Chapter 1507 Could it be that Mr. Jiang knows Brother Yu? [Second update]

Gong Ze coughed lightly in secret, and said to him: "Miss Zheng's wound has been healed, don't soak in cold water these two days, so as not to be infected by yin qi, and don't eat raw or cold food, if you really want to eat, let me eat it." Let her endure it for two days."

"Well, good, hard work."

Jiang Luofan acted like this because he trusted Gongze.

He wanted to stay in the room all the time, but because he missed the memories of 19 in another parallel world.

In fact, he envies him very much, because he will have Lin Yan and his daughter Guoguo in the future, but he is still alone.

"Ah, this kind of minor operation is not too hard. I'm quite free today."

Gong Ze waved his hands in embarrassment when he heard the sound. In fact, when he was busy, he would undergo several surgeries a day. For major surgeries, he would at most undergo three surgeries a day, because it would take a long time.

Sometimes it's really not a good thing to be famous, but not famous and not much income, people are so contradictory.

"That's right, go to Yingui Street Ruyi Inn for a drink that night."

Jiang Luofan opened his eyes and said with a faint smile, if he really went to the Ruyi Inn tonight, he might see Yu'an's family of three.

Xiao Yuqiang should be only fourteen or fifteen years old this year. That girl has always wanted to marry Guagua, but in the end she didn't get what she wanted, because Guagua chose Guoguo in the end, and Xiaoyuqiang returned to her previous life in the end.

In her previous life, she was Jian Shiqi's concubine, but she failed to become the main wife due to some reasons. In this life, she finally got her wish.

Although it has been going around for 33 years, but it is not in this life. Jian Shiqi has paid a lot for her, and at the same time he has paid a lot for Lin Ruyi.

While thinking about it, I heard that Gong Ze declined his kindness.

"Another day, I have to go to Zhaishi tonight to see a doctor, sorry."

In order to make money, Gong Ze sleeps very little every day and works at least seventeen hours a day, all in order to have enough money to buy medicinal materials for his father's treatment.

Only then did Jiang Luofan realize that at this moment, Gongze's father is still alive, it's just...

The current Gongze doesn't know that his father probably has a year left to live. He is revisiting their stories bit by bit, like an insider or someone else, a little sad.

He can't change history, he can only watch, as a bystander.

"Okay, then another day."

Gong Ze nodded with a smirk, and immediately woke up, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Could it be that Mr. Jiang knows Brother Yu?"

If not, why invite him to the Ruyi Inn in Yingui Street?

"No, I've only admired the inn's name for a long time, and I want to go and see it."

"So that's how it is. I'll go over with you to have a look when I'm free in two days."

Jiang Luofan concealed it perfectly, and his eyes were as still as water, which made Gongze completely unable to see through his thoughts, but he had an intuition that Mr. Jiang knew Brother Yu.

But then again, it was strange that whoever introduced him to bring Zheng Lanyin to see him, and no one said hello to him beforehand.

"Okay, is there anything else she needs to pay attention to?"

"Not yet. I'll tell you if there is one. She won't wake up until after the anesthesia wears off. There's nothing else serious about it."

Gong Ze put his hands into the pockets of his white coat as he spoke, looking a little lazy.

After Jiang Luofan nodded, he said that he had something to leave. He had just walked a few steps when he suddenly remembered something, turned around and added to him, "I'll come over later and make a ghost-proof formation."

"it is good."

Jiang Luofan responded, in fact, it doesn't matter if the formation is done or not, because with him around, no ghost would dare to approach.

(End of this chapter)

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