Chapter 175 She Was Unexpected
The banquet pool is warmly lit, the floor in the hallway is as bright as a mirror, the door is high and reaches the ceiling, and there are four security guards on the left and right, with serious expressions, and guests who enter have to ask for advice.

An Xiangwan saw some Fang, and the environment was too different from what she expected. This outfit didn't seem suitable for such an occasion?
Look at the male ghost next to him, he is still wearing the same ancient purple clothes and black trousers for thousands of years...

"go in."


Zong Che stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, and the cool warmth of his hands soaked into her skin through the cloth, making her tremble slightly, as if Su Ma was electrified, her knees felt a little weak when she took a step.

When they entered, eight little ghost fires appeared out of nowhere, floating around them like decorations.

"Young lady is so beautiful today."

The childish voice is low, and the little guy's happy mood can be heard.

An Xiangwan reached out and stroked its small head: "Thank you."

Walking into the magnificent banquet pool, the main theme is gold and white, and there is an open kitchen for every five tables, and there are chefs and chefs in it, which is very luxurious.

In the arena, most of the guests tonight are people from the industry, with their own contract ghost servants, holding wine glasses, looking for a purpose to chat.

Needless to say, the An family would definitely come, but An Xiangwan hadn't seen them yet.

Just as he was about to find a seat to sit down, the people in front, back, left, and left all suddenly focused their gazes on her side, as if they were about to be besieged in shock. Leave the crowd circle and sit down in a remote location.

The crowd who were going to gather around to curry favor with An Xiangwan in the distance looked confused. Could it be that they were collectively dazzled and looked at each other.

"Huh? What about people?"

"Probably because Mr. Zong and Mrs. Zong don't want to be disturbed..."

"Cough—it's true, with so many of us surrounding us, Mrs. Zong must have been frightened."

"Just know, don't follow me next time."

"It's you who don't follow me."

The group dispersed after a few childish exchange of words.

After An Xiangwan sat down, he patted the frightened darling. He was really blocked for not being famous, and he was "encircled and suppressed" for being famous. People are afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong.
Zong Che sat down next to Ren'er, beckoning the little will-o'-the-wisp to pour her a glass of lemonade, suppressing his shock.

The two little will-o'-the-wisps floated up and picked up the kettle to pour water together, and the other picked up a cup to hold it, and when it was [-]% full, floated up and handed it respectfully.

"Young lady, please use water."

"Hmm~ so cute."

Hearing the sound, An Xiangwan took the water glass with a smile, and felt that their little will-o'-the-wisp was like a cute pet, not only smart, but also a little magic.

She had just finished praising her in her heart when there was a lot of commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Subconsciously looking, it turned out that it was people from the An family who came. What she didn't expect was that Shen Meizhuang came in with An's family. She was smiling, and she was talking about something with An Jixing. The relationship seemed to be quite harmonious. .

After An Jixing, An Yuya and Su Peici entered afterward, and An Xiangwan had a hunch that a storm was about to hit tonight.

When she watched people come in with a frown, the little ghost fires had brought food and put it in front of her according to their owner's order.

"Fill your stomach first, and then deal with irrelevant people."

Zong Che called Ren'er's attention back, he naturally saw the ghost mother and An's family coming in, and he could more or less guess what crooked idea she had.

If she wants to get married with An's family, he won't intervene, but she has to remember the consequences at her own risk.

(End of this chapter)

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