Chapter 1771 That's right, that's what they did to make things up

"Go, you can correct your mistakes if you know your mistakes, there is nothing good about it."

"Buddha, let's take our leave first."

After the monks finished speaking, their figures disappeared from the hall.

Buddha himself was left in the Great Hall of All Beings at this time, and he gradually revealed his true expression—full of worry.

Ksitigarbha's calamity has only just begun, and this is a continuation of the calamity he had not completed in his previous life.

The group of monks did not go to the Ksitigarbha Valley after leaving the Hall of All Beings, but to the most secret place in the Buddhist world, a place that even the Buddha's spiritual consciousness could not enter.

As soon as they stepped into the circle, their attire immediately changed into a black outfit, with deadly weapons hanging on their backs, waists, arms, and upper and lower parts of legs, according to each person's specialties.

The original bald head turned into thick black hair in the blink of an eye. There were men and women, and some of them had some hideous scars on their faces, with cold eyes and serious expressions.

There are quaint tables and chairs in the circle, which seem to have been around for a long time. Each chair has a different font size engraved on the back, representing their identification signs. There are 16 people in total.

After sitting down, a woman who seemed to be in the main seat in front of her was covered with a black veil and could only see her eyes. She spoke first.

"The identity of Ksitigarbha has been determined, and the next step is to find the woman who escaped back then. The time is too long. I'm afraid she will recover from her injuries and join us in the army. This matter must be completed as soon as possible. Only then can the imperial city be conquered."

"If the enchantment is not broken for a day, it proves that the woman is still alive, so I want to find her out."

"It's just that the woman is too good at hiding, knowing that she fled to the Yin and Yang worlds, and then lost her whereabouts."

"Do you think you will talk about one of the women next to Dizang?"

"This may not be a big deal, because they all have spiritual energy, and that woman has no spiritual energy."

"Find her as soon as possible."

"The two realms of Yin and Yang are so big that it is very troublesome to find them. It is more practical to find a way to get rid of Ksitigarbha first."

"If it weren't for what the Buddha said just now, we would not be able to determine the identity of the Ksitigarbha King."

"The pawns in the yin and yang realms are too stupid, they didn't help much, and even lost the Tianqiling."

"Hmph, I'm ashamed to say that the Ksitigarbha King in the parallel world was killed ahead of time, and instead was sent to the future parallel world. The few peak powerhouses at the top of Vientiane are difficult to deal with."

"It's as if Ksitigarbha is easy to deal with."

"You're making sarcastic remarks there, just those idiots you found, the Anjia trash is like shit, thank you for taking advantage of it."

"Anyway, I made a contribution. The Ksitigarbha King was about to die. I asked you to stay in the Jiang mansion to watch, but none of you wanted to go. Even the remaining blood couldn't kill him. What can I say?"

"Hehe, the residual blood is still coming out, less obsessed with Yangjie games, and contribute more to the organization."

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom."

"Okay, stop arguing. Every time you sit down for a meeting, you two are arguing like boiled porridge."

"The Buddhist world is currently invincible, because there is Ksitigarbha, the Buddhist realm should have been occupied back then, but you idiots turned it into a vast ocean, and now it is impossible to occupy it, and the water cannot be drained. "

The few people who were arguing just now fell silent: "..."

That's right, that's what they did.

(End of this chapter)

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