Chapter 1523 Jiang Luofan just glanced at it just now, not much, she guesses it's not a loss

"Are you going to see her in the afternoon?"

Zheng Lanyin didn't want to ask at first, even if she could guess his next answer, she still had nothing to do to find trouble for herself and asked to death.


Jiang Luofan's attitude was indifferent.

Such a reaction made her feel uncomfortable, but it was all self-inflicted.

"Oh, eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

"Leave it alone, I don't want to eat yet."

Jiang Luofan is not in the mood to eat now, and it doesn't matter if he eats or not.

"You don't want to eat it. If you don't eat it, I will throw it away."

As soon as Zheng Lanyin finished speaking, she regretted it in her heart!

How could her personality suddenly become so annoying, even she couldn't accept it, as expected, jealousy can make people ugly, from the inside out!

"Let it go."

Jiang Luofan watched her put it down and pick it up again, and even played a little temper. He was even more difficult to deal with than A Yu back then. He thought that this time he could handle it like A Yu did, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

But back then, Ah Yu and Zheng Lanyin had different personalities, and the process of getting along was also different.

"I want you to eat now."


Jiang Luofan really... didn't know what to do with her, but he told her to let her eat it later, but in fact he might not even eat it tomorrow.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take the food box from her hand and put it aside. It felt awkward to let him eat suddenly.

"Eat it later, don't rush."


Zheng Lanyin actually wanted to find a step for him and herself, so she hesitated for two or three seconds, turned around and went into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

Maybe he ate when she wasn't looking.

I don't know if he went on a date with that woman after meeting her today...

This kind of madness that is clearly in front of her but can't be obtained is like the fear of falling from a high altitude, but she can only hold on desperately, and she doesn't know how long she can last.

In the bathroom, Zheng Lanyin rinsed her mouth and washed her face. When she was taking off her clothes, she suddenly felt a strange feeling. She thought she was overthinking, but when she looked up at the mirror, she suddenly felt creepy!
A gloomy woman with pale lips and a pair of dark eyes staring straight at her.

"Stay away from Dr. Gong, he is mine, stay away from him!"

This frightened Zheng Lanyin. She doesn't have any magic weapon on her body now. If this female ghost goes crazy, wouldn't she be dead? In a hurry, she quickly picked up something and threw it at the mirror, turned around and opened the door ran out!
Jiang Luofan was outside to eat what Zheng Lanyin handed him just now, when he suddenly sensed the yin qi wafting from the bathroom, and after a while, there was the harsh sound of broken glass, worried that she would be in danger, so he got up and strode away .

When he got to the door, he saw Zheng Lanyin rushing out of it like his whole butt was on fire, and crashed directly into his arms.

"Mr. Jiang Jiangjiang, there is a female ghost inside, it, it, it... ah!"

She was only halfway through her words before she realized that she was so frightened just now that she forgot to put on her clothes when she escaped, but now she rushed out wearing only a small triangle and nothing on her top, embarrassing up! ! !
"Go and put on your clothes, I'll go in and have a look."

Jiang Luofan just glanced at it just now, not much, she guessed it was not a loss, when she spoke, she sounded very calm, as if she was saying that she was not attractive to him at all!
(End of this chapter)

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