Chapter 1728 Going to the future world is his way of life

When Zheng Lanyin sat down, she noticed that An Xiangwan was looking at her, confused and embarrassed.

"Miss An, is there something on my face?"

"No, I just think you're cute."

An Xiangwan's words were sincere. Zheng Lanyin's appearance was really cute, and his personality should also be very lively.

When Jiang Luofan heard An Xiangwan complimenting his woman, his face immediately showed some color, and the corners of his thin lips curled up without realizing it.

Zheng Lanyin didn't expect to be so caught off guard by An Xiangwan's praise, her fair face immediately turned rosy.

"Thank are beautiful too."

What she said was sincere and too beautiful.

"It's really cute."

An Xiangwan likes honest people like her. Jiang Luofan really has a good eye, and she also likes this little girl very much.

"Jiang Luofan" who was sitting on the other side looked at Zheng Lanyin a few more times. Looking at him from the perspective of his current mentality of taking An Xiangwan as the most perfect in the world, Zheng Lanyin was extremely ordinary, and he didn't see anything beautiful at all.

He was even more confused, what exactly did his future self like in her?
It's really just because he is cute, he doesn't think he is such a superficial person.

Hei Qilin and Xiao Yaoyu raised their heads tacitly, glanced at each other, then lowered their heads and continued to eat breakfast. They can't put their mouths in their mouths about adult matters, so they can just eat.

The black unicorn has a special fondness for children. When it sees Xiaoyaoyu is good, it can't help but miss the little Guagua back then. It was so cute, but time is gone, Guagua grows up and gives birth It's leaving the little master, no, this time, in order to come to help Jiang Luofan, it put the little master over there for a while, and came over.

Zheng Lanyin was praised so much that she sat obediently in her seat, drinking soy milk with her head down. What she couldn't bear most was being praised.

After breakfast, everyone sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and the sound was not loud. An Xiangwan and Jiang Luofan sat on the side discussing the next plan in low voices. Apart from a few suggestions, the rest silently listened.

Even Zheng Lanyin couldn't understand some of the content...

Whenever this happens, there is an uncomfortable feeling that I am out of tune with them.

An Xiangwan said that he would stay here for a few days until Jiang Luofan's injury improved and he could open the space-time array.

After talking with Jiang Luofan, she said she had something to do and went out.

Jiang Luofan guessed that she should go to the hospital for An Yuya and Su Peici. She killed An Weiyi with her own hands last night. The pain in her heart must be because she wanted to find a place to calm down.

The time that has passed, maybe she also wants to look back.

When Zheng Lanyin heard that An Xiangwan would stay for a few days, she wondered when it would be better to tell her that she wanted to learn powerful exorcism from her.

Last night, An Xiangwan told Xiao Hei to observe Zheng Lanyin for a day today, to see if he could find any suspicious clues from her.

Jiang Luofan should also be able to sense Zheng Lanyin's aura...

Jiang Luofan told another self that when An Xiangwan returns to the future world, he hopes that he will go there with him, because there are too many uncertain factors in this world that affect his safety, and going to the future world is his way of life .

"Jiang Luofan" is meaningless, he also wants to be by Xiao Wan's side, but he seems to have neglected that there is Zong Che in another parallel world, even if he passes by, nothing can be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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