuang's was originally a medium-sized enterprise. Later, after Zhuang Sheng's father took over, the business grew bigger and bigger. It was said that the rich would not last for three generations, but Zhuang's broke this law-like prophecy.

Not only did they not lag behind, but they became bigger and bigger. Perhaps Zhuang's real wealth has only just begun. Only after Zhuang Sheng's child is born can we see whether those words come true.

When the car drove into the school gate, the listless students suddenly regained their energy, and were so excited that they quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the car they were riding in.

Seeing the car stopped, I quickly switched to video, for fear of missing the details.

Although you can see them every day, every day is brand new, and you will never get tired of watching them.

What could be happier than being able to go to the same university as your idol? !
Jiujiu and the others have long been used to this kind of thing, but they won't pose randomly for them to take pictures, just do whatever they want.

Because they can sell at least several million in a single pose, thanks to the careful teaching and reminders of An Xiangwan and the three mothers.

It's amazing to be able to raise a child like this.

So there is a saying that is true: the good ones are always the children of other people's families.

The children were quite distressed to hear that.

Zhuang Sheng, Zijun, Zong Yuchen, and Guoguo all got off the car in pairs, while Jiu Jiu got off the car by himself.

Lin Wang is also a bow. I thought he and the Wine Queen could become a couple, but they haven't seen their relationship announced until now, and even their recent relationship seems to be in a cold war?

Even Lin Wang's aura has changed. Could it be that he was stimulated by some kind of stimulation, such as the stimulation from the Wine Queen, which caused his temperament to change drastically! ?
The wine queen herself was also very confused, who knows what Ah Huang ate wrong recently.

The last two periods of this morning are history class. The students in the front row of the classroom are very conscious to leave it to the idols, and everything is for the sake of being able to see the idols.

As long as there are idols in the class and Teacher Ah Huang's class, the students will never be absent, and they will listen to every word very carefully.

In order not to be the tail of the crane in the class, but also to work hard to work in the idol group in the future.

You must know that everyone in the Zhuang Group is an elite class, with high income and ability. After entering, not only will their official careers be bright, but they will also form lifelong partners with outstanding people.

This is one of their ultimate goals.

(End of this chapter)

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