Chapter 219 His life was taken by you.


A sound like an explosion suddenly sounded, causing a violent earthquake in the vicinity.

An Xiangwan was so startled that she immediately woke up from her sleep, opened her eyes, and looked in the direction of the source of the sound. He saw that the entire Jiang residence was enveloped in a blood-colored yin, and the house could no longer be seen clearly, as if it had been trapped The crimson flames are burning, and the situation looks dire!

He opened the car door, took out the black talisman and beam wand, and was about to go in, but was stopped by the ghost fire.

"Young Madam, you can't go in. The Lord told us to keep an eye on you. No matter what happens inside, we won't let you in."

The four will-o'-the-wisps crossed in front of An Xiangwan in the blink of an eye. Even if they fought for the little soul, they wanted to keep the young lady and the future young master!

"What's going on inside?"

An Xiangwan stamped her feet anxiously. If she doesn't go in, is it really okay?
"Young Madam, don't worry, the Lord is so powerful, a mere chrysalis can't trouble him, so go back to the car and sit down."

Worried that she would be hurt by the yin qi, the will-o'-the-wisp urged her anxiously, stuck to her body, and tried to take her into the car.

An Xiangwan couldn't laugh or cry when she saw this. If these little guys were so nervous and so far away, how could they hurt her.

But having said that, she can't just watch and do nothing.

After thinking for a while, he turned on his phone and searched for "Ksitigarbha Sutra", which might also be effective for the chrysalis.

The will-o'-the-wisp floated around her, like a circle of green trinkets, watching her tap her phone, and asked, "Young Madam, what are you going to do?"


An Xiangwan replied disapprovingly. After finding it, he sat cross-legged in the car.

"Oh, we also like to listen to scriptures. Uncle Liu said that listening more will help our cultivation."

After the ghost fire finished speaking happily, it fell silent and listened to An Xiangwan's chanting.

"...Thus I heard, the Buddha is in the Trayali Heaven for a while...can be in the evil world of the five turbidities..."


A black hole is opening at the place where the chrysalis resides, and the arrogant yin energy is constantly surging out of it, just like the scene of a fire. Jiang Renzhong and his wife have passed out on the ground, unconscious.

Jiang Luofan stood still in the same place, looking in front of his eyes, a half-length female ghost was exposed on the huge pupae in the cave entrance, the appearance was not familiar, he would have seen it haunting him when he was a child, it was Jiang Yatian who died mother.

At this moment, it was staring at him angrily, its red eyes were full of resentment, causing its face to contort, so ferocious that it made people tremble with fear.

"Why do you always do this to him—why?!"

It growled hysterically at Jiang Luofan.

"His life was taken by you."

Jiang Luofan's words sounded very cold, as if he had no emotion at all, but only he knew how painful the heart in his chest was.

"You killed him—you!

If it wasn't for you, how could he die, all of this is your fault... I want you to bury my son with him!

All buried with my son! "

The more the female ghost talked, the crazier her emotions became, and finally she lost control completely. In the blink of an eye, she had already floated in front of Jiang Luofan, grinning bloodthirstyly at him.

"As long as there is no you, all this will belong to my son..."

"It's a pity that he will never get it, because it was you who brought him to another world. He and Dad have been atoning for you, but you have become more expensive..."

Jiang Luofan has no fear in the face of the female ghost. While his father and elder brother are atoning for the female ghost, he is also atoning for his mother.

 Babies, upload two chapters first for the time being, and there are two more chapters to upload later, okay?

  Tomorrow is also the fourth watch.

  Regarding the question of whether the baby can be updated in advance, an editor has already arranged it, and Suzuki has a solution.

  In the end, I just want to say: writing a novel is not easy, and writing it well is even more difficult. Sometimes there will be bottlenecks, and I can’t code it out. There is a plot but I am still struggling with how to express it. So, I hope you understand, love you Meng ~ Comparing heart.

(End of this chapter)

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