Chapter 1509 Mr. Jiang, do you have someone you like? 【Four more】

The ghost old woman disappeared after that, Zheng Lanyin quickly withdrew her hand, but the next second she woke up from the nightmare, opened her eyes and the environment was the same, but when it was different, Jiang Luofan was sitting on the sofa behind the hospital bed, cross-legged. sitting in meditation...

Is it true what happened to the ghost old woman just now?
She hoped it was just a nightmare, and she really didn't want to have any entanglements with any ghosts, and hoped that they would stop coming to her. If this continues, how can she have any good luck?

If there is no luck, it means that it is even more impossible for her to be with Jiang Luofan in the future.

Thinking about it, she tried to call Jiang Luofan.

"Mr. Jiang?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Luofan slowly opened his eyes. Under the dim light, his eyes were extraordinarily bright, like a cat's tricks at night.

"what happened?"

His thin lips moved slightly, he didn't seem to know about her nightmare just now.

"I just felt like... hell."


After hearing this, Zheng Lanyin felt uncomfortable. He knew why he didn't drive the ghost old woman away and let him haunt her. She didn't want to go to the ghost old woman's house tomorrow. Just thinking of the funeral at her house made her feel unlucky.

The evil spirit on her body has not been cleaned up yet.

"The old lady originally lived in the common ward downstairs, and she came here because she was attracted by your misfortune. There is a causal relationship. Since you provoked it, you should solve it."

Jiang Luofan felt that this was one of the paths she had to go through before becoming an excellent exorcist. Although Gongze told her not to get yin qi recently, as it would affect her treatment due to infection, some things had already been arranged , perhaps this is also one of the kalpas after Wu Zhi Bodhisattva's reincarnation.

"...Do I really want to go back with it tomorrow?"

Zheng Lanyin really didn't want to go, but she had promised the old ghost just now, it seemed that she couldn't go.

"Since you promised, you must keep your promise."

Jiang Luofan felt that helping Yin people spread the word was not a bad thing, doing the opposite could accumulate Yin virtue for himself.

"Okay...then will you go with me? I'm afraid to go alone."

Zheng Lanyin was helpless, if he didn't go with her, wouldn't it be even worse, it is very likely that he will go there but not return.


Naturally, Jiang Luofan would not let her go alone. If there was a mistake, he would not be able to explain it to the Buddha.

She was relieved after hearing this, and immediately got up and poured herself a glass of water to drink, suppressing her shock, wanting to sleep but not daring to sleep, for fear that the ghost old woman would haunt her in her dreams again, God knows how terrifying it looks.

"Mr. Jiang, how did you meet Dr. Gong?"

Since she can't sleep, then chat with Monk Jiang, maybe you can have a few words of coquettish, just thinking about it makes her a little excited and doesn't want to sleep.

"Introduced by a friend."

Jiang Luofan didn't want to reveal more, even Gong Ze didn't know what he looked like.

"Oh...Mr. Jiang, have you been a monk since you were a child?"

If this is the case, wouldn't it be the same as Tang Sanzang?

Jiang Luofan felt that she talked too much tonight, like a troubled girl.


"Mr. Jiang, do you have someone you like?"

Although he knew that he was a monk, it was true that he became a monk, but he was a human being, so it was impossible that he had not secretly touched Fanxin, right? "

Jiang Luofan sighed lightly, this was the last question he wanted to answer.

"You talk too much."


Zheng Lanyin responded embarrassingly, then shut up and didn't make another sound, wondering if her question just now made him feel guilty?
(End of this chapter)

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