Chapter 1520 Don't break the commandments, remember... [eight more]

"I don't want to discuss this with you. I'm sleepy. I'll go back to my room first. If you need anything, you can ring the bell for Dr. Gong."

Jiang Luofan was very upset. He chose to avoid such a question, and without giving Zheng Lanyin a chance to continue, he got up and strode out of the room.

"it is good."

She didn't say any more, she couldn't be too hasty.

There is still some time to get along with him, she will work hard for it...

Maybe after the Zhang family banquet, he will leave her, so let's talk about it at that time.

As long as there is one day left, she will work tirelessly.

Didn't he say that the food she cooks is delicious?

Then after returning home from the hospital, he will cook diligently for him every day. When he gets used to eating, maybe one day even if he leaves, he will think of her because of the food.

But after Jiang Luofan left the meeting, Zheng Lanyin's feverish mind gradually calmed down, and she couldn't help crouching down with her head in her arms—she must have suffered from a mental illness just now!
Actually confessed to him, knowing that she would be rejected, and she couldn't compare with that woman at all, she was schizophrenic just now and borrowed courage from Liang Jingru, right?

I'm so sorry!

What to do, how to face him in the future? !

When I got too excited, I scratched my hair like a chicken coop.

After squatting on the ground for a while, she suddenly became quiet again, feeling that Li Bai was more suitable as a research object for psychiatrists than Li Bai.

"Forget it, let's sleep for a while, maybe everyone will forget it when we wake up."

Zheng Lanyin got up, climbed onto the hospital bed, tucked herself in the quilt, closed her eyes and told herself to go to bed first, but...

After the small meeting, she couldn't help but kicked the quilt frantically a few times, rolled over and over on the bed several times, she felt like she was going crazy!
It's okay, why did she die?
If Jiang Luofan left after Zhang's family banquet, she would just want to see others and have no chance, and if she never interacted with each other...

Think about it, she is the one who needs to be rescued from the sea of ​​misery in the end.

How about she ring the bell now to call Dr. Gong over and let him chat with her about life.

After several times of hesitation, she still chose to sleep. She closed her eyes and told herself to calm down and sleep...

Repeated self-hypnosis, and slowly fell asleep...

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, she heard someone talking in her dream.

"Wu Zhi, you reincarnated to practice, don't break the commandments, remember..."

Zheng Lanyin couldn't understand who was saying this to?
"Who are you?"

However, that voice sounded like a repeater, which annoyed her so much.

It may be a convulsion, and it will be fine when I wake up.

When she woke up, it was past one o'clock in the afternoon, and she had long forgotten the words in the previous dream.

When she got up and walked out of the room to go to the cafeteria for lunch, she saw Gong Ze walking towards her with a brown paper bag.

"Hi, did you sleep well?"

"Well, good afternoon."

Gong Ze walked up to her and handed her the bag of paper.

"Here, lunch, Mr. Jiang asked me to bring it for you. He has something to go out."

"Thank you... Did he say anything about the past?"

Zheng Lanyin thinks that he probably doesn't want to see her for a while, the words she said to him earlier are quite embarrassing, aren't they?

"No, what's the matter? The conversation is broken?" Gong Ze guessed what Zheng Lanyin was thinking.

"It's a pity that you are not a fortune teller."

Zheng Lanyin smiled bitterly helplessly, and took the bag. They were all relatively appetizing and refreshing side dishes. It didn't feel like Jiang Luofan would prepare them for her, it should be Gong Ze.

"Thank you."

 Babies, the 6th update is uploaded today, and tomorrow will be between 8th and [-]th update.Meme Zha
  Ask for a recommendation ticket + monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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