Chapter 179 Hehe... Let me tell you, this girl is not a clean one

Hearing a lot of commotion in the banquet hall, the conversation was interrupted. Looking in the direction of the incident, it seemed to be An Xiangwan's side.

Zong Che immediately frowned, letting the little goblin go for a while, he really couldn't have a moment's peace, attracting bees and butterflies.

"Ache, let's go and have a look first."

Gong Ze was a little worried, afraid that those people would be beaten to the ground by Lin Yan. The female ghost looked elegant and dignified, harmless to humans and animals...but her strength was in stark contrast to her appearance.

"Mr. Zong, we will go with you and Dr. Gong to see the situation."

Those few big customers took the initiative to speak, and their intention was obviously to choose them.

Furthermore, Mrs. Zong Shao's ability has been widely spread in the industry recently, which is just an eye-opener.

After walking over, the situation was as Gong Ze expected, someone was beaten by Lin Yan, and the table was even smashed.

"What happened?"

Zong Che frowned, glanced at the beer-bellied man whose head had been smashed to death in the corner of the wall, and then his eyes fell on his family, Xiao Huoshui.

An Xiangwan met her gaze and was startled. Why did he feel that he was questioning her?
Seeing so many people around, he hurried over to hug his thighs and pretended to be innocent.

"Ah Che, I'm so scared. What the uncle said just now was so nasty, and he even humiliated me and Sister Lin."

Zong Che and Gong Ze frowned immediately after hearing this, and the guests around started pointing and discussing.

"There are people like this every year, but this year they have done too much shamelessly."

"It's blind. I just saw him jumping towards Mrs. Zong Shao, so I was kicked away by Miss Lin."

"no Zuo no Die."

Zong Che listened to the discussions of the people around, and ordered the ghost fire in a cold voice: "Bring him over here."

"Yes, Lord."

The will-o'-the-wisp responded respectfully, and floated to the side of the beer-bellied man. There were two will-o'-the-wisps on the left and right, helped him up, and brought him to a position about two meters in front of Zong Che.

"And the three of them."

How could An Xiangwan miss these mice.

The four of them were brought in front of them, but two of them struggled a few times with a look of disdain. It's really a drunken life, and when they wake up, they will regret it until their intestines are green.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the one who was still awake quickly admitted his mistake and apologized: "Mr. Zong, Mrs. Zong, I didn't say a word just now, but I just happened to walk towards them."

"You laughed with them just now."

Little Will-o'-the-wisp said too much, this kind of person is the worst.

The man became ugly after hearing the sound, and didn't dare to speak again.

Shen Meizhuang and An's family of three had just walked in at this time, and when they saw the four people in front of the ground and the situation in front of them, they understood what was going on, and when no one was paying attention, they muttered something in their mouths, and then laughed It was a sinister one.

Su Peici noticed her small movements and probably guessed something, she pretended not to know and looked away.

Immediately, a man's voice announced unexpected news, and he was the middle-aged man who called Lao Cheng's name just now. ridicule and contempt.

"I just said why this girl looks familiar. It turns out to be the young lady of the Zong family, ha ha... Let me tell you, this girl is not a clean product. She was almost beaten by some gangsters in the hospital a few days ago. , and she was imprisoned a few years ago, she came from a murderer... a few days ago, she ruined the eyes of Miss An Er, it's really unexpected that such a vicious woman can marry into the clan's family."

(End of this chapter)

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