Chapter 189 Sold
The man is estimated to be over 1.8 meters tall, with a wheat complexion, piercing eyes, slightly thick lips, and a crew cut, looking very sunny.

He was wearing an army green vest, camouflage mid-cut trousers, and white work gloves. There was an obvious red mark on the shoulder that had just carried the coffin.

"Well, long time no see."

An Xiangwan responded, and then motioned for them to carry them into the cave. She led the way with a flashlight.

The man's name was Mu Yi. When Jiang Luofan left that year, he specially arranged for her to specialize in intelligence investigation. There were two of them, but it was Mu Yi who contacted her, and the other one seemed to not exist.

Mu Yi looked at the dark cave, and there were still a lot of eerie bones on the way in. If he didn't know what An Xiangwan was doing, he would have thought she had gone crazy.

When they got to the bottom of the cave, An Xiangwan asked the little ghost fire to clean up Zong Che's old coffin, and then replaced the coffin, and asked them to carry the old one away.

Seeing the dilemma, the little ghost fire was at a loss. There was nothing to clean up in the old coffin. What it was struggling with now was how to explain to the master when he came back?

Seeing that those Yang people were about to carry the old coffin away, they hurriedly called out: "Young Madam, have you told the Lord that you want to change the coffin for him?"

An Xiangwan shook his head when he heard the sound, "Cut first, then play."

If she dares to disagree, she will never end with him!

He only promised last night that he would get rid of the relationship with Yao'er, so it is reasonable to replace the coffin she gave her now.

It's just that Zong Che couldn't let Zong Che know the material of this coffin - Jiang Luofan gave it to her as a love token...

Why does it feel like Jiang Luofan is indirectly sending her a coffin as a token of love?
Realizing this, she even found it funny to herself, which is amazing.

"Sister An, what are you going to do with this old coffin?"

Although Mu Yi doesn't know about antiques, but this coffin must be an antique with a lot of value.


An Xiangwan kept on doing nothing, but he just sold a ghost's house, it's no big deal.

The little ghost fire was once again shocked after hearing this, the people from the Yang Realm are really...

How on earth should it tell the Lord? After being dead for so long, it is the first time that it feels so tired and wants to cry...

"Young lady, why don't you tell the Lord first?"

Hey, hey, it just wants to be a little will-o'-the-wisp in peace, but the young lady of the family is so troubled and troubled.

"Don't be afraid, I will take care of everything for you."

An Xiangwan was no longer afraid of Zong Che, perhaps because he had figured out his temperament.

When Mu Yi heard her whispering, he didn't know what she was talking about, and immediately made him feel horrified. In this gloomy cave, which was dark and invisible, only the light of the flashlight in her hand barely illuminated a corner.

"Sister An, who are you talking to?"

An Xiangwan came back to his senses when he heard the sound, and when he looked up at Mu Yi, he scratched his hair embarrassingly, and said haha, "Oh~ I was reciting a spell just now, don't worry, nothing happened, okay, you guys put this Take the coffin and sell it, as much as you can sell."

"oh oh……"

Mu Yi nodded hesitantly, and then signaled the others to put the coffin on a rope and carry it out of the cave.

As soon as the coffin was changed, An Xiangwan sensed a strong yin energy, like a gust of wind and lightning, surging from the ground.

It was only after he appeared that he realized that it was Zong Che who had returned, and it was neither too early nor too late.

Seeing him, An Xiangwan and Little Ghost Huo felt a little guilty, worried, how would he react after seeing his coffin replaced?
 Babies, the fourth update has been uploaded today, and the fourth update will be tomorrow.

  In addition, regarding the next violent update, it is estimated that it will be in the middle and late next month, and it will last for about two or three weeks by then, so stay tuned~
  I love you, cute~~~
(End of this chapter)

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