Chapter 1514 Tonight should be the day when An Xiangwan goes to the cave to find Zong Che to make a contract [Second update]

Jiang Luofan took Zheng Lanyin back to the hospital ward, called Gongze, and he came over to check on her injuries. Because she was infected with Yin Qi again, she had to be anesthetized again, undergo a minor operation, and purify it, otherwise she would be injured. It made the misfortune in her body worse.

Speaking of which, Jiang Luofan didn't seem to go back to his ward last night, and had been watching over Zheng Lanyin. He probably didn't hear what the ghost old woman said to her in her dream, but if he didn't hear it, how would he know the ghost old woman? Looking for her?

Anyway, she'd better take it easy, lest seeing a woman Jiang Luofan likes would blow her to death, she's beautiful and powerful... to what extent?
Count Zhang Jiayan for more than a month. During this time, I hope she can recuperate in peace. No more monsters ask her for help. She doesn't want to help at all. She hasn't handled her affairs well. However, he always came to her because he must have thought that she was too easy to bully.

Because of seeing the ghost old woman twice in a dream, her yang energy was insufficient and her wounds healed slowly.

For the next three days, Zheng Lanyin stayed in the hospital except for calling home every day. Gongze set up an anti-ghost formation, and there were no ghosts to harass her at night. She was left alone in the room at night, and occasionally I woke up involuntarily because I felt something, and when I opened my eyes, I would see one or two ghosts floating outside the window, knocking on the glass window all the time, and someone was knocking on the door of the ward, trying to come in and pester her .

She can hardly sleep at night, this bad breath is really awesome, it can attract so many ghosts to her.

For the first day or two, she was so annoyed that she couldn't sleep, Jiang Luofan had to stay in her room at night, his body was wrinkled and his ghost was scared.

But even though the ghost was gone, she still couldn't sleep, because Jiang Luofan was sitting there, and she couldn't sleep comfortably, either turning over or not turning over, she was so tangled up in sleep.

Maybe it's because she has too many distracting thoughts in her heart, obviously he already has someone he likes, and the person he likes is not her, so why should she be nervous, besides, no one takes her seriously, she is here alone Nervous.

After struggling until two o'clock in the morning, she couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.

Jiang Luofan knew that Zheng Lanyin was interested in him. She had experienced this kind of thing before. When Changsheng was still A Yu, she tried every means. He didn't know how to refuse at that time, because he was afraid of hurting her. After all, A Yu Once because of saving them, the emperor's mansion was destroyed.

This night, he was recalling what happened in the 19 years in another parallel world.

He can't sleep, because he is familiar with every corner here, but he can no longer participate in those people and things, just like going to Wangsheng Pavilion after death, looking back on his life, maybe the Buddha is giving Is he sentenced to death?
He is a different kind of existence in the Buddhist world.

It's getting brighter...

When the sun was about to rise, he got up and went back to the room.

Counting the days, tonight should be the day when An Xiangwan goes to the cave to find Zong Che to make a contract...

Should he go over and have a look?
But if he passes, Zheng Lanyin will be left alone, think about it or forget it, why bother to torture yourself again, if you don’t watch it, just pretend you don’t know, anyway, those things are destined to be like this, everything is a foregone conclusion, He cannot and cannot change.

Once history is changed, there will be a heavy price to pay, that's why he can't show up by An Xiangwan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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